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How to make money through the power of your voice

How to Make Money Through the Power of Your Voice

Copyright (c) 2009 James Roche

Fact: You will sell more when people know, like and trust you.

Fact: People trust you when they feel connected to you.

Fact: Your voice can reach out and connect with people more powerfully than your written words.

The power of sound can’t be underestimated…especially in your marketing. Your voice tells a lot about who you are. When people hear your voice, they connect with you at a much deeper level than if they just read your words.

That’s why integrating audio into your marketing helps you convert more visitors to sales. I’m about to show you how to use your voice in your marketing to increase conversions, generate more sales and grow your list.

For all the ideas below I recommend you use an inexpensive service called Audio Acrobat. Here are the three key ways to leverage your voice to make-money:

1. Use Audio on Your Website Landing Page

Your website is your gateway to connect with people. But most entrepreneurs miss this huge opportunity to develop trust. Instead of a static, boring landing page why not add an audio message from you? It’s like welcoming people into your home — greet them with enthusiasm.

Ask yourself what the single most important objective is for your landing page. What do you want people to do? Because your landing page needs to direct people to take some sort of action, like signing up for your Ezine or Special Report. Here’s a sample of the message I use on my landing page.

«Hey there it’s James Roche, The Info Product Guy calling in from beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida and if you’re looking for information on how to create info products and a marketing strategy that makes you money, you are in the right place. I’d like to give you FREE instant access to a couple things here. The first is my free Special Report — it’s called «3 Simple Secrets to Creating Info Products that Make You Money.» And I also want to give you a FREE subscription to my bi-monthly ezine that I publish. It’s called, «Info Marketing (…without thinking too hard!)» It’s got tons of great tips and strategies for you and your business. Just enter your name and email in the boxes below and I’ll send you all the details within 5 minutes via email.

So fill that in and click the button that say’s «Claim my report now» and I will see you on the next page.

I’m looking forward to giving you information that will change your business and change your life.»

2. Record Your Client Coaching Calls

If you’re a coach or consultant you can record all your client sessions and offer it to them as an added bonus. It’s a huge value to your client because they don’t have to take as many frantic notes during the call. It’s good for you because you can now offer an info product customized for each unique client.

For this service I recommend, Audio Acrobat it’s easy to record calls. As you start the call, place your client on hold and dial into your Audio Acrobat account (You don’t need two phone lines.) After the call simply go online to your account and a link to download the phone call is sitting there waiting for you. Finally, email this link to your client — it takes less than 3 minutes total.

3. Deliver and Record Teleclasses to Make Info Products

Just like you can make custom info products for your individual clients, you can also make info products for everyone by recording your teleclasses. Use the same method as above, except this time use a group conference line. Deliver your teleclass and within minutes you have the audio ready for you to sell online. It’s so fun!

When delivering a teleclass I recommend you stand up. You want your energy up. In fact, if you exaggerate your voice to be extra happy…the amazing thing is, it sounds normal in the recording. (And likewise, if you sound normal on the teleclass, you’ll sound dull on the recording.)

The power of your voice can make-you-money…IF you know how to leverage your voice the right way. Break the cold, distant barrier of the internet and reach out to people with the warmth of your own voice. As a final resource for you, if you have the ability to edit your own audio recordings you can add music to the front and back of every call.

Is there really such a thing as free plr

Is There Really Such a Thing as Free PLR?

The simple and short answer is «Yes!» there is such a thing as free PLR. Most people have trouble believing or understanding why; after all anything that’s worth anything shouldn’t be free. Keep reading to learn why PLR articles can be free, the benefits and drawbacks of free PLR and how you can use free PLR articles efficiently.

How Can PLR Articles be Free?

Free things are often given out in the marketing world as an incentive for people to buy more. Consider it a «product sample» so to speak.

Others use free PLR as an incentive to get people to sign up for email lists. Then some others just give it away to get free traffic.

Even though the PLR articles are «free,» that doesn’t mean the website owner doesn’t get value by giving it away. They get a lot of traffic, which is why PLR can be given away for free.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Free PLR

The benefit of using free PLR is obviously that it’s free. You get content that you don’t have to pay for.

The drawback is that most likely, hundreds of other people have access to the same content as you. That means that in Google, you’ll probably get penalized for duplicate content unless you use the techniques outlined in the next section.

How to Use Free PLR

There are several ways to use free PLR. First of all, you can completely avoid duplicate content issues by not posting the free PLR anywhere public in the first place. For example, you can use it for content that’s sent out to your email list.

You can give it away in a free report that’s downloaded via PDF. You can even put it in a larger eBook. You can read it and turn it into a PLR audio. By avoiding putting the free PLR into a traditional webpage, you avoid many duplicate content issues.

On the other hand, let’s say you do want to use the content for your webpage. The best way to go about this is to have your articles rewritten so that they’re unique.

The most important thing with rewriting articles is to make sure you go paragraph by paragraph, word by word and rewrite basically the whole article. If you can avoid having any four words sequence be the same, that’s even better. Make sure the headline / title is completely different. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be safe from duplicate content penalty issues.

Finally, you might actually be able to find a few free PLR gems that haven’t been used much. Often times you’ll find these at smaller websites rather than larger PLR sites.

Use Free PLR to Boost Your Business

As you can tell, there are many benefits and a few drawbacks to using free PLR. If you use it correctly, free PLR can really help out your business and save you a whole lot of time. Content creation is a very time consuming activity that most business owners would prefer to avoid completely. Using free PLR, you can.

You now know why PLR is often given away for free: the benefits and drawbacks of free PLR and finally how to use free PLR to your benefit. Take this knowledge and make some money!

Irreplaceable product testing solutions- gain

Irreplaceable product testing solutions- gain

Electrical equipments are employed at most of the agencies, in this current day and age. Most of the disasters and the fires are caused due to the faults and the spoil that are caused in the portable appliances and the other electrical gadgets which are usually employed at the bureau. Therefore, it is made compulsory by the legislation of Health and Safety at the office, to carry out the portable appliance test on frequent intervals in order to make certain the wellbeing of the people operating the locations where the portable appliances are employed. Uniform product testing would guarantee a protected working environment at your office and you can function without the fear of any sort of catastrophe, due to the faulty portable appliances.
You can either coach a few members of your office staff to carry out the portable appliance testing or you can hire a specialist for the pat testing work of your office. Today, there are various pat testing courses that are effortlessly existing in the market. Many of them are just for a lone day. Thus, you can straightforwardly procure any kind of pat testing equipment in the existing age from these various offline as well as the online market place. Also, there are the several kinds of pat testers and the electrical test equipments accessible in the souk at a very reasonable rate.
Here at the products 4 testing, you can effortlessly benefit the equipments of the several recognized companies such as Fluke and the <a href=»http://www.products4testing.co.uk/»>Seaward</a>. There are diverse types of the pat testers existing at Product 4 testing. Amongst all, products 4 testing is perhaps one of the most reputed companies that are known for supplying great product testing solutions. In our common website, www.product4testing.co.uk, you can effortlessly avail all the irreplaceable product testing solutions. You must recognize which type is best suitable for your office and procure it. The first form of pat testers is the «Pass- Fail Type». These are thus very simple to understand and also straightforward to use. Their models are also very clear. They only give an easy result whether the portable appliance is pass or fail. By the Pass — Fail sort of pat testers, no specific details are offered. However, pat testing equipments of this kind are not able to perform numerous tests that are significant while pat testing.
Another sort of pat tester is the «Manual Pat Testing Equipments». These kinds of pat testers are tremendously functional in their use. They can easily assess various complicated portable appliances. But to use this sort of Pat tester, you require a proper. Of recently, the «downloadable Pat testing equipments», another kind of pat testers is very much in demand in the market.

Know more about pairs trading and stock trading software at pairs trade

Know More About Pairs Trading and Stock Trading Software at Pairs Trade

There is a current kind of trading that firms are venturing into. This is known as pairs trading, which are also referred to as “spread trading” or “statistical arbitrage”. This strategy lets you get hold of the trends in the market. On the other hand, it will also let you determine the strength or important differences between two stock markets. This strategy is adapted while you maintain a neutral position within the market. Pair trading is a powerful method which has been utilized by huge investors in the past. In order to implement it to your trading accounts, you have to adapt hedge funds. Recently, there are more and more firms discovering the benefits of pairs trading. The neutrality within the market of trading is considered to be very important. If you are a pair trader, this strategy will allow you to capture high profits. At the same time, you will be able to avoid having to assume the next direction of market trends.

If you want to obtain more information regarding pairs trading, all you have to do is check out online sites that provide different details about this topic. One such site that offers this type of info is Pairs Trade. Through this site, you will get to comprehend the true meaning of pair trading and acquire information on it. You will also be able to check out the current examples of pair trading. On the other hand, Pairstrade.com allows you to browse through its reviews if you want to read the latest feedbacks regarding the market of pair trade. Aside from reading reviews, you can write your own review on certain examples of pairs trading. You are even provided the opportunity to shop for stock trading software if you are a trader. Pairs Trade also has a video which you can view if you are new to the strategy of pair trading.

If you are into this kind of trade, the stock trading software of Pairs Trade will function as your end-to-end solution. This software is powerful since it allows you to perform different tasks. You can download stock data each day, identify appropriate pairs, and view the details of certain pairs. The process of pair identification goes through four stages. This is done with the help of pre-defined or defined sector lists. The software product of Pairs Trade has the ability to download stock data for free, reaching to eighteen symbols within a single download. If you want, you can avail of the free trial version of this stock trading software.

When you check out the website of Pairs Trade, you will get to gain information regarding its top-rated pairs trading examples. There are review summaries, if you want to compare ratings. If you want to read reviews, all you have to do is click on the tab which states “Read Reviews”. There is also a tab which allows you to write your own pairs trading review. What is more, you have the chance to watch a video over the site.

How to choose time tracking software

How to Choose Time Tracking Software

Time billing software is a critical investment if you bill for your time or need to keep track of how time is spent, but you have to make sure that you get the right software. Several things are especially important when choosing a time and billing package:

  • The time and billing software must be easy to use so that it doesn’t «get in the way.» If a time billing program is cumbersome, you’ll end up not bothering to track small periods of billable time. Those minutes add up, and make a big difference in your bottom line. Avoid a big, bloated software package which is slowed down by features that you’ll never use.
  • If you’re like most people, you often bounce back and forth between different tasks. Time billing software must handle this well. Time Logger accommodates this «ping-ponging» with several elegant methods for tracking your back and forth workday.  To see how these work, download the Time Logger demo, and check out the F1 help topic «Ping-Ponging.»
  • At some point, you’ll find that you want to share or analyze your time and billing data with other applications. Therefore the time and billing application should use a standard database format (such as Microsoft Access), and also make it easy to import and export the information, or copy it to a spreadsheet.  Responsive Time Logger has a flexible import and export feature, keeps all of its data in clearly documented Microsoft Access files, and lets you copy and paste time records to Microsoft Excel.
  • The time and billing package should have a variety of those little features that make a big difference in your productivity. Time Logger has many user-requested enhancements that make it a pleasure to work with. For example, an optional scrunched up stopwatch that doesn’t use up much screen space, up to four simultaneous stopwatches, draggable clock hands and shortcuts for entering time, and fully customizable toolbars.
  • Remote access via a Palm device or laptop lets you track your time when you are away from your desk.  With Responsive Time Logger’s free Palm interface, you can track your time wherever you are, and HotSync the data back to your main database for billing or analysis.  And Time Logger has multiple ways of sharing data between different machines.
  • Finally, the application should have a functional demo that lets you make sure that it is compatible with the way you work. A 30-day money-back guarantee is also a nice feature to make sure that your purchase is 100% risk-free.  You can download the Time Logger demo quickly without filling out any forms.  If it doesn’t meet your needs, it can be simply and safely uninstalled.  Even if you purchase it, but wish to return it within 30 days for any reason, you’ll get a full refund.

At Responsive Software, we’re confident that after you give Responsive Time Logger a test drive, that you’ll choose it as your time and billing software.