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Implementing photo id badges for improved security

Implementing Photo Id Badges For Improved Security

Photo ID systems have some very good points. They can provide positive identification and it is quite easy to create a system that clearly presents a variety of information quickly and cleanly. They come in a wide variety of costs and capabilities, from simple plastic badges that cost pennies each and with nothing but ink on them to badges costing many dollars with encoded magnetic keys imbedded.

Photo ID systems have some weaknesses as well. It is extremely easy for badges to be lost or otherwise get out of control, and it is a constant struggle to ensure that pictures are actually checked instead of glanced at.

The first part of the process as someone goes to get a badge is to gather the information. Having the person who will get the badge to fill out a form is the usual procedure. Next, the picture must be taken and the data entered into the database of the system that creates the badge. Then the printer spits out a new badge and the newly authorized person is given the quick class on taking care of the badge.

In the specific case of a school, this implies children will be likely to go through the process, which will tend to be more awkward as a result. Ensuring that all personnel to be badged have their paperwork and it is correctly filled out will be more difficult, as will scheduling times for pictures to be taken that will result in minimal disruption. It is also quite possible that lost badges will occur more often.

Badges should, at a minimum, show a picture and an identification number. It is highly recommended that the badges show an expiration date and might show a name or other information depending on the requirements and privacy concerns. Badges should be designed to be easy to identify and classify, but difficult to copy.

The most common systems have a computer that is physically isolated, that it, it is not part of a network or on the internet. This is to protect the database from compromise. It has a camera and badge printer attached. The worker using the system should be experienced enough to troubleshoot the process as heavy use will tend to cause each system to develop some quirks. The database is important for several reasons, not least to allow the supervisors to track how many badges have been issued and how many are no longer accounted for.

Loss of a percentage of the badges to be determined by those planning the system would be grounds to recall and replace all badges with a new design. The most common systems cost a few thousand dollars and will allow users to create new badges using common graphics programs or power point. It is also good to secure a supply of all needed components, as I have found occasional lag time between ordering some needed supply and arrival, though I was rather out of the way at the time. Normally, the specialized badge printer will be bundled with a suitable program, though a computer and camera will seldom come with the system. While you may be tempted to scrounge an old computer, remember that the database is going to grow and it is important not to have a machine that will be unable to do the job, whether immediately or six months later.

How to choose the best cribs and crib beddings

How to Choose the Best Cribs and Crib Beddings

crib beddingcrib bedding sets

Having a tot in your home is truly the most amazing feeling in the world. Of course, now that there is a little one you will have to think all about cribs. And this, of course, must be done before the little one arrives! Cribs and crib bedding and sheets and pillows – all these and more are stuff to think about before Mr. Stork makes a delivery your way. Do not fret, however, because even if there is a wide array of cribs out there your life will certainly be easier if you only have to choose from the best of the best. What you really should remember is that in a baby’s nursery, cribs and crib bedding are very crucial and important pieces.

This makes the baby’s sleeping hours relaxing and cozy, so you want to choose the best one. There are big cribs stores that sell many different kinds of crib bedding and cribs, so you are lucky to choose one to your liking. These contemporary cribs are carefully designed keeping in mind top quality craftsmanship along with style and the ever-important functional value.

When you choose the best cribs and the equally perfect crib bedding set, your baby will have a blissful time in lala land, curled up in the comfort of his very own nest. One great pick for cribs would be a crib sleeper. This is the latest range in stylish cribs and also affordable furniture. It comes with an adjustable mattress so you can probably fit most kinds of crib bedding into it – even those that were given as gifts from well-meaning aunties and uncles. And the best part about this crib is that it comes with a conversion kit. This conversion kit will help you adjust the entire furniture so that it can still work well for your child even up to his toddler years – turning the crib into a great toddler daybed! This certainly is the best style and value for your little one.

There are fixed side rails to this crib for better security and safety, so your little one will not end up rolling off the crib and onto the floor. Furthermore, there is enough space to accommodate even a standard mattress and corresponding crib bedding. It is made of top quality solid wood and also wood veneers. The varnish that was used on this particular piece is non-toxic, thus ensuring the safety of your child’s breathing. There are many different kinds of furniture that you will need to consider for your precious little baby’s first ever nursery, but this particular piece is the most important one. Once you select the crib bedding sets of your choice, you will then be able to focus your attention on the other pieces that make up the entire room.

This is because you know that you were able to successfully and triumphantly accomplish the most challenging task of all, which is choosing the place where the baby will sleep. As soon as you get this, you might end up with a problem-solving equipment for many years to come and for many other children that you might wish to bear later in life.

Important tips for buying an area rug online

Important Tips for Buying an Area Rug Online

Buying an area rug online can save you a fortune. But without seeing the rug in person, you have to do your homework first in order to insure that you’ll get a rug that truly compliments your décor and fits perfectly in your chosen room.

The following essential tips are designed to help the online area rug shopper find the perfect piece of fabric to brighten up their home, complete a look or just plain look great.

Tips for Buying an Area Rug Online

— Consider the color and how it impacts the room. As a general rule, area rugs that are darker in color will make a room feel smaller and cozier, while lighter, brighter colors make rooms feel more spacious.

— Take good measurements. Before you order any rug, make sure you have taken good measurements of the area you plan to fill beforehand. Note that there are three common sizes of area rug: 4×6, 6×9, and 8×10.

— Keep an open mind about shapes. When it comes to area rugs, square is not the only available shape. Consider unique designs that are round or interesting geometric forms.

— Handmade vs. Machine-made area rugs. If you want the highest quality craftsmanship, and don’t mind paying a little more money, then a handmade rug is the right investment. However, it is worth noting that many machine-made area rugs also offer high levels of craftsmanship, design and quality (and tend to cost less).

— The perfect rug if you have children or pets. Young children and pets are two of the greatest factors that contribute to the wear-and-tear on an area rug. If you have either, you might want to consider a wool rug or a nylon area rug — both are among the most durable types of rugs and stand up against constant abuse. Silk area rugs are beautiful and hold their value well over time — however they are not a good choice for high-traffic areas when the family spends a lot of time.

— Get extra padding. Many area rugs available online come with extra padding to place beneath the rug. If they don’t then you might want to order matching padding as it will help extended the life of the rug.

— The quality vs. price argument. While there are some exceptions, the quality of a rug is generally tied to the price. Therefore, you will need to make some important decisions about what you want to spend on your rug, and how long you plan on having it. If you want to buy an area rug that lasts for many years, you may need to put a little more money into it on the front end. However, if you are the type of person who likes to change their décor from time-to-time, or plans on moving in the near future, you can find a number of beautiful «lower-end» rug styles at a price that won’t bring you down.

When shopping online for an area rug, remember to follow the advice above, and above all else, have fun with your shopping experience!

Income tax-filing information


Do i have to file return?

You must file a federal income tax return if you are a citizen or resident of the United States or a resident of Puerto Rico and you meet the filing requirements for any of the following categories that apply to you.

The filing requirements apply even if you do not owe tax.

1. Individuals—in general:

If you are a U.S. citizen or resident, you must file a return depends on three factors:

  • Your gross income,
  • Your filing status, and
  • Your age.

Gross income.  This includes all income you receive in the form of money, goods, property, and services that is not exempt from tax.

Filing status.  Your filing status depends on whether you are single or married and on your family situation. Your filing status is determined on the last day of your tax year, which is December 31 for most taxpayers.

Age.  If you are 65 or older at the end of the year, you generally can have a higher amount of gross income than other taxpayers before you must file. You are considered 65 on the day before your 65th birthday.

2. Dependents:

If you are a dependent See the above table to find out whether you must file a return.

Responsibility of parent.   Generally, a child is responsible for filing his or her own tax return and for paying any tax on the return. But if a dependent child who must file an income tax return cannot file it for any reason, such as age, then a parent, guardian, or other legally responsible person must file it for the child. If the child cannot sign the return, the parent or guardian must sign the child’s name followed by the words «By (your signature), parent for minor child.»

Child’s earnings. Amounts a child earns by performing services are his or her gross income. This is true even if under local law the child’s parents have the right to the earnings and may actually have received them. If the child does not pay the tax due on this income, the parent is liable for the tax.

3. Children under age 18:

If a child’s only income is interest and dividends (including capital gain distributions and Alaska Permanent Fund dividends) and certain other conditions are met, a parent can elect to include the child’s income on the parent’s return. If this election is made, the child does not have to file a return.

4. Self-employed persons:

You are self-employed if you:

  • Carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor,
  • Are an independent contractor,
  • Are a member of a partnership, or
  • Are in business for yourself in any other way.

Self-employment can include work in addition to your regular full-time business activities, such as certain part-time work you do at home or in addition to your regular job.

5. Aliens:

Your status as an alien—resident, nonresident, or dual-status—determines whether and how you must file an income tax return.

Resident alien.  If you are a resident alien for the entire year, you must file a tax return following the same rules that apply to U.S. citizens. Use the forms discussed in this publication.

Nonresident alien.  If you are a nonresident alien, the rules and tax forms that apply to you are different from those that apply to U.S. citizens and resident aliens. See Publication 519 to find out if U.S. income tax laws apply to you and which forms you should file.

Dual-status taxpayer.  If you are a resident alien for part of the tax year and a nonresident alien for the rest of the year, you are a dual-status taxpayer. Different rules apply for each part of the year. For information on dual-status taxpayers, see Publication 519.

Who should file?

Even if you do not have to file, you should file a federal income tax return to get money back if any of the following conditions apply.

  1. You had federal income tax withheld from your pay or made estimated tax payments.
  2. You qualify for the earned income credit. See chapter 36 for more information.
  3. You qualify for the additional child tax credit. See chapter 34 for more information.
  4. You qualify for the health coverage tax credit. See chapter 37 for more information.
  5. You qualify for the refundable credit for prior year minimum tax

What if i made mistake?

Errors may delay your refund or result in notices being sent to you. If you discover an error, you can file an amended return or claim for refund.

You should correct your return if, after you have filed it, you find that:

  1. You did not report some income,
  2. You claimed deductions or credits you should not have claimed,
  3. You did not claim deductions or credits you could have claimed, or
  4. You should have claimed a different filing status. (Once you file a joint return, you cannot choose to file separate returns for that year after the due date of the return. However, an executor may be able to make this change for a deceased spouse.)

How to start a business and still be there next year

How to Start a Business and Still Be There Next Year

So, you want to know how to start a business and still be there in a year or two?

You need plenty of drive and determination if you want to succeed. While drive and determination are broad ranging concepts, I’m talking about the ability to get out of bed in a morning, not have that second cup of coffee, and not «just browse the internet» before you start calling potential customers or negotiating a price discount with key suppliers.

Evaluating your own personal character strengths and weaknesses as compared to a successful owner of a small business is a great idea. (If you don’t know any successful business owners then now’s a good time to find one). What else?

Now, where did I put that..

We’ve all been to the small workshop where the owner can’t find anything, didn’t know you were coming (even though you phoned last week) and hasn’t got your order ready. It’s far from impressive.

Being organized, following up on the details and managing projects is all down to you. Even if that means delegating. And while we’re talking about tricky situations, how well do you handle tricky situations or deal with different personalities? (I mean difficult personalities, but diplomacy is needed). Keeping your word and following up on your promises shows high personal integrity and is valued greatly by all the people you will deal with.

As a potential business owner, you will need to get yourself technically up to speed and develop successful working relationships with key professionals you need to make your business work. Customers, suppliers, staff (hopefully some day), accountants, probably lawyers, and of course the bank manager.

Let me think it over

I struggle with this one myself. Sometimes there’s just no substitute for straightforward — quick from the gut — decision making. As a small business owner you will often need to make rapid decisions under stressful conditions or tight deadlines without the ability to consult.

Ok, but what about when you’ve already been on your feet for 12 hours, your children kept you awake last night and the computer just crashed? Physical and emotional stamina is essential. This is because you can only live on the adrenaline and excitement of being an entrepreneur for so long. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to keep going, but having nothing left in the tank. It’s very important to know when to take a break

All that for that?

You’ve dug deep, you’ve made the calls, got the goods, delivered the product, collected the money, paid the supplier, the accountant, the taxman, the rent, the, the, the…

There’s nothing left. You’ve been a busy fool. Oh No. Better give up now. No not really. Resolve to learn from mistakes and make essential changes is critical. We’ve all heard research that shows poor planning is responsible for many failures, but not as many as running out of money. Cash is King for a reason. Without it you just can’t go on.

Many different operational aspects of your business end their life either in or out of your bank account. Things like managing inventory (stock), delivery and production schedules and quality control all need to be managed through your financial statements. A tight fist of control and mastery of your business dynamics will have you ordering that new car soon enough!

Get your credits into the emotional piggy bank first

The first few years of business start­up is the hardest. It’s important that you brief your family so they know what to expect, but it’s as important to make sure you have their support during this time. You’re not going to be as well off as you used to be until you make the business profitable and trade above break even. You’re going to be short tempered, tired and crotchety at times and you’re not always going to be home in time for dinner.

There are no guarantees that you will succeed, and there are many risks when you start out. Careful planning can eliminate many of these, but even the best plan in the world cannot take everything into account.

Now you know you’ve evaluated your own personal character strengths and weaknesses and know you’ve got what it takes