Свежие записи

Сентябрь 2009

Judicial & non-judicial foreclosure in tennessee

Judicial & Non-judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee

Which law provision governs foreclosure in Tennessee?

The laws which govern Tennessee foreclosures are found in Tennessee Code, Chapter 21(Proceedings in Chancery), Part 8, §21-1-803 (Foreclosure Sale)

What happens during Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

In this, the lender needs to file complaint against the borrower and obtain decree of sale from the county court where property is located. If court finds the borrower default, it gives certain amount of time to the borrower to make the payment. If the borrower fails to pay then the property is auctioned to the highest bidder.

What happens during Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

Non-judicial foreclosure is conducted only when power of sale clause exists in deed of trust/mortgage. This clause allows borrower pre-authorizes the sale of property to pay off the balance loan in the incidence of their default. In such cases power is given to lender to sell the property by himself or his representative who generally referred as trustee. Guidelines for such procedure are mentioned under “Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure”.

Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure

If the deed of trust/mortgage contains a power of sale clause with specified time, place and terms of sale, then it should be followed.

Otherwise foreclosure is carries out as follows:

A notice of sale should be published in local newspaper of the county, for 3 times and the first ad should appear at least 20 days before the sale. If there is no local newspaper in the county, then notice should be posted at 5 public places in county which includes posting at the courthouse door and neighborhood of the property. The same notice should be served to the borrower 20 days before the sale, if he is staying in that property. The sale is conducted by the sheriff, between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Minimum acceptable value of the property should be at least 50% of their fair market value. Bids lower than that price should be not accepted.

This is legal information; it should not be treated as legal advice.

How to remember about construction contract

How To remember about Construction Contract!..

If you are having a construction project done, you are probably dreading the contract that you are going to be presented to sign. Deciphering a construction contract can be one of the most difficult parts of any project. But even though there may be parts of a construction contract that you have a hard time with, there are ways to ensure that you know exactly what you are getting.

The number one thing to remember about construction contracts is that they are written so that the buyer can understand them. Of course this does not mean that you will always understand everything, but at the same time you will not need to be a genius to figure out a construction contract.

When you are reading over your construction contract, make sure that you do so very carefully. The best thing to do after receiving the contract is to take a couple of hours and read it over word by word. By doing this you will be able to catch any details that may turn into problems down the road. While you are going through the construction contract, make sure that you write down all of the concerns that you have. This way you will be able to ask your contractor about the parts that you do not understand. Most of the time, your contractor will be able to clarify your needs in no time at all.

If you have read over your construction contract, but still feel like you are lost, you may want to look into hiring a lawyer. Most people do not take things this far, but if you are dealing with a complex construction contract, you may want to exercise this option. Find a lawyer that is familiar with property law, and then get them to look over your construction contract. They will be able to point out in short comings, and also advise you on whether or not you should sign the contract. Again, this is not necessary, but it can definitely be helpful in putting your mind to rest.

Reviewing a construction contract can undoubtedly be a difficult task. There are a lot of details that you will have to watch out for, and some of them can be a bit tricky. But if you take your time while reviewing the contract, and ask questions when you are done, you should not have any issues in the end. And remember, if all else fails you can hire a lawyer to carefully read over the construction contract.

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How to market your business the right way

How to Market Your Business the Right Way

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation you need a good marketing strategy. There are dozens of ways to market your business the question is which ways are the most effective for your product or service? You can outline your marketing strategy with this popular saying, «Who, what, where, when, and how?»

First you need to know your product, is it something that people will feel they really need, what purpose does it serve? Who is your target audience? Two major components of your target audience are what age group and which gender will be most interested in your product. Depending on what product or services you are trying to market you also may be able to target specific groups such as certain professionals or interest groups «hobbies».

What is it about your product that is better then any of your competitors? Is it of better quality, does it have a longer warranty, does it cost less then the competition? You need to know what it is about your product that is better then the other ones around. These are things you will want to tell your target audience about your product. An example might be if you are trying to market a fruit drink. You would want your audience to know that it is made with more or all-real fruit. That they are more vitamin benefits to your drink. That it has a fruitier more refreshing taste. These are things that are going to motivate potential customers to try it.

I’m sure you have heard the first three rules of business and that is, location, location, location! Product placement is an important aspect of marketing. Make your product accessible to your target audience. If you are a small business you want to place it somewhere that gets high traffic. Depending on what you are trying to sell you want to be where you customers will be. Locate yourself near a shopping plaza, hotels, restaurants or a main street that many people use to commute to and from work. This is the «where» marketing question you should ask.

When should you advertise your product? If you are using the media such as television or radio ads, this is a question to ask. When does your target audience generally watch television. If you are targeting men a good time to place your ad is during sports programming. Is it something children will want, then air it during cartoon programming. If you are using radio advertisement and you are targeting any adult. Try during rush hours, times when people are going to and from their jobs. Marketing your product at the right time is highly important.

No matter where you are marketing your product your audience needs to know how to get it. Do they have to go to a location to buy it? Can they order online or over the phone? How easy is it to pay for? Is it an expensive product, but very beneficial? Can it be paid for in installments? These are also marketing questions you should ask.

If you want to be successful at selling your product you need to know what marketing steps to take.

Learning eighteen simple ways to save money on your car

Learning Eighteen Simple Ways To Save Money On Your Car

The upkeep of your vehicle can be quite an expense  from initial purchase to insurance to maintenance. And sometimes we get the sinking feeling that every time we need a car repair, we are going to get taken for a ride. Pardon the pun Actually there are some ways to make sure you do not get a raw deal when dealing with a local body shop.

After you get recommendations for honest mechanics, call around to check out the prices for certain jobs. Its always smart to get a second opinion.

How about some preventative medicine Keep your gas tank filled. This will help you avoid the gas line freezing up in cold weather. Also, driving on fumes allows little pieces of dirt at the bottom of your gas tank to run through the fuel lines with the last drops of gas. This debris clogs up the fuel filter and can cause carburetor damage as well.

Sometimes a problem with your cars electrical system results from a simple blown fuse. Check to see if you have any blown fuses before investing in a tow truck

Keep track of how much oil your car uses. A sudden change in oil consumption means you need to see a technician.

Save your brakes by having your brake fluid changed miles.

Check your tire pressure once a month. This simple maintenance check can add up savings at the gas pump

Stop and go traffic causes excess wear and tear on your vehicle. Go ahead and give your car a nice twenty minute ride at mph on the highway every couple weeks if you major in short trip.

There are other ways to save money on car expenses. Lets look at the insurance payments.

If you have budgeted for possible out of pocket expenses in case of a car accident, you might want to consider increasing your insurance deductible to 500. This will lower the cost of your insurance.

Talk to your insurance agent. If your car is as old as the hills, you might want to drop collision coverage to save money.

Car insurance companies offer a variety of discounts. Ask your agent if the company offers reductions for driver training courses, anti lock brakes, car alarms, air bags, mature drivers, good students or maintaining a good driving record.

Before you purchase from a dealer, ask about the dealers return policy, get it in writing and read it carefully. Dealers are not required by law to give used car buyers a three day right to cancel.

Visit http www.bookstoretoday.comto find cars that are fuel efficient.

Each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional 0.10 per gallon for gas.

In most cases, using cruise control on the highway will save gas.

Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your cars gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. This is not going to cost you an arm or leg either.

Do your homework when buying a car from an auction. Many vehicles that have been damaged by floods and hurricanes are going on the market. These would not last long  leaving you with a flood of bills. Be a little concerned if the carpet looks too new, and check carefully for signs of rust.

Carfax.com shares info on inspecting a used car to make sure you get the best deal.

If you use your car for business, keep track of miles traveled so that you can use this for a tax deduction. Get more info at irs.gov.

When you consider all the ways you can save money on your current vehicle, you might be persuaded to put away the extra each month for a new car down the road

How to buy a restaurant for sale – tips and considerations

How to Buy a Restaurant for Sale – Tips and Considerations

Buying a restaurant that is for sale is never an easy task. With this in mind, not all restaurants that you will look at are going to be acceptable or even wise purchases, however with some good research you can find a great restaurant to purchase. You could also try working with a business broker to help you select the best match for your wishes and desires. You can search over 3,194 restaurants for sale at GlobalBX.com at http://www.globalbx.com/results2.asp?indSegId=48

When trying to determine if a restaurant is a good match for you, look at the location. You do not want a restaurant that is off in the middle of nowhere. You want a restaurant that has a very easy to access, busy location. If customers do not know you exist, or they cannot get to you then your restaurant will not do well. Location can be more important than the type of food served, the quality of the staff, and other aspects of the business. Never discount location in terms of importance.

Many landlords are hesitant to reassign a lease to a person who has little or no experience in running a restaurant. They may require that the previous owner remain on the lease, or several months of lease payments be made upfront. This could be required in spite of a contract that states the lease can be assigned or sub-leased. Try to negotiate nicely with the current landlord.

One of the most important things to realize about value is that it is in the eyes of the beholder. This means you should not take the word of the owner about what the restaurant is worth. Have the business appraised, and do some research on other similar restaurants and what they sold for. By doing your homework, you may find out that the price is absurd considering what you are getting, or you could be getting an incredible deal. The business seller wants to make a sale, so he may not necessarily tell you the entire truth.

Equipment should be carefully inspected. If you are purchasing a restaurant that is fully functional, you want all equipment to be functional as well. Don’t wait until you get hit with a repair bill for a freezer that went down overnight to really understand how important this is. Without proper inspection of the equipment you could be seeing repairs in the near future. However if broken equipment is discovered up front, you can ask the seller to have the equipment repaired as part of the sales contract. This will save you money and headaches upon taking over the restaurant.

One other important consideration is your experience in the restaurant business. If you have never worked in a restaurant, it is not a good idea to buy a restaurant where the owner plays owner, manager, chef, cook, dishwasher, cashier, and server. Instead, look for a restaurant where the owner works with the manager who runs the entire restaurant. If you have a strong background in restaurants then a very hands-on experience may be perfect for you. If you need a manager, ensure someone is in place, or else make sure you can hire someone as soon as you take over the business.

Buying a business is never easy, and buying a restaurant is especially difficult. Always work with an experienced business broker to achieve the best results possible and you will enjoy your purchase.