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How to avoid the killer errors that get your resume shredded

How to Avoid the Killer Errors That Get Your Resume Shredded

So you need a new job then? A first job, a dream job, or maybe in credit crunch 2008 any job will do for now). No matter what job you’re hunting you need a really sizzling resume in order to get interview invites flooding in. Problem: Creating a hot resume can feel impossible. Believe me, it’s not hard at all, when you know what to do. However, it IS easy to make mistakes and mess it up — And messed up means shredded and shredded means no job interview.

Fear not. It’s not that hard at all — once you know what to avoid — and that’s what I’ll tell you now.

So what are the common mistakes that will mess your resume up?

**John Doe — No contact information**

Many people feel that because they’re sending a cover letter, they don’t need to include their name, address, phone number and email address at the top of their resume.

However it’s very common for cover letters to be separated from resumes by HR departments who then pass the resume to various other staff members for review. At this stage your contact information is very likely to be lost forever! And I can tell you that it’s very frustrating for a manager to receive a good resume that has all of the qualifications that he or she is looking for in an employee without a name or any contact information.

So — Very important — Include all of your contact information at the top of your resume. Name, address, phone, email.

**What do you want to do? No objective**

Large organizations may have dozens of ads for employees advertised. If your resume goes first to an HR admin person for filtering then how will he or she know what job you’re applying for unless you state this in your resume as well as cover letter (again same dangers of lost cover letters apply so put it on the CV header too)

**What do you want to achieve? No goals or ambition?**

Not necessary in all cases. Use common sense. Under your name and contact information should be a heading about your career objective. You can break this into two categories. One should be for the position which you are seeking. The other can be what you hope to attain in the future.

If, for example, you are seeking the position of a newspaper reporter but have ambitions to be an editor or a features writer, then you can outline this in your resume as a career aim. This can be a handy indication that you’re a long term strategic thinker as well as a loyal employee who is keen to develop new skills and add value to the business.

As I say use common sense. If applying to small companies it may not be wise to indicate that you want the job of the person who’s recruiting you!

**You don’t many or any skills, bye bye! They’re not psychic you know!**

In any job no matter how junior there are skills required even if it’s just a summer job selling ice cream on the beach (hey that’s customer facing with a bit of sales you know!) Way to many CVs are thin on evidence of relevant skills.

To many applicants lump all their tasks in a short paragraph, which will not impress many possible employers.

So don’t understate your past experience ‘ Include all of the tasks you performed at your old job, or know how to do, that concern to the position which you are seeking.

It’s good to list all of the tasks and knowledge in bullet point format so that it makes it easier for the employer to see just what you can do. This is not the time to be shy or modest. Highlighting your accomplishments, knowledge and past experience can not be too underestimated when it comes to your resume.

**Got fired or saying my current job and company are rubbish — Writing why you left or are leaving**

Not necessary at all and looked at unprofessional. You will most likely be asked why you left your prior employment during your interview. Don’t badmouth your last place of employment, even if your boss was a reincarnation of the Devil! Just say that you are seeking an opportunity for new development.

**I want, I want! Talking money right off the block**

NEVER put down how much you are making at your current job or how much money you expect to pull in at the new job.

While some employers will ask that you state your salary qualifications in your cover letter, this is never acceptable on a CV.

Many employees who ask that prospective employees state their salary requirements in their cover letter tend to pay low wages and do not want to waste their time with anyone who expects to be paid enough money to make a living.

**Your resume looks like a 5 year olds «art» project**

For a 5 year old it’s cute. For a resume it’s death. Coloured paper, fancy fonts and pics may look really nice but is generally considered to be amateurish. Use white paper. Black ink. Standard fonts. Standard upper and lower caps and make it easy to read.

**Uneducated barbarians need not apply**

You didn’t spring into existence from nowhere so make sure that you put down your educational experience from the last college or university that you attended to the first.

If you have a post graduate degree, that should come first under the Education heading, along with the degree and any awards.

Your undergraduate university or college should come second along with degrees and accomplishments. If you have a post grad degree you don’t have to put down high school information ‘ That’s a given.

**No autobiographies please!**

Pages of life story filler are a sure way to get round filed fast. With that said, it’s a context thing. Don’t hesitate to make your CV more than one page if your accomplishments, experience and education warrants this in the context of the position applied for.

It’s better not to underestimate yourself than to keep your resume short and sweet. On the other hand don’t pout down long lists of hobbies, and non work related achievements, your junior schools, places lived in, travel done and so on. It’s filler and recognised as such right away. Black mark.


So, avoid these clangers and you’ll be well on your way to creating an interview magnet of a resume that will reflect all of the reasons why you are the best person for the job as well as a resume that reflects your personality.

Joint venture promotion deal with other businesses

Joint Venture Promotion Deal With Other Businesses!

Joint venture with other businesses that are already delivering solutions to your hot market and split the earnings with them. The more the product or service owner is trusted and considered to be an expert in his or her field, the more the Joint Venture will have the potential to be profitable. The key for you here is to create the type of Joint Venture that absolutely no one can say no to. For more detail go to: www.joint-venture-secret.com.A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time.

Foreign investors other than NRIs were allowed to invest only in development of integrated townships and settlements either through a wholly owned subsidiary or through a joint venture company in India along with a local partner. Persuading them and to conclude recruiting them is the hardest part of your job and you have to make sure that your joint venture proposal is convincing and interesting. Finance Manager: An Equity Joint Venture is required to appoint one or more accountants to assist the General Manager with finances.
But to take advantage of a joint venture (JV) you need your own large list already or your very own product which you own outright. Joint Venture E-mail Promotions There are many vendors and retail golf shops you work with that own large golfer databases. Create joint venture partnerships, network online, and get articles in ezines. It is a joint economic venture of twenty one thousand financial institutions.
These industries need marketing like direct mail, letterbox flyers, newspaper/magazine inserts, websites (with much thought given to key word phrases), joint venture partners (or alliance partners). Phil when landing a super big joint venture. You could joint venture or cross promotion deal with other businesses. Show the site owner the benefits of doing a joint venture with you and don’t forget to give your partner a copy of your product, as well as special commission rate.
These involve partnerships, joint-ventures, venture loans or equity. You can even form a joint venture to work with someone. The most powerful secret to successful joint ventures is to realize that asking for a joint venture is very similar to for more help visit to: www.joint-venture-guide.com.  «making an offer to a prospect. This means that you’ll need to convince potential joint venture partners that a decision to partner with your business will be wise on their part.
Many of the new list-building communities are nothing more than old ‘safe list’ programs cloaked as Joint Venture communities. In an Equity Joint Venture, the parties are obligated to divide their respective contributions to the joint venture (whether in cash or in kind) into discrete ratios, which ratios must be strictly adhered to when apportioning profits both during the venture’s operation and after liquidation. Internal joint venture marketing- You probably offer complimentary products within your own business. Are you ready to start a joint venture?
Joint venture marketing is rising in popularity everyday, but it does take some skill, good planning and foresight to execute. You pay your joint venture partner a commission for each sale that is generated from the partnership. You can construct most joint venture deals with little or no money. When looking for joint venture partners, you need to be mindful of certain things.
You can make a joint venture (agree to work together), get more done, and in turn earn more money. ”Use this blueprint to create behaviors that lead to activities like more follow up purchases, higher contributions levels, increased qualified employment applications, new joint venture proposals or a big boost in capital contributions.

Information about professional recruiting

Information About Professional Recruiting

Recruiting good employees can be difficult for a small business. It sometimes seems that you are stuck in neutral. You just seem to go through one employee after another. So what kind options exist for your business? Here are four ways that you can approach the problem besides placing another classified ad in the paper or resorting to a help wanted sign on your door.

The first method that you can try is a recruitment agency or professional employment agency. We’re not talking about a temporary labor firm but an actual staffing firm. These companies actually have a pool of potential candidates for you to choose from. People that are looking for permanent positions. The agency receives a resume from them and conducts a brief interview. Then they try to match the candidate to an employer. The employer has already said what the position available is and what kind of applican they are searching for. Once potential candidates are identified they are then sent to the employer’s jobsite for an interview. Then both the candidate and the potential employer can determine whether they think this would be a good match for them.

The next method and also the newest way to recruit help is to use an online service. Usually such websites will feature a job board where employers for a fee can post openings within their businesses. Also candidates can upload their resumes in the hopes of attracting a potential employer. The employers also for a fee are able to search through these resumes to find qualified candidates for their job opening.

Now we have the headhunters. If you are a small business owner this resource should only be used as a last resort as it can often be extremely expensive. So what do headhunters do? Well they hunt down the talent that your business is looking for. Usually they find that talent working for another company. Once they’ve identified potential candidates for your business then they will work to recruit them for you. Headhunters also work with your candidates to prepare them for your interview and negotiating their salary. But headhunter fees can be very high often up to 30% of the candidate’s annual compensation.

The final method usually only applies to larger companies that are trying to recruit new employees. They can use in-house recruiting. This method consists of using their own human resources departments to coordinate multiple efforts such as employment agencies, online services and running their own classified ad campaigns.

Not every method will be appropriate for your company. Many factors will determine what route you will need to follow. But these are some of the choices your business has available to it. If you decide to use an outside agency then you’ll need to research them carefully. Some will specialize in certain types of workers and the fees will vary. But if you have had trouble in the past finding qualified candidates for the jobs you have available then these options might help in your search.

Income tax-filing information


Do i have to file return?

You must file a federal income tax return if you are a citizen or resident of the United States or a resident of Puerto Rico and you meet the filing requirements for any of the following categories that apply to you.

The filing requirements apply even if you do not owe tax.

1. Individuals—in general:

If you are a U.S. citizen or resident, you must file a return depends on three factors:

  • Your gross income,
  • Your filing status, and
  • Your age.

Gross income.  This includes all income you receive in the form of money, goods, property, and services that is not exempt from tax.

Filing status.  Your filing status depends on whether you are single or married and on your family situation. Your filing status is determined on the last day of your tax year, which is December 31 for most taxpayers.

Age.  If you are 65 or older at the end of the year, you generally can have a higher amount of gross income than other taxpayers before you must file. You are considered 65 on the day before your 65th birthday.

2. Dependents:

If you are a dependent See the above table to find out whether you must file a return.

Responsibility of parent.   Generally, a child is responsible for filing his or her own tax return and for paying any tax on the return. But if a dependent child who must file an income tax return cannot file it for any reason, such as age, then a parent, guardian, or other legally responsible person must file it for the child. If the child cannot sign the return, the parent or guardian must sign the child’s name followed by the words «By (your signature), parent for minor child.»

Child’s earnings. Amounts a child earns by performing services are his or her gross income. This is true even if under local law the child’s parents have the right to the earnings and may actually have received them. If the child does not pay the tax due on this income, the parent is liable for the tax.

3. Children under age 18:

If a child’s only income is interest and dividends (including capital gain distributions and Alaska Permanent Fund dividends) and certain other conditions are met, a parent can elect to include the child’s income on the parent’s return. If this election is made, the child does not have to file a return.

4. Self-employed persons:

You are self-employed if you:

  • Carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor,
  • Are an independent contractor,
  • Are a member of a partnership, or
  • Are in business for yourself in any other way.

Self-employment can include work in addition to your regular full-time business activities, such as certain part-time work you do at home or in addition to your regular job.

5. Aliens:

Your status as an alien—resident, nonresident, or dual-status—determines whether and how you must file an income tax return.

Resident alien.  If you are a resident alien for the entire year, you must file a tax return following the same rules that apply to U.S. citizens. Use the forms discussed in this publication.

Nonresident alien.  If you are a nonresident alien, the rules and tax forms that apply to you are different from those that apply to U.S. citizens and resident aliens. See Publication 519 to find out if U.S. income tax laws apply to you and which forms you should file.

Dual-status taxpayer.  If you are a resident alien for part of the tax year and a nonresident alien for the rest of the year, you are a dual-status taxpayer. Different rules apply for each part of the year. For information on dual-status taxpayers, see Publication 519.

Who should file?

Even if you do not have to file, you should file a federal income tax return to get money back if any of the following conditions apply.

  1. You had federal income tax withheld from your pay or made estimated tax payments.
  2. You qualify for the earned income credit. See chapter 36 for more information.
  3. You qualify for the additional child tax credit. See chapter 34 for more information.
  4. You qualify for the health coverage tax credit. See chapter 37 for more information.
  5. You qualify for the refundable credit for prior year minimum tax

What if i made mistake?

Errors may delay your refund or result in notices being sent to you. If you discover an error, you can file an amended return or claim for refund.

You should correct your return if, after you have filed it, you find that:

  1. You did not report some income,
  2. You claimed deductions or credits you should not have claimed,
  3. You did not claim deductions or credits you could have claimed, or
  4. You should have claimed a different filing status. (Once you file a joint return, you cannot choose to file separate returns for that year after the due date of the return. However, an executor may be able to make this change for a deceased spouse.)

How can a virtual business help me survive the recession

How Can a Virtual Business Help Me Survive the Recession?

A question I get all the time is «How Can a Virtual Business Help Me Survive the Recession»?
Unemployment is not letting up, businesses are not hiring. The best way to survive the recession is to take advantage of the economic turmoil and start a business. Not just any business, but a virtual business.

The benefits of a virtual business are endless. To mention a few:

1. Low cost to entry
2. Speed to market
3. You can work from home
4. You can run your business remotely
5. You can hire virtual employees

Therefore the answer is, start a virtual business!

According to Entrepreneur.com, these are the 10 hottest trends to watch for 2010. Not all of them can be set up as 100% percent virtual businesses, but their entire back-office and operations can.

Here is the list:

1. Economic turmoil: Results from Challenger, Gray & Christmas’ job market index revealed that 8.7 percent of job seekers gained employment by starting their own businesses in second quarter 2009

2. Green Power: Thanks to government incentives and changing public sentiment, clean energy is the most popular kid on the green movement block. The stimulus plan poured billions into renewable energy.

3. The Senior Market: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the aging-services industry composed of home healthcare, elderly and disabled services and community care facilities for the elderly make up three of the top 10 industries with the fastest employment growth.

4. Discount Retail: In 2009, secondhand shops increased revenue by $223.3 million, according to Ibis World.

5. Local Businesses: Demand is exploding for locally grown and made a product—which means more support for mom-and-pop stores. The dividend: For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $68 comes back to the community. Only $43 re-circulates from national chain stores

6. Education: Huge numbers of people are going back to school—ducking the bad economy, retraining for new jobs, even reinventing themselves completely

7. Parental Outsourcing: Taking care of the kids, scrubbing the toilets, checking in on Mom, helping with homework, coaching Little League—more people than ever are paying professionals to do their domestic chores. The trend even has a name: Parental outsourcing.

8. Health and Wellness: Home care was the No. 1 growing industry from 2004 to 2009, averaging yearly increases of more than 7 percent, according to Ibis World. In-home care already employs a staggering 1.33 million people, and revenue is expected to grow beyond $72 billion by 2011.

9. Texas: Texas dominated 2009’s lists of best relocation destinations, home-building markets and job-creation cities. This very magazine also named Austin one of its own Best Cities for Small Businesses.

10. Affordable Alcohol: The alcoholic beverage industry has been growing steadily for the past three years and is expected to reach a record $455 billion in 2009.

You can see an example of a real sustainable, successful virtual business (100% virtual and paperless) at groupbenefitagency.com

Visit http://virtualbusinessdashboard.com to get the 20 insider secrets for starting your own virtual business on a shoestring and a video of the best business to start in this new economy.