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Апрель 2009

How to increase roi on people development investments

How to Increase ROI on People Development Investments

Organization X brought in an outside seminar company to «give the supervisors and managers a little boost.» The seminar company suggested the executive group attend a preview as a way to support the development, to become aware of what was going to be presented, and to customize the message to meet the unique needs of the organization. They were all too busy. OK — how about a 4 hour overview ? Still too busy. The CEO ended up telling the seminar company to «Just give the people your message — so and so at (biggest company in town) said it was a great program.»

And so they did. They delivered an intensive 5 day, 4 hour per day leadership skills seminar to all the supervisors and managers in the business. They focused on trust, communication, self development, goals and objectives and using teams as a key means to deal with the businesses challenges. They discussed ways to overcome the adversarial relationship that existed between the people who did the work and their bosses. Homework and on the job assignments were developed; action plans formalized; personal skill requirements identified. At the end of the seminar, the attendees were fired up. They interpreted the messages coming from the seminar leaders as coming from their management — there was no reason for them to feel different. Bad assumption.

When the seminar participants returned to work the following Monday, they did so with an enthusiasm that had been missing for some time. When the CEO asked them about the seminar, they were positive and enthusiastic and thankful they had the opportunity to attend. The CEO and his staff felt good — everybody seemed motivated — money well spent.

And then the managers and supervisors started to use their newly acquired behaviors, beliefs and skills. And the trouble started. The leadership wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but they knew it wasn’t what they expected. They reacted with their «business as usual» approach, and the managers and supervisors became frustrated and angry.

Things were back to where they had been before the seminar within two to three weeks, except all the seminar attendees had developed a layer of cynicism that they had not had before. Whatever trust there had been in the organization disappeared, and the leaders were puzzled that what had started off with such high expectations had turned to negative before their very eyes.

If this story sounds familiar, it’s because it happens every day, in all kinds of different organizations. It happens because the purchase of a service — a potentially very valuable service — is done when leadership sees the need for change, but the activity is not leveraged by internal design and development dedicated to ensuring the message and outcomes are what the leadership wants. The result is unintended consequences and frustration for all involved, including the development organization. They became event managers — not contributors to identifying and developing change and growth strategies and actions.

How to ensure your own critical people development investments are effective and carry a high ROI?

Ask yourself these seven questions. The answers will help define the best way to go about developing the skills, expertise and abilities of your people while increasing your ROI on development investments.

1 — How much time will be spent on customizing this seminar to meet out unique requirements? Are we trusting to a third party to represent our interests to our own employees? Focused time spent on development and customization of programs to fit your organization ensures that the objectives of the effort will be consistent with leaderships needs and expectations. Never trust to a third party to represent your interests to your employees without your extensive input — they can’t.

2 — How many people should be sent to public seminars? When a public seminar appears to meet your objectives, send a team of at least three people. Why at least three? To paraphrase what Peter Senge says in his 2008 book — «The Necessary Revolution» — one person, even the CEO, can’t make change happen by themselves, two people can have a conversation, but three or more can make change happen.

3 — Are we expecting this activity to improve individual poor performance? Don’t use seminars to attempt to improve poor individual performance. It’s not gonna happen. That’s a subject requiring one on one work, with the manager of the poor performer leading the way.

4 — Have we reviewed the content and objectives of the development? Do we support the objectives and message? For seminars to be successful, the leaders whom the participants will look to for support must be fully acquainted with the objectives, and sign up to support the participants. When the leadership says it’s too busy to spend the time necessary to get conversant with the content, spending money and effort on the content is a waste.

5 — Are our actions consistent with the message we are sending? Realize that action from the leaders within the organization speak louder than any words from even the most accomplished speaker or celebrity. Action speaks so loudly that what is said cannot be heard.

6 — Can we accomplish the same objectives using our own people? Who do we have that can teach others? Who do we have that can learn by teaching others? The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. Use that principle to develop the people in your organization. Make your own people your best meeting and seminar and meeting leaders — and your champions of change. Use outside services to train your own leaders.

7 — Are we using this activity to meet our needs, or are we trying to squeeze our needs into the goals of the seminar? Use third party seminars and development activities to advance the goals and behaviors identified by the organization. Don’t let the tail wag the dog.

It’s tempting to look for answers and silver bullets in the literature provided by professional development organizations. And their expertise is valuable. But its value is so much greater when blended with the unique needs of your organization. Plus, there are no silver bullets.

Immtech pharmaceuticals, inc

Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IMMP) SWOT Profile—Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregation

Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IMMP) SWOT Profile is a comprehensive business, functional and strategic analysis of Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. The profile delves into the operations of the company to present an in-depth analysis of the various aspects related to its business. It analyzes the company’s business structure, operations, major products and services, prospects, locations and subsidiaries, executive biographies and key competitors. The hallmark of the profile is the detailed strategic analysis of the company. This highlights and presents an unbiased view of its key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The profile helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by understanding your partners, customers and competitors better.
Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Immtech) is a pharmaceutical company that focuses on the global opportunities in the healthcare sector. It is engaged in the discovery and development of therapies for the treatment of infectious diseases such as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, including hepatitis C and hospital-acquired infections. The company mainly carries out its operations in China, South Africa and the US.

— Examines key information about company for business intelligence.
— The company’s core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented objectively. Business, strategic and operational aspects are taken into account.
— Opportunities available to the company are sized up and its growth potential assessed. Competitive and/or technological threats are highlighted.
— The profile contains valuable and critical company information – business structure and operations, the company history, major products and services, prospects, key competitors, key employees, executive biographies, important locations and subsidiaries.
— The profile provides detailed financial ratios for the past five years as well as interim ratios for the last five interim periods for major public companies.
— Financial ratios presented for major public companies include revenue trends, profitability, growth, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial position and efficiency ratios.
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Leadership is a daily conversation

Leadership Is A Daily Conversation

My company is going through amazing changes as we grow, evolve our product mix and enhance service delivery. Although our team knew the changes would happen that doesn’t make the changes any less traumatic because you still have to endure the actual changes. Helping people navigate these changes requires vision, constant course corrections and a steely focus on the objective that made you decide to make the changes in the first place. In short, it requires leadership.

How often does your team require your leadership? In every conversation! Being a leader is more than just deciding a direction to go in, which doesn’t always fall solely on the shoulders of the figure-head leader. Leadership means showing belief, confidence and faith in the decision you’ve just made, especially the big ones. After you ask your team to follow your lead, it will help you be a better leader if you have the expectation that every person on your team, including yourself, will question the changes as they are being made.

“Why are we doing this?” “Where is this all leading to?” “Will this really work?”. These are all questions you will hear in varying forms and in some cases multiple times from the same person. Your job is to remind them of where you’re going, why you’re going there and to demonstrate unwavering confidence that the change will work. The way you answer questions, deal with someone else’s insecurity towards the objective and handle outright rejection of the change is the true measurement of your leadership ability. But all of this comes down to the conversation you’re having and how you have it.

The first step to consistent leadership communication is to lead yourself. Recognize that you too are going through the changes and may be having the same reactions everyone else is – you are human after all. In recognizing your own reactions you can remind yourself of why you’re feeling the stress and the benefits you will soon realize. Once you’ve lead yourself you will have a better gauge as to how you can help others address their own reactions.

The second step to consistent leadership communication is to keep your focus on your goal and not allow yourself to become too distracted by the changes everyone else is also enduring. Naturally your team will not be looking forward – they’ll look back to where they were last comfortable and seemingly everywhere else except where you’re taking them. Now remind them of why you chose to make the changes and the benefits they and everyone will realize as a result. Your communication during these moments should be just as crystalline and targeted on the goal as it was when you took those first steps towards the new goal.

The difference between success and failure is the slight difference between practicing good habits and bad habits. If your conversations lack confidence and faith then your team will doubt their own abilities to reach the goal. Choose to lead in your daily conversations and your team will leverage your strength, confidence and faith to carry themselves forward to success.

Thanks for reading,

Richard Walker

(CEO/President of Quikforms)

Know about online business degree schools

Know About Online Business Degree Schools

Online business degree schools are designed for the convenience of students who are not comfortable with campus programs. This article will explain the benefits of online degree business schools. Let us look into them.

Some Factors About These Courses:

ACCREDITATION: this is a very important factor. Some of these online business schools have proper accreditation from places that have good reputation. On the other hand, some of these courses do not have accreditation from proper places. Accreditation from a reputable place sets standards of the course and adds value to it. This factor should be paid utmost importance. This factor should be kept in mind because it will help you to sort out an online course which is of good quality and do away with plenty of other useless options that are there on the internet.

CIRRICULUM: often it is seen that these courses offer the same curriculum as offered in the campus programs. So these have added benefits as the time factor is very flexible. You can study when ever you want to.

GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES ARE NOT A FACTOR: students who opt for this method of study are not confined to a particular place. They can access their curriculum from wherever they can. So these online courses do not confine students to any particular college campus.

COST: cost is a very important factor. These online courses come at a much cheaper rate than the campus programs. Most of the students who opt for this kind of curriculum do not find it a problem to pay their fees. To make things easier for the students, lots of banks offer easy educational loans for these courses.

SCHOLARSHIPS: some of these schools provide special scholarships to students who are eager to join these courses.

NO TRANSPORTATION COST INCLUDED: costs of commuting to classes do not exist. These add to your savings.

A TIME SAVING PROCEDURE: the curriculum is designed in such a manner that it saves time. No time is lost in transportation. Therefore, you have plenty of time in your hand which you can employ in productive purposes. he can carry on with other studies simultaneously along with this course.

OTHER FORMS OF SAVING: a huge advantage of these courses is that no special equipment is required. These add to your savings. Usually, all you need is your PC and a net connection.

ABOUT CLASSES: there are a few of them held and you can visit these when you need.

OPEN BOOK SYSTEM OF LEARNING: some of the curriculum gives the facility to students to take open book tests.

ONLINE LEARNING GIVES YOU INDEPENDENCE: this system of education gives you a lot of independence. You can study whenever you wish to and whenever it is convenient for you.

Kitchen cleaning specialists in bristol, helping you to maintain your ventilation systems

Kitchen Cleaning Specialists In Bristol, Helping You To Maintain Your Ventilation Systems

Kitchens and bar areas in commercial properties such as restaurants and hotels are used frequently and as a result can quickly become dirty. For this reason it is important to regularly clean and maintain the space so that it is hygienic for both employees and customers.

There are companies that specialise in cleaning ventilation systems Bristol area, that offer a whole host of cleaning options to keep you hotel, restaurant and kitchen clean and tidy.

Some of their services such as extractor fan and ventilation cleaning are incredibly important without a license that these companies provide that proves that your system is cleaned annually, your insurance will not be valid.

In addition to this, there are even more reasons why you should have your kitchen cleaned regularly. A build up of grease on extractor fans can reduce their efficiency. Employing a kitchen cleaning specialist to remove and replace your kitchen filters, means that your fans will perform as expected without you having to experience the mess of cleaning.

Whether you require a weekly or fortnightly filter clean, they have packages to suit. They can clean your kitchen, or pick up and take away your appliances at a time that suits you, so that disruption to the daily running of your business is minimal.

Some specialists can even add products to your kitchen to make cleaning simple; they are certified kitchen cleaners and qualified technicians who can install access hatches onto your ventilation systems, so that it is no longer a fire hazard, without affecting its performance.

So if you would like to ensure that your kitchen complies with health and safety regulations, your insurance policy and is a hygienic, pleasant space for your staff and customers, contact a kitchen cleaning specialist in the Bristol area today.