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How to successfully be your own boss, easily and fast

How To Successfully Be Your Own Boss, Easily And Fast

If you are going to successfully be your own boss then the internet is the perfect place to start. In the real world of bricks and mortar setting up a business can be a lengthy and costly process with set up costs easily running into thousands. The internet offers you so many options to run a business, and there is no faster or easier way. Have you got 15 minutes and an Internet connection? Then, you can have an online business. However, I’m guessing you want to be successful at this too, and that takes a bit more time, a few more qualities from you and a little money.

There is no better place to start if you want to be your own boss, than affiliate marketing. It is truly the job of the future, and no longer a dream, but a reality. However, to become a successful affiliate marketer there are a few qualities that you must possess in order to take your business into profit. So many people put up a freebie website, opt in to a few affiliate programmes (without researching them well) and then head straight for the finishing line without thinking about what to do in the middle. It doesn’t take much time for these people to decide that their internet business is going to be much harder than they thought, and that getting traffic to their site is going to be tough. Some of these people will try a few free ads, some will blow thousands on ads they have not tested but all of them will end up in the same disappointing place with the conclusion that a successful internet business can only be achieved by the lucky few. Nothing could be further from the truth; there is tons of information on the internet about people who have made fantastic incomes with the internet and affiliate marketing. Look for it, and you will find it. Unquestionable proof that ordinary people are making extraordinary incomes, lists of testimonials from real people who are doing it for REAL. And you can too, but there are a few things you need within you, to succeed where others have failed.

And this must be a strong why. Ask yourself the question and write it down. Keep your answer somewhere you can see it and it will keep you focused in those times during your learning curve when you feel it is impossible to achieve what you want. For me, my why, was my children. I am a single mum who is determined that my children shall not suffer financially just because I am their only carer. I want them to enjoy the good things in life like having a good neighborhood to grow up in with a safe place to play outside. I want us to enjoy holidays together so they can experience different cultures of other countries. Also, I do not want them to be sent out at all times of the day and night for other people to care for them. I want them to know a home life, where Mum is there for them to talk to when they come in from school, to feed them a home cooked meal and to be present at all their nativity plays and sports days. An ordinary 9-5 would never offer me the flexibility, freedom or financial reward in order to be able to achieve these things for my children. Things that I believe they deserve. Life is short, and I do not want to waste it working away behind a desk, missing out on my children growing up just to be able to pay the bills and nothing else.

If you don’t believe you can ever be your own boss then you won’t be. It’s that simple. You must visualize it, hear it, see it, and live it. Once I realized that other people were genuinely making fantastic incomes online, people who were no cleverer than I am, and had no more about them than I have, I began to believe. So, go do your research, take a look at these people and what they do. They are not gods that are unreachable, they are just ordinary people like you and I who had the belief and determination to make it happen for them. Once you see for real that they can do it, then you will know and understand that you can too. You just need to figure out your plan to do so. Figure out what all these people who are making money are doing and modify it to fit your situation. Planning to succeed will shorten your learning curve considerably. From the day you begin you must learn all you can about web promotion, read other people’s opinions using forums and look at the programs others have tried, tested and reviewed before you embark on anything. Always try to learn from other people’s mistakes as well as their successes. For the newbie to internet marketing, beginning a pre-built program is the ideal place to start as not only do you get to be your own boss and start making money, you also start to learn how the business works with someone holding your hand every step of the way and this can be a much needed comfort to those who know nothing about internet marketing. Be careful to select the right venture for you though, there are many out there to chose from. I have spent years looking, trying and sadly, quite often, being ripped off. The one which has impressed me the most would be http://www.your-perfect-solutions.com/pips.html The support on there is second to none and you will learn well, and fast! Stone Evans, is in my opinion, the perfect person to hold your hand.

To be your own boss you could spend years researching different topics on the internet and by the time you feel you have learnt then all, they will have all changed, as the internet is an ever changing thing. It could take a lifetime to learn it all, and you’ll still be nowhere closer to owning your own business. The best and only way to truly learn how to be successful at affiliate marketing is simply to experience. Take the jump and do it. You have to be in it to truly learn it. There is no other way. Don’t be afraid to spend a little money either. A little money can shave years off your learning curve and the cost of failure on the internet is minimal. There is no need to start off spending anymore than £75. To be your own boss successfully there isn’t much that comes in cheaper than this. The Plug-In-Profit site is a great place to start for those who need coaching and learning in a supportive environment. The structure provided is simple and extremely easy to follow yet so effective and the learning curve you go on will be as fast and efficient as any out there. You simply need to begin. The more time you sit reading about it and thinking about it the more time and money you waste. Don’t be behind the times and find yourself looking back on this moment in your life wishing you’d taken action. Life is too short for ‘what if’s?’. Why not make it an ‘I did!’ ? Go on, be your own boss. You know you want to, and do you know what, I think you deserve the success it will bring you!

Letter to young managers…

Letter to young managers…

If you are a young manager, perhaps recently graduated, then there’s a good chance you are intelligent, confident and ambitious — keen to make your mark in the world. Chances are also high that you have high expectations of both the job and the organization, and that you are quite independent.

Additionally, if you have been promoted from within the team, then no doubt you have some very good ideas on what needs improving. Your own manager will see you as innovative, technologically savvy and willing to learn. He or she may have said to colleagues "My new team leader / manager will be like a breath of fresh air for the team — just what the doctor ordered."

All of your traits and characteristics are highly valued by your employer — probably the reason you have been promoted so quickly. Applied appropriately, they are very positive characteristics to have and will ensure your success in your new role.

On the downside, these same characteristics that are valued so highly by your employer, may count for nothing with the people you are about to manage. They did not appoint you.

Having worked with many experienced and not so experienced managers, I have seen what leads to success and what can impede success. Below are my nine principles for avoiding career derailment. They are in my own personal priority order and are what experienced managers call "learning how to learn".

Priority #1: Give recognition to your people for good work regularly. Find at least one of your team doing something well every day and thank them specifically for what they have done. This builds a positive culture within your team.

Priority #2: Ask for help when you need it. Use the experience within your team. It’s easy to think that "I’m the manager. I’m supposed to know what I’m doing, so it may make me look weak if I ask for help." There’s only a very slight difference between self confidence and arrogance. The self confident manager says "I definitely know there is an answer (somewhere) to this challenge or problem." Whereas the arrogant manager says "I have the answer to this challenge or problem".

Priority #3: Keep a Learning Journal. Jot down things in a small pocket book that you think may be important. In particular, when you do overcome a major challenge or problem, take time to reflect (and record) — What was the challenge? What did I do that worked well? What did I do that did not work so well? What will I do differently next time? Review your journal once a week on a designated day and time. Make this a habit.

Priority #4: Avoid snap decisions. Certainly trust your gut instinct, but before jumping into action, reflect — Is this the best approach for this issue at this time? What are some other alternatives?

Priority #5: Admit mistakes. The leadership research suggests that all great leaders share one common trait — they are willing to admit when they are wrong. Admitting mistakes shows that you are human. It also builds trust and respect.

Priority #6: Build your network. Look at the organisation chart. Who are the successful managers? Who could possibly be of help to you? Make sure you build a network of colleagues from outside your team.

Priority #7: Be careful when giving negative feedback to experienced staff. Make sure you get the words right — ask them for their input in solving the issue or improving their performance. If you have not had some training in giving feedback, ask your manager or consult a good book.

Priority #8: Check your results. Once you have been in the role for nine months, complete a 360 degree profile. As well as getting feedback from your own manager and perhaps informal feedback from others, you need to get an accurate view of how you are performing as a manager. If your organisation does not have a 360 process, see the link at the end of this letter.

Priority #9: Find a mentor. Look for a manager within your organisation whom everyone respects. Build a relationship with that person. Over time, this friendship should turn into a mentoring relationship. Mentoring takes time — take yours!

One final piece of advice from an old, experienced manager. You are young, energetic and have great potential to move up the corporate ladder. The only thing you lack is experience. In twelve months time, make sure that your manager will be telling his / her colleagues "Yes, that was a great decision I made promoting (put your name here …………….). What a fabulous young leader he / she is."

Hottest vending machine home based businesses

Hottest Vending Machine Home Based Businesses

A few years back, I worked retail at a paper store. Needless to say, there were many days on which hours would go by without anyone coming in under the extreme duress of needing to purchase a ream of paper. And right between the register and the door was a full-size soda machine and a small candy machine that had m&m’s, Runts, and roasted almonds. I can’t even tell you how many times I emptied that almond canister, popping in quarter after quarter after quarter in pursuit of that savory, salted goodness. And I wasn’t alone; everyone and their business partner managed daily to scrounge up 25 cents in spare pocket change and push it into that coin slot.

Oh, almonds-now I want some again. But that wasn’t my point in telling my silly story; my point is that candy vending is an amazingly profitable business, precisely because the average American can’t avoid dropping a quarter into a machine for a tasty treat-after all, it’s just a quarter. And though a quarter doesn’t sound like much, when all the quarters are added up, some reports estimate that the average vending machine distributorship makes a little over $70 an hour, which is no small wage at all. But before everyone goes racing out to start dropping off vending machines around town, it’s important to choose your vending franchisor wisely. Here are what we would consider the big, trustworthy names in the industry.

Truth be told, most vending franchises are pretty similar, which doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out: machine, candy, and owner pretty much sum up what any vending outfit looks like. Still, there are some that carry an added punch that makes them worthy of a little extra attention. Uturn Vending is one such business, set apart from everyone else by their machines, which are some of the best in the industry. More interesting than the average vending machine, these «money machines»-as the company likes to call them-pivot around a central post, making 8 compartments available where a stationary machine would only have 4. And aside from the increased choices, the machines are some of the most sturdy available.

The machine, though, isn’t the whole story to a successful vending home based business. Of as much importance is the actual stock; what kind of candy do you have? If what your equipment is sporting is a knock-off brand of gumball or-heaven help us-something healthy, no one in their right mind is going to give you their hard-earned quarters. That is why Vendstar also makes the list as one hot vending commodity, providing only brand-name, recognizable treats. Although, there is something to be said for selling a new product as well. All of us like trying something novel-as long as it’s good-and few candies are more novel than the newest creation sold by American Vending Systems work at home franchisees: Buzz Bites. Though I will admit that it sounds like something you’d find at a bar, it’s really much more benign than that. It’s a tasty chocolate chew with a caffeine equivalence of a cup of coffee, and who doesn’t want one of those?

Not all vending machines sell food products, though. In fact, there are three great business opportunities in the vending market that specialize in not selling food, but rather selling everything from DVDs to lobsters-yes, seriously. If what you want is something original in your machines, one of these is for you.

First, the DVDs. The concept has made a huge splash in Europe, but it is just starting out in the US, and that idea is the automated DVD vending kiosk. DVDNow is leading the way in this country, renting out movies without the use of employees or storefronts, which keeps prices drastically lower for both owner and customer. And on the way home from renting a video, the consumer in question could very well stop off at a local supermarket parking lot to visit someone else’s Polar Ice Express franchise, which is prefect because the shopper doesn’t even have to leave her vehicle to use the machine. The ease of use for her is only beaten by the ease of ownership for the franchisee, who merely has to run periodic clean-ups, refill the ice bags occasionally, and keep up relations with the owner of the establishment he is renting parking space from. And finally, if this particular lady is feeling especially culinary, she may want to stop and get some lobster from a Love Maine Lobster Claw vending machine inside the grocery store. I’m not sure how many people actually manage to snag a lobster from the tank, but this machine makes money like no other, off of sheer oddity, because there is nowhere else that a person can actually work to grab their lobster of choice from the tank with the use of a small crane. They all may seem a little out of the ordinary in terms of the classic concept of vending, but DVDNow, Polar Ice Express, and The Love Maine Lobster Claw are all completely legit and well worth the investment of your investigational time.

All in all, there is a lot to be said for vending business opportunities. Kids always manage to get their parents to drop that quarter into the machine, hungry employees will always sacrifice a quarter to tide themselves over until lunch, and the rest of us appreciate the ease of getting a DVD without the trouble of human contact; as a culture, we cannot stay away from either candy machines or other kinds of vending machines. Anyone smart enough to get in on the business can certainly make a pretty penny. All they have to do is choose the right company to go with.

If you can't beat them, why not buy them

If You Can't Beat Them, Why Not Buy Them?

How can you tell if buying the competition is a good idea?

?        First, know where you stand. Take a good, hard look at your company’s bottom line. Make sure your company is financially sound enough to tie up that much capital.

?        Make sure your people have the skills and expertise to blend the two companies together.

?        Figure out why the competitor is struggling…and make sure you can overcome those issues after the acquisition.

?        Do your due diligence: research the company’s relationships with customers and suppliers. Check out the balance sheet and assets. Figure out the corporate culture. Kick the tires.

?        Figure out a step-by-step plan to merge the two companies.

Mergers and acquisitions can inject new blood, new customers, new capabilities and new ideas into a company—as long as the process is managed well.

Due diligence can go a long way in determining your course of action.

«Buy» for now,

P.S. If your due diligence says «yes, yes, yes!» but your bank balance says, «NO way!» call us at 954-510-0328. You may be surprised to discover how fast, convenient and affordable business financing from Shavit Funding can be.

Is transcription truly a work from home job

Is Transcription Truly a Work From Home Job?

Copyright (c) 2010 Ajay Prasad

Transcription jobs often require some simple things including a good command over the language, a good typing speed and a fast, efficient and reliable internet connection. If you are meeting these requirements, you are very much capable of starting with your own work from home job of transcriptional services. In some special transcription jobs related to medical, legal or other technical fields, some prior experience or knowledge about the subject may also be desirable.

It is a flexible and lucrative option for those who do not want to work under the stressful working cultures of the offices and want to avoid all the hassles of commuting to work places situated too far. It is not only you who saves time, money and fuel by a transcription job, Your employers also cut down their extra costs and can spend more money on other needful areas such as giving the long due bonuses.

The convenience and easiness of working from home is unmatchable. You can have a peaceful environment and work with more concentration at your home than a work place. In addition, with the advent of various transcription softwares, you can do your work quicker and with lesser errors. Working from home as a transcriptionist, you can devote your quality time to your kids, family and other part time jobs you have started taking.

There are many industries who are stepping up to offer transcription jobs to people and with a flexibility of working from home. A general transcription job will require you to be a good listener of the desired language, type quickly as you listen the words accurately and a fast internet connection. As the job takes an industry wise turn, the job requires a background of desired subjects. A legal transcription job will require to transcribe various cases about law, so a basic knowledge about it becomes imperative.

A medical transcription job will require you to transcribe many things with extensive use of medical terminologies and jargons. Medical reports, records of health of the patients or record of discharge of patients will involve medical terms you should be aware about if you want to become a medical transcriptionist.

The job of media transcription will require you to transcribe various chat shows shown on television, debates between two or more renowned groups; transcribe video clips or television discussions about various topics. Media transcription job can be learnt by doing, which means on the job training method is applied on these jobs.

Business transcription jobs require you to transcribe business conferences, meetings, and interviews and other occasions that are of critical importance to the business. The business may be into chemicals or into fast moving consumers goods, a transcription job for the business will be the same in all varying industries. You must be comfortable in using business jargons and abbreviations.

The transcription job requires a few essential things and some skills in you; all this makes it a wonderful job from home opportunity that saves your time, money and labour.