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How the rich get richer and how you can get richer too

How the rich get Richer and how you can get richer too

In the next couple of paragraphs  and until the end of this series, I will be revealing certain truths that would guarantee that you get richer that you are now. I am giving you full assurance that the information contained in this article will work for you, not just because it is working for me but also because it is already working for countless others. So if you are ready, seat back and get ready to be exposed.

In putting together this write up, I had to carry out some very extensive research and I was able to find out that aside every other thing, the rich get richer by using three very important ingredients. I call these ingredients OPI,OPM, OPT. OPI is short for “other peoples’ idea” and so you can guess the other two- “other peoples’ money ” and  “other peoples’ time”. Now that we have set the ball rounding and we are already in the mid field, let score a goal.


The truth about life is that ideas rule the world, Microsoft was first and idea before it became the source of income for the wealthiest man in the world. The idea to begin the social networking site facebook was an idea  but the idea because the source of income on Mark and the others. The point I am trying to hammer here is that the thing that makes you rich and increase your riches is the Ideas that you are willing to implement. I hear people say that they do not have an Idea of what to do but I wonder how this is possible.

Listen, when you feel you don’t have an idea look at other people for ideas, don’t get me wrong I am not trying to Imply that you are not capable of thinking out great ideas but if you are to be very objective even that idea that since like it was entirely your was most likely inspired by an event or occurrence that was not entirely your making, so why the hypocrisy? Now that I have given you some stroking, let me show you 5 ways to get ideas for other people without them even knowing it. If you are ready for this great revelation, then let your eyes more your mind to the next paragraph.

  1. Listen to yourself: A lot of times, we find that we are so engaged in activities that we find it very hard to even listen to ourselves. But in solitude you will find altitude. Talk to yourself and ‘borrow brain’ look inward think of all the things that you can do. Take a step further and write  something down.
  2. Listen to People: The first step to getting OPI is to listen to people, People will always have something to say, either verbally, in a blog, on an online community in a book and so one.  The catch here is that you must be willing to listen to people be hungry for information. Try to know a little about everything without looking like an information pest, people are generally put off by individuals that come on strong, take it easy and let people talk.
  3. Get Help: There are many things we can do if we put our minds to it, but the point here is that life is too short to learn everything by ourselves. Although you know how to design a website, it might not be a bad ideas to seat back and allow another person seat on the front row and do the job. In the process of seating at the back ground you are getting help, if you choose to be smart you would be learning some of what he know. Don’t be afraid  to get help when you need it, only cowards are afraid to get help.
  4. Start something: Most of  the inventions came as mistakes  of other inventions, for instance the microwave oven was stumbled upon mistakenly but it has found application in many  homes today. In the process of  doing something, stunting ideas will come your way. Stop seating down start with what you have. It time to move to the next point in this write up- OPM

Part two of this article will be uploaded next week but I would really love to read you comment so WRITE ON !

Leaflets printing – design your own leaflet

Leaflets Printing – Design your Own Leaflet

Sharing your ideas and messages with the masses can be a big step and you would really want to make a positive impression out of it. One of the oldest and the most reliable ways of spreading your views is distributing flyers, which is the best method to reach out to the masses. No wonder, leaflets printing is quite a sought after option during such instances.

But, besides being opted as a good way to reach out to the masses, leaflets printing is getting more attention these days for another reason as well. Lending your own artwork for those pamphlets you are preparing can be more satisfying than getting it done entirely by the designer. The concept, therefore received another boost to its popularity through the innovative platform for customers to upload their own design or artwork.

If you have a design in your mind or, in fact, ready and want it to go along with your leaflet printing, then you can simply upload it on the Website of a printer in the UK. There are, however some rules and regulations that you have to abide by to get your work done. Designers generally accept artwork in PDF format in a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for better quality. Other areas you have to take care of while printing your leaflets are colour format, font type, background management, file size and text setup.

If you fulfil every condition that has been set by the printer, then you can actually give more meaning to your ideas or messages. Several social activists and NGOs have opted for this option when they went for leaflets printing, thereby attaining more success in the process.

Internet and technology forums plays important role

Internet and technology forums plays important role

According to famous quote, we can build a better society if we discuss our problems and share our experiences with others. If a person faces a problem with his computer and he is not technically sound then he has a better option-technology forums. We will discuss mostly about software related problem as the issues of hardware can only be resolved by an expert.

Most percentage of problems in computer is because of operating system, viruses, and software and storage devices. Some might face problems related to booting of computer or some data is lost or a virus has attacked your computer or uploading videos. The solution can be easily available with others whom you can contact easily through techmindz forum.

Do remember, if you are facing some problem with your computer then you should have a handy list of technology forums. You can do some research through Google by entering phrase like ‘techmindz forum’ or ‘technical forums’ and you will numerous results.

It’s better to read the terms and condition of the forums and then start the sign-up process. Start a new thread by posting question with sensible title and then describing your problem. There are numerous knowledgably members who will find you the solution of your problem and most of the times you will get replies from staff members of that forum.

Sharing a problem and distributing your knowledge will always build an educated society. You can take an example of latest virus (Blackworm) which has done huge damage in the world. By sharing and gaining knowledge you can get your computer more protective by installing some anti-virus which can help you protect against such hazards.

The concept of forums was started in early 80’s and is still prevalent. The thing is quite simple- post thread and people will respond you with best possible solution. Still if you do not get any solution and your problem seems to be quite tricky then the staff members of techmindz will respond you with the solution.

 Forums are of many types- categorized as technology forum, software forum, virus forum; home theatre forum etc. depending upon your problem you can join any of them. With technically sound people around such forums you will certainly gain enough knowledge.

How business directory can be helpful to increase business

How Business Directory Can be Helpful to increase business

The business directory is a concept to communicate various businesses around the world in a single place. There are many business directories available on internet that helps users to find out the business in their local area and the business which they want.  You can get opportunity to find the business of your choice and in the location that is specified by you in a business directory. For the business owners, the business directory is a customer attracting tool. Business owners place promotion of their business to the business directory. General public will search for the services they want, and may find your business listing proper for them, by this way your business can grown more and more.

We are going to explore the advantages of business directory for the business owners. The facility of listing their business online is very nice for any business owners. There are many websites that provide you such facility for free or charging you affordable money. You can also get a chance to promote your own business to the world and get more sales and more profit.

The first advantage that you can find is to promote the advertisement of your business to the world! You can promote your ad to the global customers by placing it on the business directories. You can attract global public towards your business by listing your business to the business directory. You can upload each information about your company such as name, location, contact number, detailed description of your products and also prices of them. You can add information in a professional manner in the business directory.

Another good advantage is the targeted audience. You can categorize your business on the business directory. Choosing the appropriate category is important step in order to publish it on the web. If you choose wrong category, you may get more people to your business but they may not buy anything from you. Choose right category of your business when you place the information of your business on the internet business directory. Categorized listing will always give the right traffic of customers to your business and help you a lot to increase your business.

You can also post various promotional offers by your business on the web directory. When you promote offers, be sure to remove them when they are expired or you don’t have enough stock of the specified product. The promotional and selling offers are nice ways to attract buyers. Post various offers advertise on your listing of business directory and get more number of buyers to your business.

You can also keep track of the market by using the news alerts given by the business directory. Whenever something new is announced, you get information about it from the business directory. When you register to the business directory, the doors for your success are open for you! There are so man advantages offered by the business directory for you and you can utilize them in order to increase your business and earn more profit.

Information about professional recruiting

Information About Professional Recruiting

Recruiting good employees can be difficult for a small business. It sometimes seems that you are stuck in neutral. You just seem to go through one employee after another. So what kind options exist for your business? Here are four ways that you can approach the problem besides placing another classified ad in the paper or resorting to a help wanted sign on your door.

The first method that you can try is a recruitment agency or professional employment agency. We’re not talking about a temporary labor firm but an actual staffing firm. These companies actually have a pool of potential candidates for you to choose from. People that are looking for permanent positions. The agency receives a resume from them and conducts a brief interview. Then they try to match the candidate to an employer. The employer has already said what the position available is and what kind of applican they are searching for. Once potential candidates are identified they are then sent to the employer’s jobsite for an interview. Then both the candidate and the potential employer can determine whether they think this would be a good match for them.

The next method and also the newest way to recruit help is to use an online service. Usually such websites will feature a job board where employers for a fee can post openings within their businesses. Also candidates can upload their resumes in the hopes of attracting a potential employer. The employers also for a fee are able to search through these resumes to find qualified candidates for their job opening.

Now we have the headhunters. If you are a small business owner this resource should only be used as a last resort as it can often be extremely expensive. So what do headhunters do? Well they hunt down the talent that your business is looking for. Usually they find that talent working for another company. Once they’ve identified potential candidates for your business then they will work to recruit them for you. Headhunters also work with your candidates to prepare them for your interview and negotiating their salary. But headhunter fees can be very high often up to 30% of the candidate’s annual compensation.

The final method usually only applies to larger companies that are trying to recruit new employees. They can use in-house recruiting. This method consists of using their own human resources departments to coordinate multiple efforts such as employment agencies, online services and running their own classified ad campaigns.

Not every method will be appropriate for your company. Many factors will determine what route you will need to follow. But these are some of the choices your business has available to it. If you decide to use an outside agency then you’ll need to research them carefully. Some will specialize in certain types of workers and the fees will vary. But if you have had trouble in the past finding qualified candidates for the jobs you have available then these options might help in your search.