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How to joint ventures to get traffic to websites

How to Joint Ventures to Get Traffic to Websites?

There’s nothing new about using joint ventures (JV’s) to get traffic to websites. For more help visit to: www.joint-venture-softwares.com.And good information is freely available from many internet marketing sites on how to set up JVs.
This article is for the 97% of webmasters who aren’t aware of a particularly powerful JV partner who already exists, and is willing to work with you.
Before I reveal all, let me just check…
Like me, I would image you’d be happy if:
Well, it certainly started as an auction site. Today, eBay is an ecommerce phenomenon.
What we have here is a hugely successful internet business with massive traffic. And, thanks to eBay’s sophisticated categorization and searching mechanisms, the traffic is totally targeted.
More importantly, there are several smart ways to drive eBay’s targeted traffic to your own website. For more help visit to: www.joint-ventures-secret.com. All of these clever methods add up to what I call the eBay Traffic Funnel.
Does it work? Well, I sell a communications product from my website. I run 5 simple auctions in the appropriate categories using the principles of the eBay Traffic Funnel. Each auction costs me 30 cents and runs for a week. I get around 300 targeted leads from these auctions to my website every week. Not bad for one dollar fifty!
Let me show you just one of the ways to get hold of that targeted traffic…
Sell, Sell, Sell
First of all, you make eBay part of your marketing mix. You start selling your products on eBay.
Why do I say this? Well, eBay isn’t just for mom and pop businesses anymore. IBM, Disney, Motorola, Xerox and Dell, are just a few of the major corporate that now use eBay as an additional sales and lead generation channel.
Creating eBay auctions is easy. Anyone can do it — literally. But if you don’t want to learn, you can use a Trading Assistant. These are eBay experts who will create, run and manage auctions on behalf of others for a percentage of sales or a small fee.
When you set up your auction one of the decisions you make is in which category to place your item. This is important. Visitors to your auction page — just by being there — have self qualified themselves as being in the market to buy products in that category. This is targeting in real time.
But merely creating the auction isn’t the trick. Here’s the key tip. In your auction page, make sure you tell your viewers that if they’ve any questions about your auction, your products or your policies, they should email you. And encourage them to do this by having a live email link in your auction, As soon as they make contact with you, you’ve acquired a targeted lead you wouldn’t have got any other way. You can start building a relationship. You can get them on your list, direct them to your website and start selling to them.
Pieces of Eight
I’ve only the space to show you one way in which you can direct your share of eBay’s targeted traffic to your website. There are eight ways in total. If you want to know the other seven, you’ll find them in my free eBook ‘The eBay Traffic Funnel’ Setting up a JV with eBay can produce significant results. There isn’t another business on the web that gives you access to the targeted traffic eBay supplies for the price of a few pennies. Best of all, 97% of webmasters have yet to realize the power of this. The opportunity for you and your website is there for the taking.

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