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How to write a proper resume and blow the competition out of the water

How to Write a Proper Resume and Blow the Competition out of the Water

Learning how to write a proper resume will give you a well designed and effective marketing tool. Resumes written with the hiring manager in mind can greatly improve your chances of landing that that dream job. So how do you make sure your resume is top notch and bullet proof? This short article on how to write a proper resume details some of the most important areas you need to consider if you are going to leave the competition for dead!

Many people start writing a resume thinking the only purpose is to produce a document that will land them a job. This approach usually ends up in a long winded life history of the applicant and makes them look like they are desperate for any job on offer. What you need to remember here is that the main objective of your resume is to land an interview with the company. If the interview goes well, then hopefully you will land the job. Your resume is a doorway to the interview.

The key to a successful resume is making it interesting to the reader. Hiring managers like things they are familiar with, especially resume formats. The reader will be in a hurry and will only scan your resume, so it is important to get your strengths at or towards the top of the resume. Make sure your resume is focused and connected to the initial job application. Show the hiring manager you have ambition and ensure your resume gets this across when you write it. Having ambition will give the employer an idea of where you are planning to go with your career and what you aim to achieve when you arrive. Connect your skills and attributes to actual job experience, as this will support what you are writing in your resume and give the reader something tangible about you to further consider.

It is vital that your resume be tailored for each job you apply for. There is nothing worse that a generic resume and these types of resume are easily found by an experienced reader. Whilst it can take time and effort to keep rewriting your resume for each job you apply for, if you don’t you will be greatly reducing the chances of getting an interview. In the end the whole process will more than likely be a total waste of time. There are some very good products to help you write your resume and save you time when you need to rewrite it for different job applications.

Learning how to write a proper resume isn’t difficult, so long as you think and plan ahead and tailor it to the job you’re applying for.

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