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Keeping business gifts on a professional level

Keeping Business Gifts On A Professional Level

One of the most important parts of obtaining successful business relationships with your customers is to incorporate the use of business gifts.  Some may feel that business gifts are not necessary, as long as they maintain in contact with customers and always provide excellent service, unfortunately this is not always true.

Often times, business gifts can be the one thing that keeps you in good status with your work relationships, and new clients.  A business gift can even be a deciding factor as to whether or not a potential customer will decide to utilize the services or products that your company offers.

It is not necessary to spend large amounts of your budget on a business gift, as the gift does not need to be elaborate, just useful and durable.  You also do not want to give out a business gift with a hidden clause for a continued working relationship, or the beginning of a new one.  The primary purpose for giving a business gift to to establish a positive outlook towards your company, from colleagues, clients or potential clients.

Don’t make business gifts too personal. A personalized gift is okay, as long as it isn’t TOO personal. Think about what you’d buy for an elderly distant cousin, something that shows your care and respect, but nothing that screams out «I want to take care of your every need!» For example, you wouldn’t buy a potential client new underwear or a pair of socks, would you? Keep business gifts simple, not overly expensive, and if you give a message with them- make sure your message is simply one of well wishes and appreciation for their continued business.  If you’re giving a business gift to someone who might be a potential client someday, a simple «Keep my/our services/products in mind» along with the gift is appropriate.

Don’t make any business gift too «salesy» or too pushy, this will only cause your gift to be received in a negative way. A nice floral arrangement, a nice desk calendar and pens, or other types of «business supplies» are appropriate business gifts. Keep it simple.