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How to avoid the killer errors that get your resume shredded

How to Avoid the Killer Errors That Get Your Resume Shredded

So you need a new job then? A first job, a dream job, or maybe in credit crunch 2008 any job will do for now). No matter what job you’re hunting you need a really sizzling resume in order to get interview invites flooding in. Problem: Creating a hot resume can feel impossible. Believe me, it’s not hard at all, when you know what to do. However, it IS easy to make mistakes and mess it up — And messed up means shredded and shredded means no job interview.

Fear not. It’s not that hard at all — once you know what to avoid — and that’s what I’ll tell you now.

So what are the common mistakes that will mess your resume up?

**John Doe — No contact information**

Many people feel that because they’re sending a cover letter, they don’t need to include their name, address, phone number and email address at the top of their resume.

However it’s very common for cover letters to be separated from resumes by HR departments who then pass the resume to various other staff members for review. At this stage your contact information is very likely to be lost forever! And I can tell you that it’s very frustrating for a manager to receive a good resume that has all of the qualifications that he or she is looking for in an employee without a name or any contact information.

So — Very important — Include all of your contact information at the top of your resume. Name, address, phone, email.

**What do you want to do? No objective**

Large organizations may have dozens of ads for employees advertised. If your resume goes first to an HR admin person for filtering then how will he or she know what job you’re applying for unless you state this in your resume as well as cover letter (again same dangers of lost cover letters apply so put it on the CV header too)

**What do you want to achieve? No goals or ambition?**

Not necessary in all cases. Use common sense. Under your name and contact information should be a heading about your career objective. You can break this into two categories. One should be for the position which you are seeking. The other can be what you hope to attain in the future.

If, for example, you are seeking the position of a newspaper reporter but have ambitions to be an editor or a features writer, then you can outline this in your resume as a career aim. This can be a handy indication that you’re a long term strategic thinker as well as a loyal employee who is keen to develop new skills and add value to the business.

As I say use common sense. If applying to small companies it may not be wise to indicate that you want the job of the person who’s recruiting you!

**You don’t many or any skills, bye bye! They’re not psychic you know!**

In any job no matter how junior there are skills required even if it’s just a summer job selling ice cream on the beach (hey that’s customer facing with a bit of sales you know!) Way to many CVs are thin on evidence of relevant skills.

To many applicants lump all their tasks in a short paragraph, which will not impress many possible employers.

So don’t understate your past experience ‘ Include all of the tasks you performed at your old job, or know how to do, that concern to the position which you are seeking.

It’s good to list all of the tasks and knowledge in bullet point format so that it makes it easier for the employer to see just what you can do. This is not the time to be shy or modest. Highlighting your accomplishments, knowledge and past experience can not be too underestimated when it comes to your resume.

**Got fired or saying my current job and company are rubbish — Writing why you left or are leaving**

Not necessary at all and looked at unprofessional. You will most likely be asked why you left your prior employment during your interview. Don’t badmouth your last place of employment, even if your boss was a reincarnation of the Devil! Just say that you are seeking an opportunity for new development.

**I want, I want! Talking money right off the block**

NEVER put down how much you are making at your current job or how much money you expect to pull in at the new job.

While some employers will ask that you state your salary qualifications in your cover letter, this is never acceptable on a CV.

Many employees who ask that prospective employees state their salary requirements in their cover letter tend to pay low wages and do not want to waste their time with anyone who expects to be paid enough money to make a living.

**Your resume looks like a 5 year olds «art» project**

For a 5 year old it’s cute. For a resume it’s death. Coloured paper, fancy fonts and pics may look really nice but is generally considered to be amateurish. Use white paper. Black ink. Standard fonts. Standard upper and lower caps and make it easy to read.

**Uneducated barbarians need not apply**

You didn’t spring into existence from nowhere so make sure that you put down your educational experience from the last college or university that you attended to the first.

If you have a post graduate degree, that should come first under the Education heading, along with the degree and any awards.

Your undergraduate university or college should come second along with degrees and accomplishments. If you have a post grad degree you don’t have to put down high school information ‘ That’s a given.

**No autobiographies please!**

Pages of life story filler are a sure way to get round filed fast. With that said, it’s a context thing. Don’t hesitate to make your CV more than one page if your accomplishments, experience and education warrants this in the context of the position applied for.

It’s better not to underestimate yourself than to keep your resume short and sweet. On the other hand don’t pout down long lists of hobbies, and non work related achievements, your junior schools, places lived in, travel done and so on. It’s filler and recognised as such right away. Black mark.


So, avoid these clangers and you’ll be well on your way to creating an interview magnet of a resume that will reflect all of the reasons why you are the best person for the job as well as a resume that reflects your personality.

If it looks like a pyramid and acts like a pyramid

If it Looks like a Pyramid and Acts like a Pyramid

Who gets the Pyramid Quack award?

On our conference call the other day, people wondered how to talk and act so that people would stop asking «Is this a pyramid/one of those things?»

One way is to stop, forever, saying and doing the things that evoke this image in the minds of others — i.e. people «who abuse their friends and try to sell them stuff, and get them to sell and take a percent.»

For years, it’s been all about getting people to sell and recruit. That’s the reason countless people discouraged (and ridiculed) my customer-oriented students, «There’s no money in customers. All the money’s in the recruiting.»

I’ve taught hundreds of classes to those who prefer to amass customers. It’s lucrative in some companies, and many stayed in the business because they learned how to do that, instead of quitting.

But some companies pay you to act like you’re a pyramid type. We will bestow upon them the «Pyramid Quack» award. Yes, here. To encourage them to change their pyramid quacking ways which make their people look bad.

If it quacks like a pyramid…

«a pyramid scheme is…[where] the need to subscribe newcomers outweighs whatever benefits the products or system has to offer. Many MLMs sell distributorships more than cosmetics [name your product or service — KK].» -Coercion: Why We Listen to What «they» Say

Some people don’t know it from the way the business is promoted, but we do two things to make money in the network marketing business:

1) get customers (earn a percent on their orders)
2) Get sales reps who want to get customers and more sales reps (earn a percent on their orders)

So based on what they pay people to do, which companies get the Pyramid Quack award?

One gal, Phyllis, a Tahitian Noni rep for years, told the group this:

Typical order: $120 for the Noni juice per month.
Pay for getting a customer (who doesn’t sell it) to buy it: 6%. That’s like $5 for getting a $120 order.(!!)

With such puny pay, who’d want to go after customers? They don’t, and haven’t, for years, she said. This pay plan tells it all: We pay you to get recruits — people who sell it. We don’t care about customers who just buy it (and who don’t sell it).

So, we were about to bestow upon the Tahitian Noni International pay plan, the Pyramid Quack award.

Then with great pride, she announced to the group: «But Kim, this past year they’ve worked to change it — because I think they heard you. As of May 1, 2006, they are paying 20% for customer orders. So now we get $24 for each of those orders!»

That’s what, 3 days ago? After almost 10 years of being in business.

(This conference call will be up on the Talking about Your Great Thing podcast site later this week, so you can hear the juicy details for yourself.)

Tomorrow’s blog: The story on the pay plans of two more companies: Young Living and Life Wave. Do they get the Pyramid Quack award or not?

Send in your company plan plan info and see if it gets the Pyramid Quack award. (Use Comments below.) Here’s what info to submit:

1. What’s the typical customer order amount? And what do you get (range) if you find them, front line them, and they do NOT sign on to sell anything?

2. Name of company. And YOUR NAME.

Then we’ll check it out, and award the Pyramid Quack award to your company, or not.

After all, if it quacks like a pyramid…

How to pull off a successful pr event

How To Pull Off a Successful PR Event

As public relations (PR) covers all the relationships an organisation has with its various stakeholders (‘publics’), PR events can take many forms — from product launches and exhibitions to team-building events, training courses, sales presentations and annual general meetings.

As with all planning, the devil is in the detail and PR professionals must have an eye for every aspect of activity ¬’ as well as the bigger picture — if they are to pull off a really successful event. As with most things in the marketing sphere, presentation is key and first impressions really count.

The big 6 questions Planning a PR event — particularly one with a large audience — may seem daunting but, in reality, it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it and the first step is to break the project down into manageable parts. To do this, I recommend looking at the 6 big questions ¬of why, who, what, where, when and how. If you can write a couple of lines in answer to these key questions on one side of A4 paper, you’re more than halfway towards a successful PR event. Let’s look at them in turn.

Why? Now, this is really the crux of the matter. Why do you need to talk to one of your ‘publics’? What is the real objective for your organisation in staging this PR event? Is your objective important enough to justify the costs involved? Of course, this question will be closely linked to…

Who? Which particular people are you wanting to address, either internally, externally or both? What is the audience’s view of your organisation and what issues are of interest to them? You need to identify the people who matter to your aims and ensure that you don’t waste valuable resources by targeting the wrong people. Each event will have limited spaces, so you want those attending to be the people who really matter in terms of achieving your objectives. Once you know your audience, find out which media they use and trust, as this will be useful in planning your promotion of the event.

What? What kind of event will work? This depends mostly on the profile of your audience. Are they mostly men or women? How busy are they and how far are they willing to travel? Would a sporting theme or other hospitality angle be a good hook for them to attend? Of course, the size of your budget will be an important factor in deciding what kind of event you put on. There may be revenue opportunities such as sponsorship, but there will certainly be considerable expenses such as printing, advertising, insurance, speakers, security, food, drink and accommodation.

Where? The kind of venue will be largely determined by the answers to your ‘What?’ question, but the exact location of the venue can vary enormously. Yes, the sales conference needs to be in a large and swanky hotel, but should that be in Birmingham or is the message important enough to warrant a trip to Barcelona?

When? The best time to hold your event is an obvious, but often neglected, consideration. Of course, you should pick a season that suits the kind of event you’re holding ¬’ only die-hard golfers will take to the greens in November — but you must also think about other demands on your audience. Ensure your event doesn’t clash with any industry exhibitions or awards ceremonies, for example.

How? Now we’re getting to the nitty-gritty of planning your event. This question covers all the logistics on the day. It’s a good idea to form a planning team, as colleagues can help you to brainstorm the minutiae of the event. For your guests to come away with a positive impression of your organisation, you need to ensure that they have a hassle-free time. That means that you need to plan every aspect of the event, from parking and refreshments to toilet facilities and hotel rooms. And if you can be creative in the extra touches — for example, giving the delegates the day’s presentations on custom-printed USB sticks to avoid the need to take notes ¬’ you’ll make a lasting impression.

When implementing your plan, never underestimate the importance of good communication with your team. This team may, for each event, include people outside of your organisation — for example, the hospitality staff at your venue. Make sure that everyone understands what is happening when and where, not forgetting why! If you’re inviting VIPs, for example, ensure that everyone knows who they are and just how they should be treated.

If you want to hone your planning skills over time, you must have a full, post-event debrief with your team to understand what worked and what didn’t. This should cover both the objectives and the logistics. In terms of your event’s aims, try to get feedback from delegates on how useful the event was to them and how it changed their perceptions. When it comes to the logistics, every venue and event will throw up its own problems, of course, but, over time, knowing what didn’t work will give you the experience to avoid the common pitfalls and make your next event even better.

How select the right hotel facilities will help to make your trip more pleasurable

How Select the Right Hotel Facilities Will Help to Make Your Trip More Pleasurable?

From youngsters to the young-at-heart, from morning to night, from active to passive — luxury hotels offer something to suit everyone: From restaurants & bars, swimming pools, sports or children’s facilities to business arrangements; everything is waiting for you!

The kind of hotel you choose depends on why you want a hotel and what facilities you need. If you are looking for official meetings or business delegate meets, then you have to choose a hotel, which has the best conference and other facilities available. For example, the Grecotel hotel in Greece is famous for its conference facilities. The hotel’s conference and banqueting facilities have played host to numerous international meetings, seminars and conferences.
The conference rooms accommodate from 12 to 350 persons and can be fully equipped with all technical requirements. All conference rooms have natural light and offer spectacular sea and garden views. The professional yet friendly service combined with superb catering, entertainment and sports facilities assure the most memorable events on the island of Crete.

If your reason of visit is personal, and you are on a vacation, then you have to choose a hotel based on the service, food and recreation activities. Most luxury hotels have gyms, swimming pools, spas, beauty salons, lounge bars and everything that you want to make your vacation perfect. The Mandarin Oriental in Washington is famous for its ambience and amenities. This grand hotel has one of the most extensive selections of accommodation — from main building rooms, bungalows and suites to Royal Pavilions with private pools.
The Mandarin Oriental offers refined luxury and superlative service, with a decor that gently combines Asian and American influences. Each of the 400 units offers district or water views. Rooms are decorated with silk Thai tapestries, offering posh elegance designed to soothe the mind, body and spirit. Amenities include an award-winning spa and fitness facility. Ample car parking is available for all guests.

Just as important as the ambience, is the attentive yet unobtrusive staff. From maids to managers their quality service with a personal touch is what makes so many guests come back year after year.

Internet flower delivery

Internet Flower Delivery

Flowers are expressions of thoughtfulness and love, congratulations and sympathy, along with a heartfelt method of saying a easy, «I treatment about you!» Remembering and finding time to express these sentiments in today’s global society can sometimes be challenging. In case you moved aside from your hometown but yet need to send adore for your mother on her birthday or just desire to maintain near with college roommates long following graduation, distance and convenience are important concerns. Luckily, with new engineering, it is possible to remain close to virtually anyone, anywhere by purchasing flowers via the internet.

Purchasing blossoms over the Internet has by no means been so trouble-free and is fast starting to be the most popular indicates of mailing the best bouquet to friends or loved ones. Men and women from each and every walk of existence are enjoying the benefits with the private computer, which is proving to become ultra quickly, inexpensive, and surprisingly secure to utilize for individuals to the prowl for a definitely great offer. Regardless of whether you’ve ordered blossoms via internet prior to or have just believed about it, here are some good reasons why getting blossoms over the Broad web isn’t only a fantastic concept but will also save you time and cash!

one) You know what you are getting! Placing orders by means of a phone support has classically been luck on the draw. Regardless of whether mailing flowers to some funeral or as congratulations for any unique function, you may give a basic concept of what you wanted by mobile phone but had little manage above the ultimate style or design. Web ordering enables you to easily go with and select the style, color scheme, flower kinds, and price range you would like! Just click about the photos that appeal for you most. It’s possible to swiftly compare possibilities within just one particular website or around several web-sites. This may be a fantastic option to assure that your present sends just the proper message.

2) Store whenever, anywhere! Cannot pick time to go shopping? You do not must leave your house or office to deliver blossoms. Allow your fingers do the walking on your keyboard. You can easlily shop inside your pajamas if you choose, whenever working day or night. It doesn’t subject that other stores are closed; your web florist is at all times open. Buying flowers e-commerce is quick, and florists are, as well. They specialize in same-day and next-day delivery. With a lot of internet florists, you possibly can purchase blossoms in the morning for delivery practically anywhere that similar morning. Obviously, at Christmas, Valentine’s, and Mother’s Morning, it’s finest to steer clear of the rush by purchasing a morning or two in advance. Otherwise, same working day or up coming working day flower delivery is no trouble.

three) Never neglect an event once more! Does your evening get so completely hectic that anniversaries, birthdays, and other necessary occasions simply slip your thoughts? Most using the net florists have a free of charge reminder services, so you never must worry about forgetting a unique date ever again! The florist will instantly deliver you an email about each and every upcoming function to jog your memory. There’s no obligation, the specifics is private, and you can easily add or change dates whenever you want. That it is like owning your own private secretary.

4) Professionally developed flowers create a statement. You can find products that ship cut blossoms in a box along with a vase and guidelines. They are regularly a bargain, but the recipient has to cut and arrange his or her own blossoms. As an choice, mailing a finished arrangement assures you obtain your stage all around with out the recipient getting «work for» the gift. In other words, whilst boxed flowers are a great issue, they’re not normally the very best alternative. A lot depends within the occasion and recipient. For deliveries towards the workplace, a hospital, or a funeral property, arranged flowers are normally very best. One particular point is certain, it must be YOUR selection, and you’ll obtain both varieties of floral gifts once you shop internet.

five) Internet ordering is one stop purchasing! There’s no need to drive from store to shop or waste time standing in lines. You’re able to seek virtually anything at all you need to have e-commerce. For example, several web-based florists present a assortment of products for example gift baskets, balloons, teddy bears, and chocolates. So, if you desire to send flowers including a fruit basket or roses and balloons, you have that option not having possessing to produce separate purchases at several web-sites.

6) Transactions are secure and basic. Purchasing flowers by the Web is really a breeze with regards to safeguarding your privacy and protection. All reputable via internet florists use safe buy types. Just look for «https» within your address bar whenever you get towards the buy form. It indicates the tips you submit is encrypted for privacy. You will find it only takes a handful of minutes to complete your order. All significant credit cards are accepted. Plus, should you use a card with reward incentives, you will appreciate that additional bonus with your purchase.

7) You’ll seek plenty of valuable tips at your fingertips. Unsure around the name of the particular floral? Don’t be embarrassed; your net florist can support. You’ll acquire item descriptions, flower photographs and names, wedding flower helpful hints, meanings of flowers, care info, decorating recommendations, and a lot much more web based. Whether you are a seasoned flower qualified or gift-sending novice, world wide web floral shops offer you a wealth of zero cost data and resources. You can actually browse at your leisure, research favored floral topics, or simply delight in the images. It’s actually like possessing a complete floral store proper in your Personal computer.

8) On the net florists provide their credentials. Examining rooms are decorated with diplomas, which enable you see for your self if the physician has the credentials needed to serve your needs. Most reputable World wide web buying web sites do the exact. Major florists web generally have awards and feedback from clients posted conspicuously for one’s gain. Look for set up florists with business credentials, buyer testimonials, a support ensure, along with a toll-free consumer services phone amount. Then, you’re sure to become upon the appropriate track.

9) Obtain the benefits of mid- to large-size businesses as well as the personalization of little, nearby florists in one. The web florists contain the methods, staffing, industry connections, and buying volume you’d anticipate from large firms. Most assure satisfaction. So, you delight in the support and costs you deserve. But, they also deliver by way of a vast network of pick smaller florists all around the country and somewhere around the globe. When choosing florist shipped flowers, your gift is professionally intended and personally delivered by these nearby flower shops. You have the good quality and individual attention of a hometown florist, together with the assistance and service of a nationwide company, too.

10) Purchasing flowers by the Online creates gifting effortless! Purchasing flowers over the World-wide-web is probably the most handy method to send blossoms to just about anybody. Most florists on-line could have categories based upon within the occasion, selling price variety, or floral sorts with which to sort and view the numerous bouquets. You will adore how uncomplicated it is to store for flowers via internet and how convenient it might be ordering from your residence or office.

Blossoms and also the believed behind them definitely mean a good deal and definitely touch men and women. The classic method to send a present of flowers has traditionally been telephone ordering. Nowadays, we possess the benefit, quality, range, and manage of purchasing flowers about
the World-wide-web, as well. It is made our lives less complicated and created our lives far better. Since, right after all, that it is not about blossoms, it’s about sending a message and staying close with those people we treatment about. That’s what flowers are all about. The Web just helps make sending flowers that a good deal simpler.

My Realty Deal

My Realty Deal

Internet Flower Delivery