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Kindred healthcare, inc

Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (KND) SWOT Profile—Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregation

Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (KND) SWOT Profile is a comprehensive business, functional and strategic analysis of Kindred Healthcare, Inc.. The profile delves into the operations of the company to present an in-depth analysis of the various aspects related to its business. It analyzes the company’s business structure, operations, major products and services, prospects, locations and subsidiaries, executive biographies and key competitors. The hallmark of the profile is the detailed strategic analysis of the company. This highlights and presents an unbiased view of its key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The profile helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by understanding your partners, customers and competitors better.
Kindred Healthcare Inc. (Kindred) is a healthcare provider engaged in providing a wide range of medical services to patients in United States. It has three business segments namely, hospital, health services and rehabilitation segments. Its hospital segment has 83 long-term acute care hospitals with 6,580 licensed beds. Its health services business segment has 222 nursing centers with 27,196 licensed beds.


— Examines key information about company for business intelligence.
— The company’s core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented objectively. Business, strategic and operational aspects are taken into account.
— Opportunities available to the company are sized up and its growth potential assessed. Competitive and/or technological threats are highlighted.
— The profile contains valuable and critical company information – business structure and operations, the company history, major products and services, prospects, key competitors, key employees, executive biographies, important locations and subsidiaries.
— The profile provides detailed financial ratios for the past five years as well as interim ratios for the last five interim periods for major public companies.
— Financial ratios presented for major public companies include revenue trends, profitability, growth, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial position and efficiency ratios.

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Introducing a new auction site to buy and sell used laboratory equipment and used medical equipment

Introducing A New Auction Site To Buy And Sell Used Laboratory Equipment And Used Medical Equipment

One of the most innovative websites online for healthcare professionals is Medflip.  This is a new website that is being used by those in the healthcare industry that want to save money while still offering their patients the best quality of care possible. Medflip is an auction website that specializes in the sale and buying of used laboratory equipment as well as used medical equipment. This enables those who are in charge of purchasing equipment for any healthcare facility the opportunity to keep down their costs while still providing quality care for patients. 

Most of those in the healthcare industry understand that any medical equipment that is unused or is sitting in storage is wasteful. It can be put to better use by selling it at a site like Medflip so that others who are looking for a way to cut costs and may not have a great deal of financial resources, can purchase this equipment.  Those with used medical equipment or used laboratory equipment for sale will find it easy to use this site to list their equipment so that they can get the best price for it, get it out of storage and enable another facility to make use of the equipment that is just going to waste sitting in a storage closet or other facility. 

Medflip offers both buyers and sellers of used laboratory equipment as well as used medical equipment a safe and secure environment for selling and buying.  The Medflip staff is very well trained when it comes to both customer service as well as the equipment that is used in the industry and will also offer sellers help when it comes to packing the equipment as well as shipping it to the buyer. Sellers can then leave the sale up to the site and not have to bother with taking time negotiating with buyers or shipping it themselves. 

Because the Medflip staff is a professional staff, clients can ask questions that will be answered properly when it comes to the used laboratory equipment and used medical equipment that is offered on the site. 

There is just about something for all venues of healthcare on this site when it comes to equipment and supplies. MRI machines, CAT machines, neonatal units are just a few of the products available on the site. Medflip offers used laboratory equipment and used medical equipment that can be used anywhere from rehab facilities to full service hospitals and more. Private practice doctors, nursing homes, clinics, hospitals and others in the medical and healthcare profession can take advantage of the lower costs of purchasing the equipment that they need in this way, as opposed to using vendors that usually charge an extra fee on top of the cost of the product. These products can offer everything from convenience to actual lifesaving techniques for any facility in the healthcare industry. 

In addition, elderly people can also benefit from the products that are offered on this site. There is equipment such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, bedlifts and more that is usually used in nursing homes. There are all different types of used medical equipment and used laboratory equipment on this site to suit any field that is healthcare related, including those in the dental industry and even vets that treat animals. 

Larger hospitals can make the most of their used medical equipment and used laboratory equipment that they have in storage by selling it on Medflip. It does not cost anything to list the product on the site and a commission is only due if the product sells. Therefore, sellers have nothing to lose by listing unwanted used equipment on this site. Buyers can take advantage of the lower prices of the used equipment that they need in order to provide quality care for their patients when they make use of the Medflip site as well, without having to put a hole in their budgets. All parties benefit from using this innovative new website as a way to cut costs while still getting the best quality equipment for their money. 

In addition, first time users of Medflip are also treated to special savings and plans that include free advertising and unlimited listing of their items. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you list your items on Medflip. 

How to pull off a successful pr event

How To Pull Off a Successful PR Event

As public relations (PR) covers all the relationships an organisation has with its various stakeholders (‘publics’), PR events can take many forms — from product launches and exhibitions to team-building events, training courses, sales presentations and annual general meetings.

As with all planning, the devil is in the detail and PR professionals must have an eye for every aspect of activity ¬’ as well as the bigger picture — if they are to pull off a really successful event. As with most things in the marketing sphere, presentation is key and first impressions really count.

The big 6 questions Planning a PR event — particularly one with a large audience — may seem daunting but, in reality, it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it and the first step is to break the project down into manageable parts. To do this, I recommend looking at the 6 big questions ¬of why, who, what, where, when and how. If you can write a couple of lines in answer to these key questions on one side of A4 paper, you’re more than halfway towards a successful PR event. Let’s look at them in turn.

Why? Now, this is really the crux of the matter. Why do you need to talk to one of your ‘publics’? What is the real objective for your organisation in staging this PR event? Is your objective important enough to justify the costs involved? Of course, this question will be closely linked to…

Who? Which particular people are you wanting to address, either internally, externally or both? What is the audience’s view of your organisation and what issues are of interest to them? You need to identify the people who matter to your aims and ensure that you don’t waste valuable resources by targeting the wrong people. Each event will have limited spaces, so you want those attending to be the people who really matter in terms of achieving your objectives. Once you know your audience, find out which media they use and trust, as this will be useful in planning your promotion of the event.

What? What kind of event will work? This depends mostly on the profile of your audience. Are they mostly men or women? How busy are they and how far are they willing to travel? Would a sporting theme or other hospitality angle be a good hook for them to attend? Of course, the size of your budget will be an important factor in deciding what kind of event you put on. There may be revenue opportunities such as sponsorship, but there will certainly be considerable expenses such as printing, advertising, insurance, speakers, security, food, drink and accommodation.

Where? The kind of venue will be largely determined by the answers to your ‘What?’ question, but the exact location of the venue can vary enormously. Yes, the sales conference needs to be in a large and swanky hotel, but should that be in Birmingham or is the message important enough to warrant a trip to Barcelona?

When? The best time to hold your event is an obvious, but often neglected, consideration. Of course, you should pick a season that suits the kind of event you’re holding ¬’ only die-hard golfers will take to the greens in November — but you must also think about other demands on your audience. Ensure your event doesn’t clash with any industry exhibitions or awards ceremonies, for example.

How? Now we’re getting to the nitty-gritty of planning your event. This question covers all the logistics on the day. It’s a good idea to form a planning team, as colleagues can help you to brainstorm the minutiae of the event. For your guests to come away with a positive impression of your organisation, you need to ensure that they have a hassle-free time. That means that you need to plan every aspect of the event, from parking and refreshments to toilet facilities and hotel rooms. And if you can be creative in the extra touches — for example, giving the delegates the day’s presentations on custom-printed USB sticks to avoid the need to take notes ¬’ you’ll make a lasting impression.

When implementing your plan, never underestimate the importance of good communication with your team. This team may, for each event, include people outside of your organisation — for example, the hospitality staff at your venue. Make sure that everyone understands what is happening when and where, not forgetting why! If you’re inviting VIPs, for example, ensure that everyone knows who they are and just how they should be treated.

If you want to hone your planning skills over time, you must have a full, post-event debrief with your team to understand what worked and what didn’t. This should cover both the objectives and the logistics. In terms of your event’s aims, try to get feedback from delegates on how useful the event was to them and how it changed their perceptions. When it comes to the logistics, every venue and event will throw up its own problems, of course, but, over time, knowing what didn’t work will give you the experience to avoid the common pitfalls and make your next event even better.

How to get the most from buying and selling used medical equipment online

How To Get The Most From Buying And Selling Used Medical Equipment Online

There are many medical professionals who are seeking to purchase used medical equipment for their practice or their clinics so that they can offer their patients a higher quality of care while at the same time get the equipment at affordable prices. These range from small clinics to large hospitals and every other medical practice in between as well as diagnostic testing centers. There are many clinics, hospitals, practices and facilities seeking to buy and sell medical equipment online. 

Selling used medical equipment is just as common as buying the equipment online.  Many of the above mentioned facilities seek to update their equipment but want to sell the existing equipment at the best price so that they can recoup some of their expenses. There are many clinics that have little or no equipment needed for the most up to date care, while there are larger facilities that are seeking the state of the art equipment and are selling their used medical equipment that can suit the needs of others. There is a viable market for both selling and buying used medical equipment online. 

A medical auction website such as Medflip.com can help those who are seeking to buy or sell used medical equipment. The equipment listed on this site includes everything from laboratory equipment used for diagnostic testing to radiology equipment. Even neonatal and ICU equipment is available on this site. The equipment found on this auction site can be used to give the best care for patients who might otherwise have to go elsewhere to get access to this equipment. This site facilitates the purchase and sale of the equipment at terms that are attractive to both buyers and sellers. 

Those who are looking for special equipment that may not be listed on the site can place an ad in the Medflip.com «want ad» section. You can place an ad on the site to describe what you are looking for and be first in line to get it when a seller sees the ad and offers it to you before putting it on the auction or before the item goes to the general market. This can be the best way for those who are looking for special used medical equipment to get what they need quickly and affordably. 

You should check with the site on a regular basis so that you can keep up with the new items in used medical equipment that are added daily. The more you keep up with the site, the more in touch you will be when it comes to new items that are offered as soon as they become available. You can find the best bargains when you are looking for medical equipment in this way, so it is important that you frequently check out the site. 

If you are looking for a way to save money as well as offer your patients the best quality care they can receive, then choose a site like Medflip.com for all of your used medical equipment needs. 

Immtech pharmaceuticals, inc

Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IMMP) SWOT Profile—Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregation

Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IMMP) SWOT Profile is a comprehensive business, functional and strategic analysis of Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. The profile delves into the operations of the company to present an in-depth analysis of the various aspects related to its business. It analyzes the company’s business structure, operations, major products and services, prospects, locations and subsidiaries, executive biographies and key competitors. The hallmark of the profile is the detailed strategic analysis of the company. This highlights and presents an unbiased view of its key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The profile helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by understanding your partners, customers and competitors better.
Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Immtech) is a pharmaceutical company that focuses on the global opportunities in the healthcare sector. It is engaged in the discovery and development of therapies for the treatment of infectious diseases such as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, including hepatitis C and hospital-acquired infections. The company mainly carries out its operations in China, South Africa and the US.

— Examines key information about company for business intelligence.
— The company’s core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented objectively. Business, strategic and operational aspects are taken into account.
— Opportunities available to the company are sized up and its growth potential assessed. Competitive and/or technological threats are highlighted.
— The profile contains valuable and critical company information – business structure and operations, the company history, major products and services, prospects, key competitors, key employees, executive biographies, important locations and subsidiaries.
— The profile provides detailed financial ratios for the past five years as well as interim ratios for the last five interim periods for major public companies.
— Financial ratios presented for major public companies include revenue trends, profitability, growth, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial position and efficiency ratios.
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