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Is there really such a thing as free plr

Is There Really Such a Thing as Free PLR?

The simple and short answer is «Yes!» there is such a thing as free PLR. Most people have trouble believing or understanding why; after all anything that’s worth anything shouldn’t be free. Keep reading to learn why PLR articles can be free, the benefits and drawbacks of free PLR and how you can use free PLR articles efficiently.

How Can PLR Articles be Free?

Free things are often given out in the marketing world as an incentive for people to buy more. Consider it a «product sample» so to speak.

Others use free PLR as an incentive to get people to sign up for email lists. Then some others just give it away to get free traffic.

Even though the PLR articles are «free,» that doesn’t mean the website owner doesn’t get value by giving it away. They get a lot of traffic, which is why PLR can be given away for free.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Free PLR

The benefit of using free PLR is obviously that it’s free. You get content that you don’t have to pay for.

The drawback is that most likely, hundreds of other people have access to the same content as you. That means that in Google, you’ll probably get penalized for duplicate content unless you use the techniques outlined in the next section.

How to Use Free PLR

There are several ways to use free PLR. First of all, you can completely avoid duplicate content issues by not posting the free PLR anywhere public in the first place. For example, you can use it for content that’s sent out to your email list.

You can give it away in a free report that’s downloaded via PDF. You can even put it in a larger eBook. You can read it and turn it into a PLR audio. By avoiding putting the free PLR into a traditional webpage, you avoid many duplicate content issues.

On the other hand, let’s say you do want to use the content for your webpage. The best way to go about this is to have your articles rewritten so that they’re unique.

The most important thing with rewriting articles is to make sure you go paragraph by paragraph, word by word and rewrite basically the whole article. If you can avoid having any four words sequence be the same, that’s even better. Make sure the headline / title is completely different. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be safe from duplicate content penalty issues.

Finally, you might actually be able to find a few free PLR gems that haven’t been used much. Often times you’ll find these at smaller websites rather than larger PLR sites.

Use Free PLR to Boost Your Business

As you can tell, there are many benefits and a few drawbacks to using free PLR. If you use it correctly, free PLR can really help out your business and save you a whole lot of time. Content creation is a very time consuming activity that most business owners would prefer to avoid completely. Using free PLR, you can.

You now know why PLR is often given away for free: the benefits and drawbacks of free PLR and finally how to use free PLR to your benefit. Take this knowledge and make some money!

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