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Laptop battery- an indispensable component for your laptop

Laptop Battery- an Indispensable Component for Your Laptop

Battery is what works as powerhouse for all electronic gadgets including laptops, camcorders and IPods. These batteries supply electrical energy which makes laptops work for you. This battery is manufactured keeping in mind the facets of portability just like watch battery and somewhat like car battery so that it can withstand the operating conditions properly.

Sound laptop batteries generally last for more than 5 years and that too depending upon the factors like programs you are running and power needs of your system. But many times it happens that you forget to charge your laptop battery and resultantly, you cannot work upon laptop unless you substitute it with replacement battery.

When you are contemplating to buy laptop battery, you will be normally having perhaps not more than two battery options. But before buying it, you must consider about the technology used and make sure it is absolutely efficient for your laptop.

Kinds of laptop batteries

There are different kinds of laptop batteries available that can be used in your computer. Some of these kinds are listed below:

· The NiCad battery or nickel cadmium battery is generally used in virtually every laptop. This battery can be charged for limited number of times and can work for longer hours in comparison with other batteries like nickel hydride among others. But you have to be cautious every time as you have to charge it before it goes dead. This is because once it goes dead; you will be crippled as it has no back up option available with this.

· Nickel hydride battery: this is another battery option available with you. This is an extension of technology in batteries as it can hold more power back up in comparison with the previous alternative. It has better memory effect as you can reoperate it after it becomes used up.

· Nickel ion battery: this is far more superior battery and can hold greater power back up than rest of the available options. The best part about these batteries is that it supports multiple kinds of batteries in the laptop system.

Ways to improve battery life

You can opt for any of these options for your laptop, but it is imperative to learn about techniques using which you can improve the performance as well as life of your battery system. Following are listed some of these top rated techniques:

? Conditioning: this technique simply means first of all, completely discharging the battery and thereafter, fully charging it. This practice has to be undertaken around at least twice a week in order to retain full capacity of laptop battery for longer span of time.

? You should refrain from the habit of storing your laptop battery below 50 ??F or above the levels of 95??F. In other words, you should avoid leaving your laptop battery either in car of storage room where you do not have stable climate control.

? In order to extend the usability, you must discharge the battery by about 50% capacity in around 3 years.

These top most valuable techniques can certainly help you in getting better accessibility with the same laptop battery for longer time period.

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