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Increase income — 7 quick tips how to prioritize and tame those ideas spinning around your brain

Increase Income — 7 Quick Tips How to Prioritize and Tame Those Ideas Spinning Around Your Brain

Do you have many ideas spinning around in your brain, and you’re not sure which ones to act on first? This is a common blessing us creative entrepreneurs have; but it can drive use crazy, too, because we know we can’t act on all of our ideas at once.

It’s important we get our arms around ideas that are worthwhile pursuing, mainly, ones that will increase our income, and «tame», or set aside, those that won’t help us reach our goals.

Here’s a quick and simple to do tip that will help you decide which ideas will pay off, and which ideas you should set off to the side (or even discard).

First, grab a stack of paper and a pen, and write down each idea on its own piece of paper at the top.

Next, for each idea, ask yourself these questions:

1. Will this idea add money to my bank account (or add subscribers to my list)?

Write down «yes» or «no» on the paper. For all those ideas that receive a «no» and don’t make the cut, you can either hold onto them and put them in an «idea stack», or discard the papers to clear up your mental space.

2. If your answer is «yes», then ask yourself, «How much money will this add to my bank account, and by what date?»

Write down the dollar amount, and date. Be very specific about these numbers, but realistic, as well.

3. Ask yourself, «If I don’t pursue this idea, what will I lose?»

Write down what the effect on your business would be by not following through on this idea. Many times, if you don’t stand to lose that much, the idea probably isn’t worthwhile pursuing. If its affect is significant, then you might be on to an idea worth pursing!

4. Ask yourself, «If I pursue this idea, what specifically will I gain?»

Be specific about what completing the idea will help you accomplish. Think upstream and determine the domino effect of how this idea will help contribute to the growth of your business, and income. It is important to detail out this step as much as possible, because it will help you rank your ideas, by impact and importance.

5. Sit back and look at your answers.

Rank your ideas by those that will have the biggest potential impact for you and your business.

Some of your ideas may sound like fun, but won’t really help you reach your goal of increasing your income. You can put these ideas back into your idea stack if you’re not ready to release them yet, or you can decide to «cut» them from your idea list, at this time.

6. Choose THE one idea you’re going to act on!

7. Make a project plan.

It’s important to identify all the tasks and little details you need to do to bring your idea to fruition.

Brainstorm and list all the things you need to do, step-by-step, on a piece of paper. Cut apart each numbered task and pin it on a big wall calendar on days you have time available to work on the task.

This is a great visual tool to show you: 1) exactly what needs to be done, and 2) the date it needs to be completed.

By pinning ideas to the calendar, you can easily relocate tasks to a different date, or even delegate them to other people.

By taming and prioritizing your ideas, watch your income steadily increase because of your high-value, focused efforts!

Copyright 2008, Bonita L. Richter

If you can't beat them, why not buy them

If You Can't Beat Them, Why Not Buy Them?

How can you tell if buying the competition is a good idea?

?        First, know where you stand. Take a good, hard look at your company’s bottom line. Make sure your company is financially sound enough to tie up that much capital.

?        Make sure your people have the skills and expertise to blend the two companies together.

?        Figure out why the competitor is struggling…and make sure you can overcome those issues after the acquisition.

?        Do your due diligence: research the company’s relationships with customers and suppliers. Check out the balance sheet and assets. Figure out the corporate culture. Kick the tires.

?        Figure out a step-by-step plan to merge the two companies.

Mergers and acquisitions can inject new blood, new customers, new capabilities and new ideas into a company—as long as the process is managed well.

Due diligence can go a long way in determining your course of action.

«Buy» for now,

P.S. If your due diligence says «yes, yes, yes!» but your bank balance says, «NO way!» call us at 954-510-0328. You may be surprised to discover how fast, convenient and affordable business financing from Shavit Funding can be.

How to flip a house and be financially independent

How To Flip A House And Be Financially Independent

To become financially independent many people learn how to flip a house. This process could not be simpler to understand and it is even easier to execute once the basic methodology has been understood. It is a simple process that typically involves four steps: first, identify a potential house to purchase. Second, acquire the funds needed to purchase the property. Third, negotiate an acceptable buying price for the property. The fourth and final step is to then find a buyer that is willing to buy the newly acquired for a higher price.

The first step of any real estate investment is to find and identify a potential property. A potential property can be identified by its sound appearance, availability, and, most importantly, a low asking price. It is a good idea when searching for a property to invest in to research the surrounding real estate market. Real estate is valued on a comparative basis. This means that the price of a particular house is based on the value of similar houses in the immediate area. By studying these properties a smart investor can identify those houses which are priced below the comparative market value.

A house may be priced below market value for many reasons including poor condition, foreclosure proceedings, tax liens, or any number of other reasons. A great way to find houses that have been foreclosed on is to contact your local bank or lending institution. Properties with tax liens against them can be found at the court house or local tax office. Once you have identified a promising property, you have to acquire the funds necessary to retain ownership of the house. If you are not an experienced or wealthy investor, then this could be a tricky and confusing process. The first thing to remember is that a bank lends money in order to make money. If they do not think that your investment opportunity will be profitable, then they will be unlikely to extend the needed or requested funds. Therefore it is important to be as prepared as possible when answering the loan officer’s questions. Have facts about the property, the surrounding market place, and your personal financial history at hand and accurate. Do not attempt to mislead the officer. They will find out the facts eventually and any dishonesty will hurt your chances of completing a successful loan application.

Once the property has been identified and the money acquired, then you must negotiate the best possible asking price. This step in the process can mean the difference between an ultimate profit or loss at the end of the day. Again it is important to have your facts. Know the comparative market place and make sure you have identified the possible negatives of the house in question that may force the owner to lower the asking price. Remain confident and always stand firm with any and all offers.

When you have gained ownership over the property, then the final step to learning how to flip a house is to locate and extend an offer to a potential buyer. Again negotiation is key to the success of the transaction. Highlight the positive aspects of the house and only accept an offer that nets a profit. Follow these steps and you will be flipping house in no time.

How do i find criminal background for free online to see peoples past

How Do I Find Criminal Background For Free Online To See Peoples Past

A criminal background check is an important tool when hiring people or buying real estate or any other important thing. That’s right, when you’re hiring or dealing with someone important in your life you have to know as much as you can about that persons past. There are many ways available there and one of the best is checking for criminal background for free online. Sounds great?

You see, there are few ways how can you perform a criminal background check on someone. Some ways are free, some of them aren’t. Some will take more of your time some don’t, so let’s get started. When you think of criminal background check and checking someone’s past what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Police station or detective agency, right? Well that’s a great way to start. You could go to the police station at any time and fill in a request for obtaining various records that will help you to find someone’s criminal background. But it’s a real bore to go down to the police station or a courthouse and wait until your request is approved and found. It can take several days or so, but it’s free. Next solution is to check it with some detective agency. Great advantage of these is that they are fully professional, reliable and fast. It’s their job and their way to earn money. And that is the main downside. Money, it cost money to hire a detective agency to perform a criminal background check for you. So what to do?

There are many websites which give a fairly accurate background check. These websites allow you to access public records free of cost. That’s right, these websites are run by government and they are mostly free. They have great number of records in their databases and they are fast and cheap. Perfect way for you if you have small company or you just want to get it done as quickly as it can.

How to become an effective leader

How To Become An Effective Leader

Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies

All of us often come across the common definition of leadership, which seems to show the meaning as the manoeuvre of a leader dictating the behaviour others, so as to achieve particular objectives.

In the first place, you might wonder «what is the use of such a term in daily life»? However, moving logically we find that most people are in great need of real guidance. So, leadership is not limited to just major companies; rather it is a pervasive activity which influences all aspects of our lives. Whether you are holding a managerial position or working as an employee in a company — you’re looking to grow, and to do this, all you need to find in yourself is the decisive leadership ability to set yourself apart from the competition.

We all need to have some leadership skills to utilise our abilities to the fullest. These skills will help us to lead and manage our business resources — and our human resources. But the real stumbling block is «what skills would you need to acquire in order to become an exceptional leader», so you can effectively manage your own small business enterprise? A brief description here of several of these relevant leadership skills will help you to understand:

1. Good Communication Skills — An individual with good communication skills usually listens to the opinions of others, and is often also able to quickly convey their thoughts, thereby reaching effective decisions faster.

2. Good Motivation Skills — It is of the utmost importance for a leader to have the ability and strength to motivate people to accomplish objectives. A real leader utilises the most efficient approach for motivating others — leading by setting an excellent example.

3. Adaptability — Adaptability is the essential element to succeeding in our ever-changing business world. When you plan your operations always allow for flexibility, so that you can easily adapt to any unpredictable situation that may arise.

4. Know Your People — Once you are able to give your personal touch to your work relationships you will see amazing benefits from these efforts. Personal lives have a great impact on the professional lives of people. When your colleges, employees and customers realise that you care about them, they will connect with you on a personal level.

5. Work Delegation — You can’t do everything on your own. Delegating work to your subordinates is only a part of your delegation requirement. You also need to give personal responsibility of the work to your employees individually, and then keep track of their progress regularly.

6. Decision Making — Decision making is an important aspect of every business. You need to be able to make fast, good and sound decisions in all sorts of situations that may — on occasion, be very difficult. The decisions you chose will directly effect your leadership status, so when additional choices aren’t available to you — go with your intuition.

7. Passion — A leader should have a passion to perform. Being passionate about your work will give you the strength to search out almost impossible answers — be it invention, discovery, or innovation. In the right circumstances, this quality alone could ensure your success.

So, all you need is to achieve personally is a blend of these skills to effectively and efficiently manage your small business enterprises.