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How document management can help any business emerge from the chaos of too much paperwork

How document management can help any business emerge from the chaos of too much paperwork

There are many different types of cataloging processes, all of which are generally referred to by the term document management. At its most primal level, document management can even refer to simply shoving your important documents into a desk drawer. But at its most sophisticated level, document management is the process of keeping track of these important documents from the time they are printed to when they are finally shredded. When reading articles about document management online or in print, you will find that for the most part, these articles are in agreement about the definition of document management, as well as it’s function. They also agree as to how document management is practiced among modern day businesses. What document management strives to do is make it easy for any business to create, store, and update all of their critical business documents. An organized document management system guarantees that classified documents remain private and that any document will be easy to find if needed. When computers were still new, it took sophisticated and expensive equipment to be able to organize a business’s important documents, and so only really wealthy companies were able to utilize document management systems. However, within the last twenty years, computers have become both more sophisticated, as well as more affordable. This has made it so that even relatively small businesses can now get document management systems. However, not every document management system has the capability to do every aspect of document management. Some products are broader in scope than others are. One document management company, for instance, concentrates its services on helping businesses shred important documents in a secure way. All of these companies focus on bringing a higher level of order and accuracy to businesses, no matter which particular area they specialize in. Below, you will find a list of some of the businesses that offer document management services. We have also detailed what areas each company specializes in. If you would like more information on any one of these companies, then go to that company’s individual webpage. Imanage Document Management works to help corporations with world wide operation bases manage a wide variety of documents. Astron Document Management offers a wide range of services, including customer service, e-commerce, insurance claims, online transactions, business transcription, and data entry and capture. Invu Document Management’s services are so broad that they can help an office become nearly paperless. This software merges existing computer systems and puts all of a business’s documents into a filing system that can be searched and updated from any location in the world. Cintas Document Management specializes in document shredding, long term storage and imaging of important documents. Alfresco Document Management provides a document management system that can be tailored to the unique needs of any business. It???s ability to integrate with installed Microsoft systems make it easy to put into operation with minimal disruption of day to day operations.

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