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Joint ventures- suggestion for co sponsorship

Joint Ventures- Suggestion for Co Sponsorship

Everyone is trying to save money, even the media. It is relatively easy to encourage them to invest in your business, and help you promote, in exchange for making their lives easier. For more details go to: www.joint-venture-softwares.com Internet businesses and work at home ventures are in such a hurry to build joint-venture relationships that they overlook some of the old tried but true joint ventures.

For community service or entertainment events, enlist newspapers and broadcast stations as cosponsors. Typically, media co sponsorship means you do the work and spend whatever money is necessary; the station or publication gives you oodles of free publicity, reports on it, and/or broadcasts portions of the event.

Electronic media are required to provide public service programming as a condition of their license, and publications have a vested interest in maintaining their credibility as the eyes and ears of the community. Because co sponsorship demonstrates the media outlet’s community interest and also lets the public hobnob with media personalities, a suggestion for co sponsorship will often be greeted enthusiastically.

What’s the difference between the ordinary free publicity you can garner and bringing the station in as a cosponsor? Jordi Harold, proprietor of the Iron Horse Music Hall in Northampton, Massachusetts, uses co sponsorship several times a month. Asking for radio co sponsorship «is not asking for something for nothing, but raises the estimation of the station in [the eyes of] its audience—makes it possible to hear the same music live. It does a lot to contribute to the positive image of the station.» Ideally, «it becomes a priority at the station.

That’s not measurable in times of mention, but it becomes part of the dj’s patter on the air—you can’t log that, you can’t buy that, you can’t specify that.»

Newer, smaller media are good bets, says Herold. «We have a station that’s new in the area and is competing for market share. For help visit: www.joint-venture-guide.com
If I do a co promotion, I’m likely to get up to 50 free mentions in addition to my paid advertising.

With a station…that doesn’t have a relationship with the club; I may only get a one-to-one relationship between the spots I buy and promotional mentions. With a college radio station, you can be all over the map without any expenditure of money.»

For live music, radio co sponsorship is an especially valuable endorsement, because the station’s promotional spots will give listeners the chance to hear a little of an artist they may not know—and because the station’s role as an arbiter of music carries over to readers who see the co sponsorship listed in the newspapers and on posters.
It’s even okay to have several media cosponsoring an event—if they don’t compete. For instance, I organized a candidate forum and got sponsorship—and publicity—from one newspaper, one radio station, and one cable TV station. If I’d wanted to get two radio stations, I would have needed to check with both stations that it was all right to have direct competitors cosponsor the event.

Consider co sponsorships for political candidate forums, live entertainment, fairs and festivals, auctions, and special events.

How to earn huge profits from las vegas distressed properties auctions

How To Earn Huge Profits From Las Vegas Distressed Properties Auctions

Buying Las Vegas distressed properties from auctions is one of the best ways to earn huge profits and ensure your future financial security. Maybe you have heard all sorts of negative stories that could dissuade you against buying foreclosures from auctions. But keep in mind that all the challenges you will encounter when buying from auctions can be avoided if you are fully armed with pertinent information about the process.

What is Foreclosure?

A foreclosure happens when homeowners of Las Vegas distressed properties are unable to pay their monthly mortgage payments despite repeated demands from the lenders. A certain period of time will be given to the distressed homeowner to find ways to pay his arrears and update his account. If he still was not able to pay his mortgages after the grace period, the mortgage servicer will be forced to take over the distressed property, hence the start of the foreclosure process,

What is Foreclosure Auction?

The major reason why foreclosure auctions are held is to allow lenders to sell the repossessed properties and recover their investments. Many auctions are held in public locations and the properties auctioned off are priced way below their market value to attract potential bidders and to allow lenders to quickly dispose of the foreclosed homes to get back their investments.

Things to Consider Before Making a Bid:

Make sure that before you attend an auction, you have set your budget. The auction process moves fast and can be quite exhilarating. Setting a budget would ensure that despite the excitement going on around, you would not get carried away and bid on a property that is not worth the price you paid. Keep in mind that the higher the amount you bid, the lesser is your chance of earning a huge profit.

Buying Las Vegas distressed properties from auctions is the best chance you have of getting huge property discounts. So come prepared and invest your money, time and effort wisely.

Judicial & non-judicial foreclosure in tennessee

Judicial & Non-judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee

Which law provision governs foreclosure in Tennessee?

The laws which govern Tennessee foreclosures are found in Tennessee Code, Chapter 21(Proceedings in Chancery), Part 8, §21-1-803 (Foreclosure Sale)

What happens during Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

In this, the lender needs to file complaint against the borrower and obtain decree of sale from the county court where property is located. If court finds the borrower default, it gives certain amount of time to the borrower to make the payment. If the borrower fails to pay then the property is auctioned to the highest bidder.

What happens during Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

Non-judicial foreclosure is conducted only when power of sale clause exists in deed of trust/mortgage. This clause allows borrower pre-authorizes the sale of property to pay off the balance loan in the incidence of their default. In such cases power is given to lender to sell the property by himself or his representative who generally referred as trustee. Guidelines for such procedure are mentioned under “Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure”.

Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure

If the deed of trust/mortgage contains a power of sale clause with specified time, place and terms of sale, then it should be followed.

Otherwise foreclosure is carries out as follows:

A notice of sale should be published in local newspaper of the county, for 3 times and the first ad should appear at least 20 days before the sale. If there is no local newspaper in the county, then notice should be posted at 5 public places in county which includes posting at the courthouse door and neighborhood of the property. The same notice should be served to the borrower 20 days before the sale, if he is staying in that property. The sale is conducted by the sheriff, between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Minimum acceptable value of the property should be at least 50% of their fair market value. Bids lower than that price should be not accepted.

This is legal information; it should not be treated as legal advice.

Learning eighteen simple ways to save money on your car

Learning Eighteen Simple Ways To Save Money On Your Car

The upkeep of your vehicle can be quite an expense  from initial purchase to insurance to maintenance. And sometimes we get the sinking feeling that every time we need a car repair, we are going to get taken for a ride. Pardon the pun Actually there are some ways to make sure you do not get a raw deal when dealing with a local body shop.

After you get recommendations for honest mechanics, call around to check out the prices for certain jobs. Its always smart to get a second opinion.

How about some preventative medicine Keep your gas tank filled. This will help you avoid the gas line freezing up in cold weather. Also, driving on fumes allows little pieces of dirt at the bottom of your gas tank to run through the fuel lines with the last drops of gas. This debris clogs up the fuel filter and can cause carburetor damage as well.

Sometimes a problem with your cars electrical system results from a simple blown fuse. Check to see if you have any blown fuses before investing in a tow truck

Keep track of how much oil your car uses. A sudden change in oil consumption means you need to see a technician.

Save your brakes by having your brake fluid changed miles.

Check your tire pressure once a month. This simple maintenance check can add up savings at the gas pump

Stop and go traffic causes excess wear and tear on your vehicle. Go ahead and give your car a nice twenty minute ride at mph on the highway every couple weeks if you major in short trip.

There are other ways to save money on car expenses. Lets look at the insurance payments.

If you have budgeted for possible out of pocket expenses in case of a car accident, you might want to consider increasing your insurance deductible to 500. This will lower the cost of your insurance.

Talk to your insurance agent. If your car is as old as the hills, you might want to drop collision coverage to save money.

Car insurance companies offer a variety of discounts. Ask your agent if the company offers reductions for driver training courses, anti lock brakes, car alarms, air bags, mature drivers, good students or maintaining a good driving record.

Before you purchase from a dealer, ask about the dealers return policy, get it in writing and read it carefully. Dealers are not required by law to give used car buyers a three day right to cancel.

Visit http www.bookstoretoday.comto find cars that are fuel efficient.

Each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional 0.10 per gallon for gas.

In most cases, using cruise control on the highway will save gas.

Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your cars gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. This is not going to cost you an arm or leg either.

Do your homework when buying a car from an auction. Many vehicles that have been damaged by floods and hurricanes are going on the market. These would not last long  leaving you with a flood of bills. Be a little concerned if the carpet looks too new, and check carefully for signs of rust.

Carfax.com shares info on inspecting a used car to make sure you get the best deal.

If you use your car for business, keep track of miles traveled so that you can use this for a tax deduction. Get more info at irs.gov.

When you consider all the ways you can save money on your current vehicle, you might be persuaded to put away the extra each month for a new car down the road

How to joint ventures to get traffic to websites

How to Joint Ventures to Get Traffic to Websites?

There’s nothing new about using joint ventures (JV’s) to get traffic to websites. For more help visit to: www.joint-venture-softwares.com.And good information is freely available from many internet marketing sites on how to set up JVs.
This article is for the 97% of webmasters who aren’t aware of a particularly powerful JV partner who already exists, and is willing to work with you.
Before I reveal all, let me just check…
Like me, I would image you’d be happy if:
Well, it certainly started as an auction site. Today, eBay is an ecommerce phenomenon.
What we have here is a hugely successful internet business with massive traffic. And, thanks to eBay’s sophisticated categorization and searching mechanisms, the traffic is totally targeted.
More importantly, there are several smart ways to drive eBay’s targeted traffic to your own website. For more help visit to: www.joint-ventures-secret.com. All of these clever methods add up to what I call the eBay Traffic Funnel.
Does it work? Well, I sell a communications product from my website. I run 5 simple auctions in the appropriate categories using the principles of the eBay Traffic Funnel. Each auction costs me 30 cents and runs for a week. I get around 300 targeted leads from these auctions to my website every week. Not bad for one dollar fifty!
Let me show you just one of the ways to get hold of that targeted traffic…
Sell, Sell, Sell
First of all, you make eBay part of your marketing mix. You start selling your products on eBay.
Why do I say this? Well, eBay isn’t just for mom and pop businesses anymore. IBM, Disney, Motorola, Xerox and Dell, are just a few of the major corporate that now use eBay as an additional sales and lead generation channel.
Creating eBay auctions is easy. Anyone can do it — literally. But if you don’t want to learn, you can use a Trading Assistant. These are eBay experts who will create, run and manage auctions on behalf of others for a percentage of sales or a small fee.
When you set up your auction one of the decisions you make is in which category to place your item. This is important. Visitors to your auction page — just by being there — have self qualified themselves as being in the market to buy products in that category. This is targeting in real time.
But merely creating the auction isn’t the trick. Here’s the key tip. In your auction page, make sure you tell your viewers that if they’ve any questions about your auction, your products or your policies, they should email you. And encourage them to do this by having a live email link in your auction, As soon as they make contact with you, you’ve acquired a targeted lead you wouldn’t have got any other way. You can start building a relationship. You can get them on your list, direct them to your website and start selling to them.
Pieces of Eight
I’ve only the space to show you one way in which you can direct your share of eBay’s targeted traffic to your website. There are eight ways in total. If you want to know the other seven, you’ll find them in my free eBook ‘The eBay Traffic Funnel’ Setting up a JV with eBay can produce significant results. There isn’t another business on the web that gives you access to the targeted traffic eBay supplies for the price of a few pennies. Best of all, 97% of webmasters have yet to realize the power of this. The opportunity for you and your website is there for the taking.