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How to write a proper resume and blow the competition out of the water

How to Write a Proper Resume and Blow the Competition out of the Water

Learning how to write a proper resume will give you a well designed and effective marketing tool. Resumes written with the hiring manager in mind can greatly improve your chances of landing that that dream job. So how do you make sure your resume is top notch and bullet proof? This short article on how to write a proper resume details some of the most important areas you need to consider if you are going to leave the competition for dead!

Many people start writing a resume thinking the only purpose is to produce a document that will land them a job. This approach usually ends up in a long winded life history of the applicant and makes them look like they are desperate for any job on offer. What you need to remember here is that the main objective of your resume is to land an interview with the company. If the interview goes well, then hopefully you will land the job. Your resume is a doorway to the interview.

The key to a successful resume is making it interesting to the reader. Hiring managers like things they are familiar with, especially resume formats. The reader will be in a hurry and will only scan your resume, so it is important to get your strengths at or towards the top of the resume. Make sure your resume is focused and connected to the initial job application. Show the hiring manager you have ambition and ensure your resume gets this across when you write it. Having ambition will give the employer an idea of where you are planning to go with your career and what you aim to achieve when you arrive. Connect your skills and attributes to actual job experience, as this will support what you are writing in your resume and give the reader something tangible about you to further consider.

It is vital that your resume be tailored for each job you apply for. There is nothing worse that a generic resume and these types of resume are easily found by an experienced reader. Whilst it can take time and effort to keep rewriting your resume for each job you apply for, if you don’t you will be greatly reducing the chances of getting an interview. In the end the whole process will more than likely be a total waste of time. There are some very good products to help you write your resume and save you time when you need to rewrite it for different job applications.

Learning how to write a proper resume isn’t difficult, so long as you think and plan ahead and tailor it to the job you’re applying for.

How to make money online cheaply

How to Make Money Online Cheaply

Due to the onset of the Internet and the problems with the economy now more and more people are going online to earn a living and take charge of their lives. Thankfully an online business can be started and run very cheaply compared to the brick and mortar establishments who are now laying off millions of people without giving them the resources to survive.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars chasing every dream that I could buy becoming lost in the transition. A lot of those businesses I bought were excellent, and if I had focused on them as I’m doing now I could have made my money back plus proving myself with the financial freedom that can come from operating a business online.

Article writing is one of the cheapest ways, how about Free, that you can get traffic for your business. You must spend some time in researching what you want to write about, and then writing 400-800 words on a topic of your choosing, submit it to be published and within an hour or so you can have your website or product become known to people on the Internet. This will become a routine discipline over time and you can reap the benefits for years.

Another cheap way to get traffic for your website or product is to write and place classified ads in free classified ad publications on the Internet. This again, is a free pursuit, and if done daily for only a few hours, can make this a worthwhile addition to your marketing efforts. The cost $0.00. The rewards can be monumental for the amount of time and effort it takes.

If you have a list of personal friends you know outside of the computer, or neighbors that you know you could always, for no cost, email them about your opportunity, and tell them how it can help produce enough income for themselves to have more and more freedom with their lives. You could tell them about the business your in and simply ask them if they can believe this guy who makes 2.5 million dollars a year following his business step-by-step, Then give them the web address to that business.

You can also join some of the social networks, which don’t cost a dime, and search for people that have the same interests as you do. You should try to become friends and if they trust you you can tell them about you newly started business or one that you’ve been operating for awhile.

In the Author’s Resource Box, I will give you a website that you can use to find further ways to make money with no cost. On the opening page of that website below there are Free videos that you can watch which will give you information you won’t believe, that can benefit you greatly financially. They will save you allot of time and trouble, and benefit you
like never before.

Key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Key Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people who stand out from the rest. New enterprises come up everywhere all round the year. Before long the vast majority of them disappear from the scene. Yet in this scenario we are able to view a few successful enterprises that stand tall and acknowledging the fact that their success is in no uncertain terms due to the smart entrepreneurs at the helm of these businesses. These outstanding men possess some very special or key characteristics which is seldom noticed among the vast majority of business entrepreneurs. What are the Key Characteristics of these successful entrepreneurs that propel their businesses to the top?

1. These entrepreneurs have a strong belief in themselves. They are always optimistic, have a positive outlook and are very much aware of their talents and abilities. They are great achievers and are always confident that success can be achieved.

2. They are great dreamers and have the habit of thinking big. They want to explore new horizons. New business opportunities, new ideas and money making opportunities often grab their attention.

3. These entrepreneurs are prepared to take calculated risks. They know very well that unless you venture out nothing tangible can be achieved. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

4. They always work according to a plan. They have a short term plan and a long term plan. Their goals are clearly laid out.

5. Successful entrepreneurs are enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate about their business. Everything they undertake, big or small oozes with self-confidence.

6. They are very knowledgeable about their business and actively participate in all business related workshops and seminars. Thus they are up to date with the latest developments.

7. Building an excellent public image is one of their key characteristics. They strive very hard to build an excellent public image for their business and for themselves. They perceive this as very critical in a competitive market.

8. Successful entrepreneurs are great donors to charitable causes and institutions. Their customers and the general public greatly appreciate their generosity which has a positive effect on their business.

9. A growing business faces many challenges in the market place. Changes are inevitable if you want to be successful and these entrepreneurs are ever ready to meet these challenges and make the necessary changes.

10. They are always customer oriented. Their attitude that the customer is always right helps them build good customer relationships and thus beat the competition.

11. Time Management plays a major role in the lives of these smart entrepreneurs. They do not procrastinate. They think fast and make quick, wise decisions that helps them progress much faster than their competitors.

12. These entrepreneurs are highly motivated people. Failure is never an option for them. Their remain completely focused on their business and their main ambition is to be a successful business entrepreneur.

These key characteristics are essential for entrepreneurs who want to succeed and it can be observed that a vast majority of successful entrepreneurs do possess most of these characteristics.

Job search ideas

Job Search Ideas

A lot of college students give up school with no idea of how and where they will find work. In case the economy is unsteady, it is more difficult than usual for the students to get lucrative employment. Knowing exactly what to do as well as where to explore to find employment will assist newly graduated students to find a job, which will place them on the way for the dream career.

Students need to take some time to review the resumes. Actually, care must be taken to guarantee resumes are free of grammar and spelling errors. Contact info for former employers must be accurate and current. Students need to review the work history to guarantee that dates are proper.

Resumes must be read over by other people. Another pair of eyes ensures the resume is free of mistakes and clear. Students may take advantages from a resume workshop held on campus.

It may look old fashioned, still searching local newspapers can assist with student’s job searching. The experience obtained from working in a small business can provide a new graduate the first position he/she needs to begin. In case jobs are inaccessible where a student is located, he/she should overview the newspaper in his/her hometown to know what is available.

Putting resumes on various search engines can better the visibility of fresh college graduates. Also, users are required to upload the resume so the perspective employers are able to view them. Besides, they are invited to turn for the accessible positions listed online.

How to skyrocket your sales this year

How to Skyrocket Your Sales This Year

Completely grasp the power of the Best Buyer Concept and you will double your sales within the next twelve months. The concept is easy to understand, yet powerful: There’s always a smaller  number of ideal buyers, compared to all the possible buyers, so ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring greater rewards.

A magazine used this strategy to double sales in 15 months flat. Here’s what they did:

They took a database of 2200 advertisers and sent promo-pieces to them each month. After learning this
strategy, they did an analysis and found that 167 of those 2200 advertisers bought 95% of the advertising in their competitor’s magazine.

This concept is called «The Dream 100 Sell,» a concept where you go after your «Dream» prospects with a vengeance. This magazine sent the 167 (best buyers) a letter every two weeks and called them four times per month.

Since these were the biggest buyers, the first four months of  intensive marketing and selling brought no actual reward. In the fifth month, only ONE of these Dream clients bought advertising in the magazine.

In the sixth month, 28 of the 167 largest advertisers in the country came into the magazine all at once.
And since these are the biggest advertisers, they don’t take quarter pages and fractional ads, they take full pages and full color spreads. These 28 advertisers alone, were enough to double the sales over the previous year. The magazine went from number 15 in the industry to number one in just over a year.

Lesson learned: Market to your best buyers

Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, who are my best buyers?  If you sell to the business-to-consumer market, chances are, your best buyers live in the best neighborhoods.If you are a dentist, accountant, chiropractor, R.E. Broker, financial advisor, restaurant, or even a MLM professional you should consistently go after the folks who live in the best neighborhoods.

They are the wealthiest buyers who have the money and the greatest sphere of influence. If you send them an offer every single month without fail, within a year, you’ll have a great reputation among the very wealthy.

If you sell to the business-to-business market, it’s usually fairly clear that your best buyers are the biggest companies. So what are you doing, every other week, no matter what, to let these companies know who you are?

There’s no one you can’t get to as long as you constantly market to them, especially after they say they’re not interested. People will not only begin to respect your perseverance, they will actually begin to feel obligated.

This doesn’t happen right away, but even the most hard-bitten and cynical executive or prospect begins to respect you when you refuse to give up. The publication I mentioned earlier went on to double sales two more years in a row. They  consistently marketed to the best buyers and much more aggressively than they did to the rest of the buyers.

A company selling to manufacturer’s used this strategy to target the 100 biggest manufacturers in the country. For the first three months no one responded to any of the calling or phoning.

But after three months executives started saying: «I just have to meet you. I’ve never had anyone continue to call me so many times after I said no.» Within 6 months they had gotten in to
see 54% of those they targeted.
The secret is to NEVER give up.

Just keep going after those companies again and again. Or if you sell to consumers, commit to sending a promotional piece every single month to those wealthy neighborhoods. Eventually, all the wealthy people in your area will know exactly who you are.

Now the question is: Who are your DREAM prospects and how committed are you to getting them as clients?