Февраль 2011
Investing in single family homes
Investing In Single Family Homes
When you are a new investor in the real estate industry you are not sure where to invest and what will bring in good fortunes. Real estate is not a highly liquid asset and you cannot trade it for immediate cash. However, there are ways that ensure that you can also make money by investing with a smaller amount.
It has been observed that a major part of the trading in real estate happens in the middle or lower range of real estate prices. Usually, this range covers single family homes, which is a good pick for new investors.
The popularity of single family homes among the investors is largely due to the steady market that exists for these homes. You simply need to purchase one that fits your budget, decide if you want to sell it or rent it out and fix it and spruce it up. The tax benefits of investing in single family homes are also factors that make it popular with the investors. The best part of it is the finance options available for such homes and the comparatively lower interest rates available on them. Single family homes also get some easy finance options. The interest rates are low and a higher loan to value ratio can also be obtained making it a good choice for the investors’ financing needs. Owner-occupied homes can be purchased at a very low down payment and in some cases there may be absolutely no down payment at all.
Renting out single family homes is simpler than other homes and they are very popular as starter homes with the upcoming couples and the new blue collared workforce. One may easily be able to invest in a few single family homes, renovate them and rent them out at a good rate prevalent in the neighborhood. However, sometimes the rents may not be able to match the mortgage payments unless a substantial amount of down payment has been made. The negative cash flow means an increased burden for the investor. But it is just a matter of breaking even which can happen in a few years’ time as the rents have been on the rise for some time now.
The depreciation that can be charged on such properties makes it a very good tax saving element. Depreciation can be considered as an expense that can help in reducing the taxable income related to the property. In spite of the low rentals and higher mortgage payment scenario, depreciation can be a great factor to reduce the tax liability to a certain extent. The appreciation in the value of the property can also make a significant impact on the profits on sale of such single family homes. Some investors are also able to overcome the negative cash flow situation by offering such homes on a sale-on-lease option basis. The lease payments may be considered as the down payment and a higher payment may also be charged for the same reason.
When buying a single family home the investors have to be careful about what is being bought. If they are unable to sell there single family home because of the substandard construction, building code violations, faulty floor plans and the deteriorating quality of the neighborhood then their investment is bound to fail. On the brighter side, there could be areas which have been affected by the economic recession. These can make for a good investment opportunity at a great bargain. They can bring in good returns if the investor is able to hold the property till the market situation improves. Overall, the single family homes are a good investment option for the investors.
Written by: VD
Date Written: 03 July 2008
Reviewer Assigned by: David
Reviewed by: HS
Quality Control: AG
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Quality Control Completed on: 07/07/2008
How to bring down your home insurance premium
How to Bring Down Your Home Insurance Premium
Home security progress:
All insurance companies will happily offer you a take off in support of thief alarms and smoke detectors. Homes with fire and thief alarms with the purpose of communicate with a third faction monitoring company receive a top take off on their insurance premiums.
When workable, take a top deductible:
To reduce your premium, it is unsurpassed advised to expand the deductible to the scope you can afford. Your back home insurance premium will fall by as much as 20% if you expand the deductible from $200 to $1000.
Multiple insurance – Same suppliers:
If you consolidate your back home insurance and sedan insurance with solitary insurance company, expect a premium reduction flanked by 10 – 15%. This plus process you are making solitary payment in support of all your insurance needs. Consolidate and win.
Discount in support of non-smokers:
Some back home insurance companies will offer a non-smoker take off to the set of 15%. If insurance company offer a non-smokers take off.
How far is the fire station?
If you live more than 5 miles from the adjacent fire station and more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant, you can expect a top premium. Also if you live in the nation, you will probably disburse top insurance rate than if you were living in the city.
Type of construction:
The construction type of your back home plus acting a weighty role in determining your insurance premium. A wood frame back home will cost more to insure than the solitary built mostly of distinct.
Claims limitless vinyl and renewal discounts:
If you control not had a allegation under your current back home owners procedure in support of the preceding 3-5 years, you will persuade a 15% take off on your premium. Expect further take off if your procedure has been in force with the same insurance company in support of 3 years or more.
I am hopeful you control gained preliminary intelligence on the area under discussion of back home insurance premiums. With these advantageous tips you will be able to understand and demand discounts on your back home insurance premiums. Good Luck!
Increase income — 7 quick tips how to prioritize and tame those ideas spinning around your brain
Increase Income — 7 Quick Tips How to Prioritize and Tame Those Ideas Spinning Around Your Brain
Do you have many ideas spinning around in your brain, and you’re not sure which ones to act on first? This is a common blessing us creative entrepreneurs have; but it can drive use crazy, too, because we know we can’t act on all of our ideas at once.
It’s important we get our arms around ideas that are worthwhile pursuing, mainly, ones that will increase our income, and «tame», or set aside, those that won’t help us reach our goals.
Here’s a quick and simple to do tip that will help you decide which ideas will pay off, and which ideas you should set off to the side (or even discard).
First, grab a stack of paper and a pen, and write down each idea on its own piece of paper at the top.
Next, for each idea, ask yourself these questions:
1. Will this idea add money to my bank account (or add subscribers to my list)?
Write down «yes» or «no» on the paper. For all those ideas that receive a «no» and don’t make the cut, you can either hold onto them and put them in an «idea stack», or discard the papers to clear up your mental space.
2. If your answer is «yes», then ask yourself, «How much money will this add to my bank account, and by what date?»
Write down the dollar amount, and date. Be very specific about these numbers, but realistic, as well.
3. Ask yourself, «If I don’t pursue this idea, what will I lose?»
Write down what the effect on your business would be by not following through on this idea. Many times, if you don’t stand to lose that much, the idea probably isn’t worthwhile pursuing. If its affect is significant, then you might be on to an idea worth pursing!
4. Ask yourself, «If I pursue this idea, what specifically will I gain?»
Be specific about what completing the idea will help you accomplish. Think upstream and determine the domino effect of how this idea will help contribute to the growth of your business, and income. It is important to detail out this step as much as possible, because it will help you rank your ideas, by impact and importance.
5. Sit back and look at your answers.
Rank your ideas by those that will have the biggest potential impact for you and your business.
Some of your ideas may sound like fun, but won’t really help you reach your goal of increasing your income. You can put these ideas back into your idea stack if you’re not ready to release them yet, or you can decide to «cut» them from your idea list, at this time.
6. Choose THE one idea you’re going to act on!
7. Make a project plan.
It’s important to identify all the tasks and little details you need to do to bring your idea to fruition.
Brainstorm and list all the things you need to do, step-by-step, on a piece of paper. Cut apart each numbered task and pin it on a big wall calendar on days you have time available to work on the task.
This is a great visual tool to show you: 1) exactly what needs to be done, and 2) the date it needs to be completed.
By pinning ideas to the calendar, you can easily relocate tasks to a different date, or even delegate them to other people.
By taming and prioritizing your ideas, watch your income steadily increase because of your high-value, focused efforts!
Copyright 2008, Bonita L. Richter
Joint ventures- suggestion for co sponsorship
Joint Ventures- Suggestion for Co Sponsorship
Everyone is trying to save money, even the media. It is relatively easy to encourage them to invest in your business, and help you promote, in exchange for making their lives easier. For more details go to: www.joint-venture-softwares.com Internet businesses and work at home ventures are in such a hurry to build joint-venture relationships that they overlook some of the old tried but true joint ventures.
For community service or entertainment events, enlist newspapers and broadcast stations as cosponsors. Typically, media co sponsorship means you do the work and spend whatever money is necessary; the station or publication gives you oodles of free publicity, reports on it, and/or broadcasts portions of the event.
Electronic media are required to provide public service programming as a condition of their license, and publications have a vested interest in maintaining their credibility as the eyes and ears of the community. Because co sponsorship demonstrates the media outlet’s community interest and also lets the public hobnob with media personalities, a suggestion for co sponsorship will often be greeted enthusiastically.
What’s the difference between the ordinary free publicity you can garner and bringing the station in as a cosponsor? Jordi Harold, proprietor of the Iron Horse Music Hall in Northampton, Massachusetts, uses co sponsorship several times a month. Asking for radio co sponsorship «is not asking for something for nothing, but raises the estimation of the station in [the eyes of] its audience—makes it possible to hear the same music live. It does a lot to contribute to the positive image of the station.» Ideally, «it becomes a priority at the station.
That’s not measurable in times of mention, but it becomes part of the dj’s patter on the air—you can’t log that, you can’t buy that, you can’t specify that.»
Newer, smaller media are good bets, says Herold. «We have a station that’s new in the area and is competing for market share. For help visit: www.joint-venture-guide.com
If I do a co promotion, I’m likely to get up to 50 free mentions in addition to my paid advertising.
With a station…that doesn’t have a relationship with the club; I may only get a one-to-one relationship between the spots I buy and promotional mentions. With a college radio station, you can be all over the map without any expenditure of money.»
For live music, radio co sponsorship is an especially valuable endorsement, because the station’s promotional spots will give listeners the chance to hear a little of an artist they may not know—and because the station’s role as an arbiter of music carries over to readers who see the co sponsorship listed in the newspapers and on posters.
It’s even okay to have several media cosponsoring an event—if they don’t compete. For instance, I organized a candidate forum and got sponsorship—and publicity—from one newspaper, one radio station, and one cable TV station. If I’d wanted to get two radio stations, I would have needed to check with both stations that it was all right to have direct competitors cosponsor the event.
Consider co sponsorships for political candidate forums, live entertainment, fairs and festivals, auctions, and special events.
How to select the perfect team to create perfect motion graphics
How To Select The Perfect Team To Create Perfect Motion Graphics
Few video production companies can claim to have a wealth of in-house motion graphics talent right at their fingertips. The graphic designer should offer the latest in motion graphics technology. Their team of motion graphics artists should be experts in the most advanced graphics software, meaning you get the latest technology, with top creative designers, in the most efficient time possible. They should pride themselves on offering the most advanced motion graphics, no matter what the budget.
Special Effect Motion Graphics
The post-production team should able to create the most advanced graphics to fit any situation. If you can imagine it happening, it should happen. Therefore, you should hire an experienced motion graphic designers to create that WOW effect.
3D Motion Graphics
The designer should also know how to make affordable 3d animations. If you pay any attention to the weekend box office, you know that the hottest thing in Hollywood is 3D animated movies. And judging from the numbers, your customer base knows this too. But something they do not know — it does not take the budget of Shrek for you to incorporate this groundbreaking form of entertainment into your own commercial, website, logo, corporate video, or advertisement.
3D Commercial Production
Their staff should be experienced enough to create an immersing experience of animation to help showcase your product or business. They should be able to create a fully animated commercial product in a unique creative environment, to a fully animated backdrop that you or an actor can discuss the product in front of. They should lead the way in creating virtual worlds that are unlike anything ever seen in commercial video production.
Online Graphics Production
With the proliferation of broadband technology on the Internet, they should know to apply motion graphics to your web site or advertising. A new, cutting-edge look will provide a dynamic new feel to any website.