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How the rich get richer and how you can get richer too

How the rich get Richer and how you can get richer too

In the next couple of paragraphs  and until the end of this series, I will be revealing certain truths that would guarantee that you get richer that you are now. I am giving you full assurance that the information contained in this article will work for you, not just because it is working for me but also because it is already working for countless others. So if you are ready, seat back and get ready to be exposed.

In putting together this write up, I had to carry out some very extensive research and I was able to find out that aside every other thing, the rich get richer by using three very important ingredients. I call these ingredients OPI,OPM, OPT. OPI is short for “other peoples’ idea” and so you can guess the other two- “other peoples’ money ” and  “other peoples’ time”. Now that we have set the ball rounding and we are already in the mid field, let score a goal.


The truth about life is that ideas rule the world, Microsoft was first and idea before it became the source of income for the wealthiest man in the world. The idea to begin the social networking site facebook was an idea  but the idea because the source of income on Mark and the others. The point I am trying to hammer here is that the thing that makes you rich and increase your riches is the Ideas that you are willing to implement. I hear people say that they do not have an Idea of what to do but I wonder how this is possible.

Listen, when you feel you don’t have an idea look at other people for ideas, don’t get me wrong I am not trying to Imply that you are not capable of thinking out great ideas but if you are to be very objective even that idea that since like it was entirely your was most likely inspired by an event or occurrence that was not entirely your making, so why the hypocrisy? Now that I have given you some stroking, let me show you 5 ways to get ideas for other people without them even knowing it. If you are ready for this great revelation, then let your eyes more your mind to the next paragraph.

  1. Listen to yourself: A lot of times, we find that we are so engaged in activities that we find it very hard to even listen to ourselves. But in solitude you will find altitude. Talk to yourself and ‘borrow brain’ look inward think of all the things that you can do. Take a step further and write  something down.
  2. Listen to People: The first step to getting OPI is to listen to people, People will always have something to say, either verbally, in a blog, on an online community in a book and so one.  The catch here is that you must be willing to listen to people be hungry for information. Try to know a little about everything without looking like an information pest, people are generally put off by individuals that come on strong, take it easy and let people talk.
  3. Get Help: There are many things we can do if we put our minds to it, but the point here is that life is too short to learn everything by ourselves. Although you know how to design a website, it might not be a bad ideas to seat back and allow another person seat on the front row and do the job. In the process of seating at the back ground you are getting help, if you choose to be smart you would be learning some of what he know. Don’t be afraid  to get help when you need it, only cowards are afraid to get help.
  4. Start something: Most of  the inventions came as mistakes  of other inventions, for instance the microwave oven was stumbled upon mistakenly but it has found application in many  homes today. In the process of  doing something, stunting ideas will come your way. Stop seating down start with what you have. It time to move to the next point in this write up- OPM

Part two of this article will be uploaded next week but I would really love to read you comment so WRITE ON !

Is an llc your best option

Is an LLC Your Best Option?

Entrepreneurs must already choose the legal structure of their business even before they start such venture, if only to make sure that they now the risks and the advantages involved in starting that kind of business. Business owners can choose to put up a sole or single proprietorship, enter into a partnership or form a corporation.

Each of the three legal structures has its own advantages and disadvantages. A sole proprietorship is the easiest type of business to put up and operate because only one person is responsible for decision making and for running the business. However, being alone in business means you are solely responsible for whatever happens to you business and you only have to rely on your own capital and resources.

A partnership is better considering that two or more heads are always better than one. A partnership offers more possibility in terms of capital base and of brain power. However, partnerships do not always work due to conflicting business decisions.

The next if not the best option is to form a corporation which would be composed of incorporators who will put up the seed capital for the business. A corporation can provide more sources of funds and the owners are only liable to as much as the money they have invested in the business. Provided of course that the corporation does not indulge in illegalities or does things in bad faith. Doing so would necessitate the application of the principle of piercing the veil of corporate fiction. This means that the owners can be made accountable even beyond the amount of their investments if they are found to be in bad faith in certain transactions.

While the corporation has proven to be the best option for business owner, there is apparently another option called the Limited Liability Company which offers the characteristics of both partnership and corporation. Members of a Limited Liability Company can enjoy the limited liability enjoyed by corporations unless a personal guarantee has been signed. This legal structure also offers tax benefits much like the benefits available to corporations.

A Limited Liability Company does not however require the bureaucracy of a corporation in terms of the taking of minutes. And unlike in a partnership where the partners can only participate in decision-making depending on their partnership status, members of a Limited liability Company can take part in decision making without losing their limited liability protection.

However, while a corporation can last for 50 years renewable for another period, a Limited Liability Company can be easily disbanded particularly when a member dies or becomes bankrupt. It is also more feasible to form a corporation if there are plans to do a public offering.

Despite the disadvantages of forming a Limited Liability Company, it is still the best choice for business start ups that are still testing the waters but already want to give their business a legal structure.

How to write a proper resume and blow the competition out of the water

How to Write a Proper Resume and Blow the Competition out of the Water

Learning how to write a proper resume will give you a well designed and effective marketing tool. Resumes written with the hiring manager in mind can greatly improve your chances of landing that that dream job. So how do you make sure your resume is top notch and bullet proof? This short article on how to write a proper resume details some of the most important areas you need to consider if you are going to leave the competition for dead!

Many people start writing a resume thinking the only purpose is to produce a document that will land them a job. This approach usually ends up in a long winded life history of the applicant and makes them look like they are desperate for any job on offer. What you need to remember here is that the main objective of your resume is to land an interview with the company. If the interview goes well, then hopefully you will land the job. Your resume is a doorway to the interview.

The key to a successful resume is making it interesting to the reader. Hiring managers like things they are familiar with, especially resume formats. The reader will be in a hurry and will only scan your resume, so it is important to get your strengths at or towards the top of the resume. Make sure your resume is focused and connected to the initial job application. Show the hiring manager you have ambition and ensure your resume gets this across when you write it. Having ambition will give the employer an idea of where you are planning to go with your career and what you aim to achieve when you arrive. Connect your skills and attributes to actual job experience, as this will support what you are writing in your resume and give the reader something tangible about you to further consider.

It is vital that your resume be tailored for each job you apply for. There is nothing worse that a generic resume and these types of resume are easily found by an experienced reader. Whilst it can take time and effort to keep rewriting your resume for each job you apply for, if you don’t you will be greatly reducing the chances of getting an interview. In the end the whole process will more than likely be a total waste of time. There are some very good products to help you write your resume and save you time when you need to rewrite it for different job applications.

Learning how to write a proper resume isn’t difficult, so long as you think and plan ahead and tailor it to the job you’re applying for.

How-to define the scope of a project management

How-To Define the Scope of a Project Management

How-To Define the Scope of a Project Management

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By S. Maurer

Defining Needs and Wants is an excellent way to define the scope of a Project Management and to set the parameters for Project Management planning; it can be a catalyst for discussion about what is really needed from the Project Management; and, it can force realistic decisions about what can and can’t be done.

People on Project Management often come together as strangers.

Project Management includes implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay on the «critical path», that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan.

When you think of a business/services/manufacturing Director/Manager, typically, you will think of someone who oversees a specific functional business/services/manufacturing area — for instance, a sales team Director/Manager, or the Director/Manager of the accounting department.

Most teams find that the technical portion of the projects is easy.

Project Management are performed for results.

Project Management PM is used by large corporations, governments, and smaller organizations to standardize and reduce the tasks necessary to complete a project in the most effective and efficient manner and covering any field.

Many scheduling applications are tailored to specific manufactures or project types, but all use CPM precedence methodology.

How you applying for a car loan online

How you Applying for a Car Loan Online

Most of the people tend to get mired in the belief that if they have financial problem, they can’t take out car loan. Online approval auto loans are there to help you.  Now in this digital world your car loan is now less than an hour away from approval with an online car loan lender. You can have a check in hand to buy a car the next day once your online application is approved.Types
There are two types of online approval auto loans:
Secured loans contain an ample amount of money to buy the car, since there is collateral assistance under the conditions of these loans. On the current assessing value of the placed asset, the required sum of money is sanctioned to the borrowers.
Unsecured loans, these loans are costly comparatively.  Since there is no place of pledging placing, lenders feel it detrimental on being offered these loans. Apart from this, as these loans generally, happen to be short-term in nature, lenders charge higher interest in order to make up their insurance of these loans.
How It Works
Online car loan lenders work with several financing companies to offer car loans for all types of situations. Whether you have poor credit or a first time buyer, car loan lenders can find you financing.
The entire process just takes a matter of days to complete, but the application just takes minutes. The car loan application is completed online, which takes less than fifteen minutes to complete. You can expect an approval usually in less than an hour. Your car loan package will arrive as soon as the next day. You can complete the paperwork that day and buy your car.
Applying For a Car Loan Online
To apply for a car loan online, decide ahead of time the amount you are willing to spend on a car and the length of the loan. It is a good idea to apply for more than what you think you need.