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How to choose time tracking software

How to Choose Time Tracking Software

Time billing software is a critical investment if you bill for your time or need to keep track of how time is spent, but you have to make sure that you get the right software. Several things are especially important when choosing a time and billing package:

  • The time and billing software must be easy to use so that it doesn’t «get in the way.» If a time billing program is cumbersome, you’ll end up not bothering to track small periods of billable time. Those minutes add up, and make a big difference in your bottom line. Avoid a big, bloated software package which is slowed down by features that you’ll never use.
  • If you’re like most people, you often bounce back and forth between different tasks. Time billing software must handle this well. Time Logger accommodates this «ping-ponging» with several elegant methods for tracking your back and forth workday.  To see how these work, download the Time Logger demo, and check out the F1 help topic «Ping-Ponging.»
  • At some point, you’ll find that you want to share or analyze your time and billing data with other applications. Therefore the time and billing application should use a standard database format (such as Microsoft Access), and also make it easy to import and export the information, or copy it to a spreadsheet.  Responsive Time Logger has a flexible import and export feature, keeps all of its data in clearly documented Microsoft Access files, and lets you copy and paste time records to Microsoft Excel.
  • The time and billing package should have a variety of those little features that make a big difference in your productivity. Time Logger has many user-requested enhancements that make it a pleasure to work with. For example, an optional scrunched up stopwatch that doesn’t use up much screen space, up to four simultaneous stopwatches, draggable clock hands and shortcuts for entering time, and fully customizable toolbars.
  • Remote access via a Palm device or laptop lets you track your time when you are away from your desk.  With Responsive Time Logger’s free Palm interface, you can track your time wherever you are, and HotSync the data back to your main database for billing or analysis.  And Time Logger has multiple ways of sharing data between different machines.
  • Finally, the application should have a functional demo that lets you make sure that it is compatible with the way you work. A 30-day money-back guarantee is also a nice feature to make sure that your purchase is 100% risk-free.  You can download the Time Logger demo quickly without filling out any forms.  If it doesn’t meet your needs, it can be simply and safely uninstalled.  Even if you purchase it, but wish to return it within 30 days for any reason, you’ll get a full refund.

At Responsive Software, we’re confident that after you give Responsive Time Logger a test drive, that you’ll choose it as your time and billing software.

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