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Март 2012

How to determine the owners of an alberta company

How To Determine The Owners Of An Alberta Company

If you are doing business with an Alberta company it might be advantageous for you to do what is called an «Alberta corporation search» sometimes called an «Alberta company search» or «Alberta corporate search», or an «Alberta Non-Profit Search» for Alberta non-profit companies. These searches can be obtained online from companies who specialize in legal searches.

There are different types of searches so it is very important when determining what search to have done that you ensure you are ordering the correct one. You would not want to do an Alberta name search or an Alberta Nuans search in order to determine information about a company. Nuans name searches are done to determine if a name is in use. Likewise you would not want to do a corporate search for a business, sole proprietorship or trade name. That would be considered an Alberta trade name search. If you have any question as to whether you are ordering the correct product send an email to the online service you wish to use first and let them know what information you are trying to determine about a corporation and they will direct you to which search you should be ordering. The reason why this is important is that the government charges different fees for different searches and therefore you want to ensure you order the correct product.

Alberta provides more information about a corporation when you purchase a corporate search than most other provinces which can be a benefit. In many of the provinces you will not be able to ascertain who the shareholders of a corporation are. The shareholders are the owners of the corporation. The directors are elected by the owners to handle the business affairs of the corporation and the officers are appointed by the directors to assist them with their duties.

An Alberta Corporation/Non-Profit Search will provide you with the following information:

1. corporation’s registered office address in Alberta;

2. names and addresses for all directors;

3. names and addresses of all shareholders and the percentage of ownership that each shareholder owns in the corporation;

4. the name of any other company that the corporation owns shares in;

5. confirmation that the corporation is up-to-date with its annual return filings and therefore in good standing with the government;

6. a list of all of the filings that the corporation has done to date and the dates of those filings which would include changes in its name, changes in its directors and/or changes in its address;

7. a breakdown of the share structure of the corporation which would tell you the types of shares that the corporation may issue, i.e. common, preferred;

8. the corporation’s Alberta access number which is the number which the Alberta government assigns to the corporation;

9. a list of all previous names of the corporation;

10. date of incorporation;

11. the nature of business if there are any restrictions; and

12. any restrictions on the corporation’s ability to transfer shares

The one thing that the Alberta government does not provide with an Alberta corporate search is the names of the officers of the corporation, however, frequently for smaller companies one or more of the directors will hold the standard position of President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.

Learn from the great success stories in business

Learn from the Great Success Stories in Business

We are fighters, right? We all are. We fight, we fall, then we stand up and again, we fight. If you are running a business, you are running great risks, you have to be tough and you have to be more of a fighter. You fight everyday. You don’t know when you’ll fall and again you’ll have to stand up and fight again.

Well, if you fall too often, you are not a fighter, you are stupid. People keep talking stuff like I am a self made person and all such crap. Well, everyone in this world is self made. People have different styles of achieving success, some achieve success through hook other do it from crook and still others don’t ever achieve what they want.

Most of the people who have achieved great heights have just aimed for their target and they didn’t care whether they reach it by hook, by crook or by any other way which may not be invented in the world. And then they invented methods for everyone to follow.

Most of the businesses that come up every day fail, just because they don’t try to be different or they just are just to lazy. They don’t want to experiment. They don’t do anything for their business.

Some people have gone literally wild to achieve success in their business. Still there are people who don’t even try to copy these successes. They are too concerned about going through the motions and leave everything on destiny.

There are people in this world only who have gone against the trends to achieve great success in their businesses and they have become the case studies and stories for everyone to learn. There are books written on these case studies, these success stories. Super Biz Buzz is one such great book which features 50 amazing stories of successful business marketing. You can learn the strategies given in this book and copy them to your own business to achieve great success.

You got to be smart to be successful. Hard work, perseverance etc etc matter but only when you are taking smart decisions in first place. There are already some great examples left by some great people. So why reinvent the wheel. Be smart, no one cares how you achieved success. Its being successful that matters.