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How to stop spinning your wheels and fully enjoy your business

How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Fully Enjoy Your Business

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

I got off the phone yesterday with a colleague who reminded me of myself. (Well, he reminded me of my past self.) He had experienced a good level of success, was respected by his colleagues, had a wonderful family and all the clients he could ask for.

But, there was something very wrong. He was exhausted, overworked, stressed out, and feeling like his life was his business… missing out on the other things that meant a lot to him.

I call this the «spinning your wheels» syndrome. It happens when you find yourself constantly running on the hamster wheel of your business (and your life). Only to realize that when you «get» to where you think you want to go, it’s not what you had envisioned. The «success» experience falls flat in comparison to what you thought it would be. Where is the bliss? Where is the freedom? Where is the joy from doing the work you love so much? Ahhhh… these are all very good questions.

And, here are three steps you can take immediately that’ll help you get off the never-ending «merry go round» of your business and enjoy more ease in your life. These were the very steps I took to shift things in my business to a place where I truly love my business and my life.

Step 1: Create Your Personal Definition of Success When it comes to experiencing entrepreneurial success, so often we see that definition being (according to the external world) about financial success. However, if the sole focus of a business is on financial reward, your life will be compromised in that pursuit.

It’s important as you look at redefining success for yourself, that you look at the entire picture of success. Here are some things to consider as you contemplate this… that go beyond your financial goals. What is the work that truly calls to your soul? How do you want to spend your time in your business? What types of clients do you want to work with? How many hours a week do you want to be working on your business? Do you want to offer more products or services, or cut back on your offerings? What kind of team do you need in place to help you experience your definition of success? How involved are you with your team? Do you want to travel for your business, or stay closer to home? What support do you have on your journey?

These are all questions to consider as you define what real success means to you. You’ll see that success is about much more than money… it’s about fulfillment, peace of mind and joy in your life.

Step 2: Reevaluate Your Business Once you’ve gotten clarity on your personal definition of success, it’s time to take a closer look at your current business. It’s important to give yourself a half day (or preferably a day) to step back from the operations of your business, and focus on the big picture. Too often, I see entrepreneurs who are working to create a business based on someone else’s model of success. But, in this step, the only model you need to allow to emerge is the one that works for you.

As you reevaluate your business, identify if there is anything you’re doing that you don’t want to do? On the other hand, are there things you want to do, but aren’t getting to? Are there aspects of your business that you think you «should» do, but they just aren’t working for you? Once you evaluate your current business, turn your focus on creating a vision for the business you really want. If you could create anything for yourself in your business, what would that be? This type of reevaluation is a necessary step in getting your «wheels to stop spinning» and fully enjoying your business.

Step 3: Be Proactive Being proactive is a key step to take your insight and clarity from the previous two steps and create positive change for yourself. When you do this type of work (to create your personal definition of success and reevaluate your business), chances are you’ll see some things that require a change to be made.

But, it’s up to you to take your new understanding and shift something in your business as a result. Nothing is more painful than knowing it’s time to make a change, yet not being proactive to it. This has been the step that’s allowed me to release entire businesses, projects, strategies, or programs that didn’t fit with what I saw for myself, my life and business. As a result, more aligned opportunities keep showing up for me, and I’m feeling more fulfilled in my business (and my life) than ever before.

These three simple steps aren’t necessarily easy, but they are indeed simple. If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your business and want to enjoy your life more fully, you owe it to yourself to give yourself the gift of time to follow these three steps and move forward toward the business and life you truly want.

How to choose the best cribs and crib beddings

How to Choose the Best Cribs and Crib Beddings

crib beddingcrib bedding sets

Having a tot in your home is truly the most amazing feeling in the world. Of course, now that there is a little one you will have to think all about cribs. And this, of course, must be done before the little one arrives! Cribs and crib bedding and sheets and pillows – all these and more are stuff to think about before Mr. Stork makes a delivery your way. Do not fret, however, because even if there is a wide array of cribs out there your life will certainly be easier if you only have to choose from the best of the best. What you really should remember is that in a baby’s nursery, cribs and crib bedding are very crucial and important pieces.

This makes the baby’s sleeping hours relaxing and cozy, so you want to choose the best one. There are big cribs stores that sell many different kinds of crib bedding and cribs, so you are lucky to choose one to your liking. These contemporary cribs are carefully designed keeping in mind top quality craftsmanship along with style and the ever-important functional value.

When you choose the best cribs and the equally perfect crib bedding set, your baby will have a blissful time in lala land, curled up in the comfort of his very own nest. One great pick for cribs would be a crib sleeper. This is the latest range in stylish cribs and also affordable furniture. It comes with an adjustable mattress so you can probably fit most kinds of crib bedding into it – even those that were given as gifts from well-meaning aunties and uncles. And the best part about this crib is that it comes with a conversion kit. This conversion kit will help you adjust the entire furniture so that it can still work well for your child even up to his toddler years – turning the crib into a great toddler daybed! This certainly is the best style and value for your little one.

There are fixed side rails to this crib for better security and safety, so your little one will not end up rolling off the crib and onto the floor. Furthermore, there is enough space to accommodate even a standard mattress and corresponding crib bedding. It is made of top quality solid wood and also wood veneers. The varnish that was used on this particular piece is non-toxic, thus ensuring the safety of your child’s breathing. There are many different kinds of furniture that you will need to consider for your precious little baby’s first ever nursery, but this particular piece is the most important one. Once you select the crib bedding sets of your choice, you will then be able to focus your attention on the other pieces that make up the entire room.

This is because you know that you were able to successfully and triumphantly accomplish the most challenging task of all, which is choosing the place where the baby will sleep. As soon as you get this, you might end up with a problem-solving equipment for many years to come and for many other children that you might wish to bear later in life.

Keeping business gifts on a professional level

Keeping Business Gifts On A Professional Level

One of the most important parts of obtaining successful business relationships with your customers is to incorporate the use of business gifts.  Some may feel that business gifts are not necessary, as long as they maintain in contact with customers and always provide excellent service, unfortunately this is not always true.

Often times, business gifts can be the one thing that keeps you in good status with your work relationships, and new clients.  A business gift can even be a deciding factor as to whether or not a potential customer will decide to utilize the services or products that your company offers.

It is not necessary to spend large amounts of your budget on a business gift, as the gift does not need to be elaborate, just useful and durable.  You also do not want to give out a business gift with a hidden clause for a continued working relationship, or the beginning of a new one.  The primary purpose for giving a business gift to to establish a positive outlook towards your company, from colleagues, clients or potential clients.

Don’t make business gifts too personal. A personalized gift is okay, as long as it isn’t TOO personal. Think about what you’d buy for an elderly distant cousin, something that shows your care and respect, but nothing that screams out «I want to take care of your every need!» For example, you wouldn’t buy a potential client new underwear or a pair of socks, would you? Keep business gifts simple, not overly expensive, and if you give a message with them- make sure your message is simply one of well wishes and appreciation for their continued business.  If you’re giving a business gift to someone who might be a potential client someday, a simple «Keep my/our services/products in mind» along with the gift is appropriate.

Don’t make any business gift too «salesy» or too pushy, this will only cause your gift to be received in a negative way. A nice floral arrangement, a nice desk calendar and pens, or other types of «business supplies» are appropriate business gifts. Keep it simple.

How to play the aluminum foil prank on a coworker

How To Play the Aluminum Foil Prank on a Coworker

Check out the video version of this guide on Howcast.com:
How To Play the Aluminum Foil Prank on a Coworker

Get more great tips on playing pranks at the workplace at Howcast.com:
Office Prank Videos


Giving your colleague’s office or cubicle a makeover is a nifty practical joke.

You Will Need

  • Lots of aluminum foil
  • A camera
  • Sticky notes (optional)

Step 1: Pick a time

Pick a time when you’ll have uninterrupted access to your colleague’s workspace.

Step 2: Take picture

Take “before” pictures of the workspace.

Step 3: Cover the walls

Cover the walls and any windows with aluminum foil. Paper the ceiling, too, if you can.

Don’t buy the cheap dollar-store foil—this is a job for the heavy-duty stuff.

Step 4: Wrap everything

Wrap everything in sight — from the desk, chair, and computer right down to the last pen.

Step 5: Refer to photos

When everything is wrapped, refer to your photos so you can put all the stuff back exactly where it was.

Don’t want to spend money on foil? Swipe a stack of sticky notes from the supply closet and cover every last surface with them.

Step 6: Laugh

Laugh your ass off as your coworker spends his morning unwrapping your special gift.


In 2003, an airline employee sued Southwest Airlines for having her “arrested” as an office prank.


Giving your colleague’s office or cubicle a makeover is a nifty practical joke.

You Will Need

  • Lots of aluminum foil
  • A camera
  • Sticky notes (optional)

Step 1: Pick a time

Pick a time when you’ll have uninterrupted access to your colleague’s workspace.

Step 2: Take picture

Take “before” pictures of the workspace.

Step 3: Cover the walls

Cover the walls and any windows with aluminum foil. Paper the ceiling, too, if you can.

Don’t buy the cheap dollar-store foil—this is a job for the heavy-duty stuff.

Step 4: Wrap everything

Wrap everything in sight — from the desk, chair, and computer right down to the last pen.

Step 5: Refer to photos

When everything is wrapped, refer to your photos so you can put all the stuff back exactly where it was.

Don’t want to spend money on foil? Swipe a stack of sticky notes from the supply closet and cover every last surface with them.

Step 6: Laugh

Laugh your ass off as your coworker spends his morning unwrapping your special gift.


In 2003, an airline employee sued Southwest Airlines for having her “arrested” as an office prank.

How much information to give-a-way in your information products

How Much Information to Give-a-way in your Information Products

I’m often asked how much info you should give away in a free Special Report and other information products. The fear is that if you give-a-way too much people won’t buy more from you. In this article, I give you a simple way that shows you exactly what to give-a-way and what to hold back on so you still give great value AND attract people to buy more from you…

In general, I believe you should give-a-way a lot…enough for your prospect to say, “My gosh! If the FREE information product is this good then the paid stuff must be amazing!” The issue isn’t how much info you give-a-way…your #1 goal is to be perceived as always providing over-the-top value. People want to buy from generous people…in fact they feel obliged to!

* The Law of Reciprocity *

This is one of the most powerful tools in persuasion. The Law of Reciprocity states: we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us. If you get a birthday gift from someone we feel obliged to give them an even better gift on their birthday. If not…our fear is being seen as a moocher – a taker.

This isn’t a bad thing. In fact, renowned anthropologist, Richard Leakey says the essence of what makes us human is reciprocity: “We are human because our ancestors learned to share their food and their skills in an honored network of obligation.”

So when you give away a ton of great value in your information products you actually set in motion a subtle psychological reaction within your audience. Deep down, they will feel obliged to give back to you…i.e. buy your product or hire you.

* The Pyramid Analogy *

Here’s an easy way to think about how much info to give-a-way in your information products…

You know how a pyramid is very dense? It’s heavy! The volume of a pyramid is made with layer on top of layer of dense stones. Well imagine all the knowledge and experience in your head is like the volume of a pyramid. Pretend that 100% of the volume of the pyramid represents 100% of your knowledge and experience.

Now imagine a big, powerful saw blade cutting the very top of the pyramid. That topstone would be, say, 5% of the total volume of the pyramid. That uppermost stone rests on the entire pyramid below it…but it’s only a fraction to the total volume.

In the same way, your free give-a-way information products, like a Special Report, should only give away 5% of your total knowledge. You can give an overview of everything you know…but it’s general information.

To see a good example of this check out my Special Report “3 Secret Steps to Creating Information Products That Makes You Money.” (www.infoproductguy.com) I give away my WHOLE program…in general. I give away enough for you to get inspired…but I don’t get into the nitty-gritty details on how to create information products. For that you have to work one-on-one with me. But because I’m very open with my knowledge, people get to know, like and trust me. You can do the same.

Let’s keep going down the pyramid…

Imagine that huge saw blade took off the top few layers of the pyramid…say 50% of the total volume. This represents 50% of all the knowledge in your head. This could be your $200 — $500 signature information product: 5 CDs and a 200 page workbook. Here you not only tell people what to do…but how to do it. You give them your templates and exercises that you’ve developed over years of doing what you do so they don’t have to figure it all out themselves.

This level can also be your group coaching program. It’s a group so it’s cheaper…but it also means people don’t get as much one-on-one time with you.

Are you starting to see how this works?

The further you go down the pyramid, the more knowledge you give away and the higher the price point you charge.

The trick for your free and low priced information products is to tell the people WHAT to do…not HOW to do it. For them to learn how to solve their problems in more detail you have to share more specific information…you have to even roll up your sleeves and teach them the “How To” one-on-one. That requires more of your knowledge and time…so you charge more.

Bottom line…I encourage you to give more rather than less. People will forget the information…but they’ll remember that you are someone who gives great value. And THAT’S what makes you successful.