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Latest trends in website design can boost your promotional efforts

Latest Trends in Website Design can boost your promotional efforts

Website designing is appearing as a great option for those who seek extensive promotional prospect through online channels. Many small or big businesses are more and more using the internet as their source of promotion which is emerging as a great communicator among society.

Persuasion of a visitor to purchase anything online has great many things to do with the website design. It becomes important for any business holder to get his website designed in a way that can hold the attention of the visitor and influence them to explore more about the services. Web design is not a new term but new attractive additions keep on getting added in the concept of website designing. Some of the latest trends popular nowadays are given here which can make your website distinctively attractive and more appealing than others.

Over sized Logo/Headers

Over sized Logo or headers are considered as a great source or increasing the brand recall value and holding up the attention of the visitor. A visitor when using a website go through the number of things present on a webpage but a business calls for an in depth brand recognition by a buyer. It becomes essential to come out with an attractive and over sized header so as to stay in the minds of visitors.

Slab typefaces

An oversized header always accompanies slab typefaces. Slab typefaces are bold and capital letters usually highlighted in the webpage. It’s not a latest trend but as huge headers on a webpage are growingly gaining importance in the name of brand recognition, slab typefaces are also becoming important. It is always observed that slab typefaces remain in the minds of visitor for longer time.

Sketches/ Hand drawn designs

Personal interaction and usability is a great part of a website. It is here that sketched and hand drawn designs come into picture which help providing personalized look and a real life experience for a user. Hand drawn designs let a website interact more effectively as compared to the other sites.

Interactive design

Flash designs on a website are common nowadays with the advent of the number of flash software and technologies. Flash Designs are more interactive than traditional sites while easy to make by a website designer. For increasing the interactivity and usability, web designers are coming out with more attractive and easy to use designs.

One page layout

Easy websites are the one which contain all necessary information on a single page and are appealing enough to carry the attention of visitor for longer duration. A business website of one page layout stress on providing the details of corporate profile on a single webpage; just like a business card. Use of blogs, responses from the individual and social media hangouts can be of great use in single page layout.

Change of Perspective

Unlike the earlier concept of professional web design which were only meant for giving information, this has now changed to including elements like huge images, real life instances and hand made designs to influence better and longer stay on websites and greater persuasion.

Clare Web Design Essex has professional website designers who can design website including flash animation, logo design and logo animations. Adding some of the trends in your website style can do wonders with your internet rating and attract the tech savvy masses who have got bored of the traditional style of website designs.

How to stop spinning your wheels and fully enjoy your business

How to Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Fully Enjoy Your Business

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

I got off the phone yesterday with a colleague who reminded me of myself. (Well, he reminded me of my past self.) He had experienced a good level of success, was respected by his colleagues, had a wonderful family and all the clients he could ask for.

But, there was something very wrong. He was exhausted, overworked, stressed out, and feeling like his life was his business… missing out on the other things that meant a lot to him.

I call this the «spinning your wheels» syndrome. It happens when you find yourself constantly running on the hamster wheel of your business (and your life). Only to realize that when you «get» to where you think you want to go, it’s not what you had envisioned. The «success» experience falls flat in comparison to what you thought it would be. Where is the bliss? Where is the freedom? Where is the joy from doing the work you love so much? Ahhhh… these are all very good questions.

And, here are three steps you can take immediately that’ll help you get off the never-ending «merry go round» of your business and enjoy more ease in your life. These were the very steps I took to shift things in my business to a place where I truly love my business and my life.

Step 1: Create Your Personal Definition of Success When it comes to experiencing entrepreneurial success, so often we see that definition being (according to the external world) about financial success. However, if the sole focus of a business is on financial reward, your life will be compromised in that pursuit.

It’s important as you look at redefining success for yourself, that you look at the entire picture of success. Here are some things to consider as you contemplate this… that go beyond your financial goals. What is the work that truly calls to your soul? How do you want to spend your time in your business? What types of clients do you want to work with? How many hours a week do you want to be working on your business? Do you want to offer more products or services, or cut back on your offerings? What kind of team do you need in place to help you experience your definition of success? How involved are you with your team? Do you want to travel for your business, or stay closer to home? What support do you have on your journey?

These are all questions to consider as you define what real success means to you. You’ll see that success is about much more than money… it’s about fulfillment, peace of mind and joy in your life.

Step 2: Reevaluate Your Business Once you’ve gotten clarity on your personal definition of success, it’s time to take a closer look at your current business. It’s important to give yourself a half day (or preferably a day) to step back from the operations of your business, and focus on the big picture. Too often, I see entrepreneurs who are working to create a business based on someone else’s model of success. But, in this step, the only model you need to allow to emerge is the one that works for you.

As you reevaluate your business, identify if there is anything you’re doing that you don’t want to do? On the other hand, are there things you want to do, but aren’t getting to? Are there aspects of your business that you think you «should» do, but they just aren’t working for you? Once you evaluate your current business, turn your focus on creating a vision for the business you really want. If you could create anything for yourself in your business, what would that be? This type of reevaluation is a necessary step in getting your «wheels to stop spinning» and fully enjoying your business.

Step 3: Be Proactive Being proactive is a key step to take your insight and clarity from the previous two steps and create positive change for yourself. When you do this type of work (to create your personal definition of success and reevaluate your business), chances are you’ll see some things that require a change to be made.

But, it’s up to you to take your new understanding and shift something in your business as a result. Nothing is more painful than knowing it’s time to make a change, yet not being proactive to it. This has been the step that’s allowed me to release entire businesses, projects, strategies, or programs that didn’t fit with what I saw for myself, my life and business. As a result, more aligned opportunities keep showing up for me, and I’m feeling more fulfilled in my business (and my life) than ever before.

These three simple steps aren’t necessarily easy, but they are indeed simple. If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your business and want to enjoy your life more fully, you owe it to yourself to give yourself the gift of time to follow these three steps and move forward toward the business and life you truly want.

How to select a professional web, graphics and sign designing company

How to Select A Professional Web, Graphics and Sign Designing Company

Online presence has become mandatory for all businesses because of the ever-increasing popularity of the internet. New innovations such as blogging, tweeting, and social networking have revolutionized the concept of online marketing. Owning a website has become a necessity – a basic requirement, not a thing to boast about.

As there are a number of websites competing with each other to grab the users’ attention, the design of the website has to be elegant and visually pleasing. How can one find a good web design company from a large number of competitors? If you own a business and would like to be online as well, you can find excellent options for professional graphic design and web design.

The following tips would help you in selecting a good and reliable web design company that employs professional web designers.

Check The Company Website

There are many things that one can learn from the website of a web design company. You can find the websites of web design companies in your local area by searching the internet with some simple keyword phrases such as «Houston graphic designer» or «small business website design Houston». You will find a number of websites. Take time to check and analyze the design of each and every website. Select the ones whose websites you find most suitable to your ideas or the ones that you like the most.

Check The Portfolio

Most of the websites will have a portfolio page. It contains details of the websites designed by the company. It is better that you visit all the websites listed there. If the designs of a particular web design company are consistently good, then you can proceed to contact the company.

Web Design Versus Graphic Design

One has to check the services offered by the company. Is it just a web design company alone or does it offer both web-design and graphic-design services? If you run a business, it is better you select a company that offers both web-design and graphic-design services – more so if you run a small or medium business or if you are planning to start a new business. You will need a company logo, business signs, brochures, and business cards, apart from a neatly designed website. A company that has expertise in both web designing and graphic designing can function as a one-stop shop for your design needs. Selecting such a company is both time saving and cost effective.

Technical Aspects

Once you have made a short list of graphic designers and web design companies, you have to enquire about certain technical aspects. For web design, it is important to get a complete picture of web hosting and other marketing support activities such as search engine optimization and online marketing. Some companies offer free web hosting for the first year.

You also need to check whether you will get the copyright of the design and content of the website. Different web design companies have different practices in this aspect. From the customer point of view, it is always better to own the rights of your website and other company designs.


Never pay in full in advance. It is in fact better not to pay anything in advance till you see the first proofs. If you pay in advance, and you do not like any of the designs, then you may not get the advance back, even if you do not use the designs. You should pay an advance only if you like the first proofs.

How to go about selling your house through internet estate agent

How to Go About Selling Your House through Internet Estate Agent

If you are selling your house then you will find that the quickest and easiest way to do this, which will also save you money, is to do so with the help of an internet estate agent. Here are some things you should know before you begin.

First, remember that prospective buyers will want to see what the house looks like. So if you are listing it online you need to display pictures and even videos on the website which show people what the property’s qualities are. These need to be of excellent quality, sharp, clear and of good color. Your house should look every bit as good in these pictures as it in fact does.

As well as being high resolution, your pictures should be easy to download so that a prospective buyer doesn’t have a long wait whilst the picture appears. First impressions are very important when it comes to converting a lead into a sale, and your prospects of a sale can often be marred by a poor picture.

You should then ensure that the lines of communication between you and your internet estate agent are speedy, because you don’t want to miss out on a prospective buyer’s communication which could lead to a sale. It is vital that buyers be able to contact you easily.

A buyer may have lots of questions with regard to the house, its construction or history, design specifications, locality, age and so on. Queries that should go not to the internet estate agent but rather to you when you, should be directed to you. Matters relating to negotiation of price, however, as well as some other factors, should be left to the internet estate agents to deal with. You should only have to step in on the process of selling your house if it is truly necessary.

You must provide accurate details to the internet estate agent. So before you engage them to help selling your house you should ensure that you have all the details to hand, including anything to your house’s disadvantage. They can then work out how to turn this around to the advantage of your property. For example, if someone was murdered in your house you don’t want a prospective buyer to be told this, but an estate agent should know in case there are any enquiries on this matter.

Check out the track record of internet estate agents before you make your choice, and find one with a good history. If someone you know had a good experience of selling their property this way in the past, ask them which agent they used and how it was done. There is plenty of hard work connected with selling your house, as well as careful planning. Over half the work is done already when you choose a good agent, but there is some research to be done to make the right choice here.

John c

John C. Ernst Company Lets Pictures Do the Talking For Flow Control

“When a flow meter, level gauge or other device needs to be replaced, it needs to be done quickly,” says Ernst President, James Wolfe.  “Since our items last many years, replacement records are sometimes hard to come by.  We’ve done our best to simplify replacement,” he adds.

According to Wolfe, visitors can either select by flow control type (sight glass, sight flow indicators, flow meters and totalizers, liquid level gauges and valves, glass and gaskets, sight window, switches flow and level, ejectors and eductors) or, if they have a model number, they can go to a model number index.  With one click they can get a complete listing of the type of flow control device they need.

A click on any of the device names or model number, takes them directly to an online catalog where each item includes a picture, available sizes, features, ratings and materials.  Wolfe explains that each item is organized alongside its most closely related product.  “Even if a customer doesn’t know the model number or name of the device needed, he/she can compare the device to our pictures and ratings to find the exact match.

“If the pictures don’t work, there is a toll free number, 888-463-7678 on every one of our pages, adds Wolfe.  “We have trained customer support personnel on hand to walk customers through the approval process.  We’ll usually direct them to the product index page, then to the right portion of our catalog.  In a couple of minutes customers are comparing their device to an exact picture in our catalog.”

John C. Ernst and Company carries a complete line of flow meters, gauges, indicators and sight windows.  John C. Ernst Company is located in Sparta, NJ and can be reached at 888-463-7678 or online at www.johnernst.com.