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How to expand your salesforce without hiring anyone

How To Expand Your Salesforce Without Hiring Anyone

We all know that all businesses have to sell to survive, let alone prosper. Most businesses will have some sort of specialist sales function, but this could be a small percentage of the total number of employees. If non sales people, who have contact with the customer, could be trained to promote your services or products in an appropriate way, how much extra business could that generate?

Those not directly involved in sales often have preconceived ideas about selling and sales people and a lot of those ideas are negative. The word, ‘salesperson’ itself has certain connotations. Pushy, spivvy, lack of integrity, questionable honesty to name just a few. And what’s a good salesperson? Well maybe someone who can palm you off with something that you don’t want. We think of such things as double-glazing and time-share and there are lots of horror stories about people’s experiences from dealing with such unscrupulous sales people. The word, ‘selling’ conjures up all of these images and it’s not an image that many want to be associated with.

So the first thing that we need to make clear is that relationship selling is a very different thing. With relationship selling, you do not sell anything as such. You ask the customer what they need or want and show how this can be achieved with the use of your services. This is something that non-sales people can feel comfortable with and therefore do.

There is no place for those high pressure selling techniques; no place for tricks; no attempts to force the customer to buy and no place for the guilt trip so often used in the pensions and insurance industries (‘…if you had died before I arrived here tonight, what kind of mess would you have left your family in? Yuk!)

If the customer does not, at the moment, need what you have to offer, then you have nothing to sell. If you do manage to palm them off with something that they don’t really want, then they will be dissatisfied and they won’t buy from you again. Whereas if you just say that, unfortunately, you don’t seem able to help at the moment but that you’ll keep in touch, even promising to come back in three months time, perhaps, then you’ve been honest and you’ve still got a contact. If you sell encyclopaedias, then you only sell to each customer once, so it doesn’t matter so much if you’ve conned them. With relationship selling, you are selling an ongoing relationship, hopefully for many years. If you con your customers at any time, the relationship is lost.

Businesses need to grow to survive so they need to sell. And by selling more, they increase the job security of their staff as well as the probability of providing more interesting work in an expanding company. Everyone understands this, but to conquor the inertia non-sales people have to promoting their products and services, they need to develop the skills to sell in a ‘non-salesey’ way.

Something that all businesses are searching for is a Unique Selling Point. What is it that makes you different, better than your competitors? You have to be honest with this one and say, ‘Nothing really’. You can bet your competitors know as much about the service that you both provide as you do. You can bet that they are as technically able. You can bet they try as hard. It’s a truth of life that any time you do find yourself one step ahead, your competitors will soon mimic what you do and thus close the gap. (You must, of course, keep on searching. If you don’t search for something extra, then you will soon fall behind.)

So, if the products and quality of service you sell are more or less identical to your competitors, why should a prospective customer choose you rather than them? Well, assuming you’ve got your product and pricing about right, then the only difference is the people. Business is about people. One company does not do business with another company. People from one company do business with people from another company. To be successful you need to get on with your contact. You don’t have to be bosom buddies and slap each other heartily on the back each time you meet but you do need to get on well enough to do business. Your customers need to trust you.

Training your customer support, accounts, quality control, transport etc functions in Relationship Selling techniques will strengthen the relationship with your customers and provide opportunities for additional business. Your salesforce has just grown dramatically!

To quote from Mark McCormack, ‘All things being equal, people will always buy from a friend. All things being not quite so equal, people will still buy from a friend!’

How to choose a toddler travel bed

How To Choose A Toddler Travel Bed

How to Choose a Toddler Travel Bed

Though it is fairly simple to pick out a crib for your infant when they are that size, or perhaps not even born yet, it can be a lot harder to pick out a toddler bed when your infant graduates to this stage. You can’t apply the same tactics and rationale for choosing a toddler bed as you did with a crib-as this stage requires something very different. Whereas a crib needs to be sturdy and hard to get out of-and most probably, aesthetically pleasing-a toddler bed has different needs. In this article we address the most important specifications of a toddler travel bed to help you buy one that is safe and convenient for you and your toddler.

Toddler Travel Bed Assembly

If you were trying to buy a toddler bed that was just for your home, and certain not to be moved for a time-until your toddler graduated into the next stage of his/her development; than you would not need to worry about how much assembly was necessary. If, however, you will be buying a toddler travel bed, you need to make sure-for your own convenience and sanity-that it is easy to assemble and disassemble when traveling to and then bunking down for the night. As we all know, a parent who is watching a toddler doesn’t have much time before they are into something else, and this is why having a toddler travel bed that is easy to assemble is key.

Toddler Travel Bed Sturdiness

Another necessary component to a good toddler travel bed is sturdiness. Though this can often be overlooked when looking for a bed that can be transportable, it is necessary to spend more money so that your bed is not just transportable, but also, sturdy. The last thing you want is your toddler spilling out of the bed in the middle of the night and getting into something unsafe. The toddler travel bed you select should contain some built in safeguards to keep your child safely snug throughout the night.

Toddler Travel Bed Size & Depth

Another good thing to look for-though this should be secondary to the last two-is a toddler travel bed that is compact and hopefully, somewhat lightweight. If you aren’t likely to travel that much while your child is a toddler; then perhaps, it does not matter; but if you will be staying over at their grandparents’ or your friend’s houses often; it is worthwhile to spend a bit more and get a bed that is large enough for your toddler, but still compact enough to move and transport in the car.

Another key component to a travel bed for your toddler that will be safe and transportable is the depth. Just like a crib, you need to be able to have a bed that is deep enough in so that the toddler cannot get out without your help.

Toddler Travel Bed Comfort

Lastly, it is very important that your toddler be comfortable while away. It is hard enough on a toddler sleeping in a new place-as we all know-without the bed they are sleeping on feeling like cardboard. This is why you should look for a toddler travel bed that has a well rated mattress to go in it. It doesn’t have to be that thick-just thick enough to provide some cushion on a platform or floor.

Legitimate work from home jobs — what are the advantages of home businesses

Legitimate Work From Home Jobs — What Are the Advantages of Home Businesses

Choosing legitimate work from home jobs is a good option for income. It is also the best way to avoid being attacked by scammers online.

Home based business is certainly recognized as one of the best ways to earn a full time or second income. Legitimate work from home jobs are the choice of many individuals, particularly since the internet has made the opportunities online for a global marketplace. In addition to the income opportunities, there are other benefits for choosing to conduct a home business. Although owning a home business is not the choice of every budding entrepreneur, it certainly is a valid and positive choice for many people. The reasons for choosing a home business are as varied as the individuals who make this choice, but here are a few favorite advantages cited by those who have already made the transition.

Lower overhead

When you make the change to legitimate work from home jobs, you will certainly find yourself with a lower overhead bill. Some of the budget sectors that are likely to be reduced include transportation, cleaning and laundry, food and clothing. Some of the reductions will depend upon your current life style. For example, your transportation costs are likely to be reduced if you no longer have to commute to a job at any distance from your home. Whether or not you drive your own vehicle to commute to work, or take a commuter train, walking from your kitchen to your home office is certainly less expensive than driving even a short distance on a regular basis.

You set your hours

When you take advantage of one of the many legitimate work from home jobs, you can have the freedom to set your own hours. You don’t have to arise at dawn to prepare for a long commute to a distant location where you spend the entire day working to further the profits of someone else. You don’t have to spend your after office hours trying to catch up on necessary housework just to be able to get up the next day and repeat the process. Instead, you can work as many hours or as few hours at a stretch as you wish. You can take time to attend and participate in other activities that will interest and rejuvenate you.

Global Market

Legitimate work from home jobs can be found anywhere in the world. Because of the power of the internet, you can accept work from a company based in a large city or from another country without worrying about commuting. You don’t have to live in New York City in order to gain the benefits of the work that is available in a large urban area.

Tax benefits

You may find that you can take advantage of significant tax benefits when you are enjoying the income from legitimate work from home jobs. A home office almost always has tax advantages for the entrepreneur. Check with a knowledgeable tax professional in order to maximize the gains from your direct income sources. If you can keep a larger proportion of your income you will be better off financially, even if the income is somewhat less to begin with.

Jet planes can travel faster than sound

Jet planes can travel faster than sound

The distance of about 150,000,000 kilometers, the sun is the earth’s most proximate star.   At over one hundred times the diameter of the earth, and at more than 360,000 times its mass, the sun’s enormity is hard to imagine. Providing the light and heat on earth, this huge star is the generator and maintainer of all life and all life processes on this planet. Newly noted are indications that a solar activity known as sunspots may have given rise to certain historical occurrences.

Appearing on the photosphere, the surface of the sun, and sometimes visible to the naked eyes, are sunspot’s, dark patches known to exist for at least 2,000 years, although first scientifically studied in the seventeenth century by Galileo. It was, in fact, from studying the movement of sunspots that Galileo was able to conclude that the sun was a sphere rotating on its axis. With his telescope he perceived that the sunspots, which moved daily in a westerly direction, seemed to move at a slower rate near the limb than near the center of the sun.

Examined through a telescope, the sunspots are seen to have a dark center or shadow, the umbra, surrounded by a lighter area, the penumbra. ‘ All this appears superimposed on the granulation of the photosphere. The granules, which make up the photosphere, are the main convection mechanism of surface energy transport from the interior, hotter areas of the sun. Most recent theorists have suggested that sunspots arise from a complex physical process determined by the uneven nature of solar rotation. Unlike the earth, which rotates at a constant rate all over the globe, the sun. a gaseous rather than a rigid body, docs not rotate uniformly. The equatorial regions rotate once every twenty-five days, while the polar regions take thirty-one days to complete one revolution. During this uneven rotation, magnetic lines of force get whipped up almost like cream being whipped in a bowl. Then centrifugal force, buoyancy, and turbulence further twist the lines of force and bring them to the surface, where they appear as sunspots.

Magnetic field intensities of up to 4,000 gauss have been recorded in the center of a sunspot. Often covering areas as large as :he earth itself, these powerful magnetic fields are in many cases :en times the size of the earth. The sunspots typically produce temperatures of about 8,500K, which is significantly cooler than the average photosphere temperature of 5,000 K. Very bright on their, sunspots only appear to be dark against the photosphere because they are 30 percent as bright as the sun’s surface.

Occurring mostly near the middle of the photosphere, sun-pots are predominantly a phenomenon of the middle and 3w latitudes. The number of sunspots intermittently varies somewhat. At different times there may be as many as a hundred f them all at once, or none at all. The life span of smaller sun-pots for the most part lasts less than a day, although larger ones away last a week or two and sometimes as long as a month.

Most interesting is the phenomenon of the 2-year average unstops cycle. It is not known what causes this periodicity, although recent theorists have proposed some convincing arguments placating Jupiter, with its 8-year solar rotation. It is suggest that this planet may be instrumental in inducing tidal action and unstops.Recorded also, however, are long periods of quiescence? the longest of which occurred over a seventy-five-year period.

How to ensure smooth moving relocation

How to Ensure Smooth Moving Relocation

It is a good idea to opt for professional moving relocation services when one is in the process of shifting to a new home or transiting to a new place.
There are many inconveniences involved when one leaves his previous residence or locality and goes to a new home or area.

Protective Packing and Transportation Are Essential
First of all the household items have to be packed in order to transport them to the new house. Special attention has to be given to the packing of delicate items like glass and porcelain items, electronic goods and the like.
It is a wise decision to entrust the responsibility of packing such delicate goods with professional packers as they have the required protective material and also the manpower to do such packing.

Before the day of moving, the owner should hire the services of a storage company for the safekeeping of his household items. Most storage companies have their own packers who can take care of the packing aspect also.

Such temporary storage makes one’s moving relocation experience more comfortable. The company not only helps to pack the items properly but also provides transportation facilities to pick up and deliver the items.
This is important as the company has the required closed vehicles to protect the goods from bad weather like storms and rains. Once the family has reached the new home, the storage company can deliver the goods there directly as per the convenience of the owner.

It is essential to carry out planned relocation when a businessman wants to shift his office or shop to a new location. There are many factors that have to be looked into. For instance, the phone connections have to be surrendered at the previous place and new connections have to be applied for at the new place.

All the equipment and official items have to be packed protectively and transported carefully to the new office, shop or factory.

Also all pending electricity and phone bills at the previous location have to be cleared.

Insurance of Goods Is a Must

By opting for professional moving relocation services one can ensure smooth and hassle free shifting to a new place. Most storage companies which provide moving facilities have trained managers to take care of all aspects involved with transition to a new place.

The managers plan out beforehand  with the owner how  and when the goods will be transported to the new place and what steps have to be taken before leaving the previous location.

An important aspect that has to be considered before relocation is insurance of the items. 

This is to take care of the situation in case there is an accident in which the goods are damaged during transportation or storage. At such times the owner can recover the amount lost from the insurance company.

Reputed storage companies take the necessary precautions to make one’s moving relocation experience safe and satisfactory.

Such measures include precautions against thefts, fires, pests and water seepage. Some companies also provide controlled temperatures and humidity for storing delicate items like electronic appliances.

Since there are many storage companies which provide such facilities, it is essential to search for a well equipped one which also charges reasonable costs.