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Октябрь 2008

How do you pay the rent when business is slow

How Do you Pay the Rent When Business is Slow?

Copyright (c) 2007 Audrey Burton

Every business has ups and downs, but when you are a solopreneur, the downs can be devastating! If you don’t have another source of income or if you have used up your financial reserves, your choices might boil down to j-o-b or more debt.

Let’s explore some alternatives, and fix this before it goes too far!

I suggest a two-pronged attack with support. The support is very, very important. Prospects can smell desperation a mile away

How to launch your business success anew

How to Launch Your Business Success Anew

Copyright (c) 2009 Linda Feinholz

In a meeting last week with one of my Platinum clients, Brian, reviewing the goals he had achieved since we began work in January, he shared an «Ah Ha!» he’s had.

«Linda, when you kept steering me to simplify my Vision, I didn’t want to hear it. I wasn’t ready to. But, wow! Once I heard you, once I followed your process and created that simple vision — it’s all taken off like a rocket!»

Now, prior to this, Brian had been having difficulty getting his team on board. He couldn’t get all their activities pulling in the same direction towards the same goals. When we took a look at the reasons for the weak results, the confusion behind it became apparent. Everyone on his team had a different understanding of what the objectives were.

For the lack of a clear vision, all their time, intelligence and energy was having minimal results. Instead, the was lots of wasted time every day, by well-intentioned professionals…

A real shame to have all those resources wasted. But that didn’t have to be the way they operated for the long-term.

What do I mean by ‘simplify’ your vision?

The reason this is so helpful is that simplicity and clarity at the beginning, from the top, becomes the starting point for every activity in your business. ‘Simplify’ your vision.. and you can make it easier to identify your ideal target market. Simplify your ideal target market… and you can focus all your marketing efforts so that you’re easier for them to find. Simplify your marketing… rather than trying to be all things to all people… and you make yourself easier to understand and an easier solution to buy.

Moreover, while it becomes easy to see the impact that your Vision’s simplicity has on your external presence in your chosen market, it’s as important inside your company.


Because you can simplify your operations. Simplify the solution you’re trying to offer and you can simplify your delivery of that solution. Your time and that of your entire team, gets used doing the right things at the right time, without needing to spend time straightening out confusion, conflicts, and plain old inefficient time wasting by everyone.

That in turn means you can simplify your systems, the processes you use to get work done, which leads to simpler results, that are simpler to measure and track, and simpler train new people to produce. And so on.

That doesn’t mean thinking flies out the door. On the contrary, it means each person can ask «Is this in line with our Vision?» for themselves, to help keep the entire company’s efforts pulling in the same direction towards the same goals.

Each person becomes a Visionary and Brilliant Problem Solver for your business.

Whether you are heading a major organization, or a division, or your own small business, the result is the same.

As you set a clear vision, it becomes apparent what is out-of alignment, wasted time and effort, busy work for busy sake rather than the best path to deliver solutions to your customers.

Of course, setting a new Vision, or a cleaned up Vision, or your first one ever, often makes people fearful. The most common reason I hear from my program participants is that «I’ll have to stop doing a lot of what we’re doing here.»

Indeed, that is the exact choice that Brian faced, that I face, and that you will face.

But I ask you, in this economy, do you want to be putting all that time, energy and intelligence into doing things that are expensive busy work, or put them into focused, high payoff activities that are simpler, targeted, lower cost, more highly profitable?

You have the opportunity, right now, to step back. Step out of the business of habit and ongoing activity and take ten to fifteen minutes and look for the simplest vision you can hold, that humms and excites you.

Or, you can keep yourself very busy, and delay achieving the goals you say you want.

My vote? SIMPLIFY your Vision.

How to make a lot of money fast with proper guidance

How to Make a Lot of Money Fast With Proper Guidance

A lot of people think that it’s impossible to make a lot of money in a short period of time. If someone told you that it was possible you’d automatically think they’re trying to scam you, wouldn’t you? Well I’m here to tell you that it is possible. No, it isn’t a scam, I’m not going to ask you to put money into some cockamamie scheme that’ll leave you feeling ripped off. This article will tell you how to make a lot of money fast, but with the proper guidance.

Forget what you think you know about making money. If you’ve been working most of your life you would probably think that the only way of making money is to work hard, work overtime… work, work, work. But how long are you going to work hard for? Many people have the preconceived notion that there is no surefire way of generating quick cash fast, but all it takes for anyone to manage the feat is to understand a few simple principles. Despite the disputes you might hear from others, these principles do work.

First of all, if you want to make money fast, you need to have a clear vision, a clear goal of how much you want. Set a target, because surprisingly, despite the desire for more money, people don’t have a realistically clear idea of just how much money they want. Envision how much you want to make, be specific about it and about the timeframe in which you’d like to accomplish your goal.

Once you’ve envisioned your goal, you need to take the next step. Take the inspired action; most times if we want it bad enough, life can be kind enough to point us in the right direction, to shine a light on a possible opportunity that we can take advantage of. It can be a simple idea, something that can be worked into a goldmine; something that can help you achieve that goal of making money fast. But keep in mind, your inspiration shouldn’t come from what others have already tried, and failed. They failed for a reason, and what might seem like an ideal opportunity to make quick money may not necessarily be suitable for you. You need to remember that you are unique, and so are your goals. Not everything is «one size fits all», least of all goals.

Now the last step is to maintain a clear and bright vision of your goal. This is the important step, because a lot of people fail to keep their eye on the ball by this point. This late into the game they’ve either gotten lazy or they get caught up in their doubts and fears and worries that they lose sight of their goal and ultimately decide to either give up completely or not act on that final lunge that is required of them to reach the finish line. How many times have you doubted yourself when a seemingly great idea hit you, doubts borne from your fear of possible failure? You need to be firm in your convictions, and in your determination to achieve that goal you set for yourself.

With these 3 principles in mind, the question of how to make a lot of money fast should be easier for you to answer. Look around you; there are many opportunities for you to take advantage of. The internet alone has countless solutions for you to exploit, from affiliate marketing to freelancing to online focus groups to online Forex trading, the opportunities are there for you to grab. The only thing that you’ll need to do is to follow those 3 important guiding principles. Follow them diligently, and rest assured you will succeed in making money fast.

Legal offshoring: india’s pie

Legal Offshoring: India’s Pie!

In this highly competitive global market every corporation requires to work on minimal margins and they required adopting cost cutting measures and that is where outsourcing became imperative.

Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) is the third big Leap of outsourcing industry in India, after Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). LPO is an activity or practice to get legal support services from legal services’ firms or corporations.

In the beginning, LPO covered mostly low-end transcription work (Data management, Word Processing, Litigation support, Book-keeping and reconciliations etc.) but now LPO also includes a huge range of high end legal processes such as patent application drafting, legal research, pre-litigation documentation, advising clients, writing software licensing agreements and drafting distribution agreements.

The total market size of Global LPO business is around USD 250 billion. And out of this US alone captures two third of LPO business. The growing cost of Legal services in USA leads it to outsource or offshore the legal activity. It was very necessary for US law firms to obtain the Legal support services from outside to either save their business by cost cutting or for profit making.

There are a lot of examples of US law firms that were running their business successfully & were well known in their field but due to increasing cost in legal services they could not survive. And these failure firms proved to be a good learning example for rest of the firms or corporations and it became imperative for US law firms to outsource the legal support services.

India had already proved its reliability with its IT BPO & KPO services, so it emerged as a favorable destination for LPO business. The first legal outsourcing to India started back in 1995, when Bickel & Brewer the Dallas based litigation firm, with 34 lawyers opened an office in Hyderabad.

The next thing that gave an impetus to the industry was when General Electric, in 2001, added a legal division to their currently existing base of operations in India. This legal cell was specifically started to handle legal compliance and research for GE plastics and GE consumer finance (Divisions of GE capital). Thereafter, the industry witnessed a steady upswing in demand for outsourced legal services from India. And then the foreign players started coming in India.

This gave an opportunity to the Indian lawyers & students wanting to go abroad or want to earn hefty amount get good opportunity to work with legal outsourcing firms.

In India most of the Legal Process Outsourcing business revolves around three major activities.

Legal transcription and drafting services: Law firms have extensive documentation requirements, which normally get outsourced to India. This involves data entry or activities like sending correspondence, document management and indexing, drafting memos etc. This is the entry level, low value high volume task. Owing to low risks, this sometimes tops the priority lists for firms starting outsourcing.

Patent prosecution assistance: This is the hottest area in Legal Processes Outsourcing. It involves assistance in filing patent applications, infringement studies, IP asset management services, prior art searches etc.

Legal research: It involves performing legislative history research, jurisdiction studies and other typical case study researches that are common with the legal profession. When dea ing with corporate activities, like mergers and acquisitions legal due diligence of the potential targets or acquirers and their accompanying legal issues becomes imperative. This involves extensive data research etc and hence a lucrative outsourcing task.

Housekeeping, housecleaning, maid service, house cleaning, cleaning services, maid

Housekeeping, housecleaning, maid service, house cleaning, cleaning services, maid

Many people need their homes and garden cleaned on a regular basis. If you are considering a house cleaning company, they can take a load off of yourself. Before hiring cleaning services companies that clean homes make sure that they should always have maids that are professional. This means, that they should be professionally trained in the latest cleaning techniques so your home sparkles and follow proper procedures.

In your home there are several areas which attract a lot of dirt and bacteria and that needs to be regularly cleaned. The maid should clean areas such as rooms, stairs, kitchen and more. The maid provided from housecleaning company should also make sure all discarded material is assembled and moved out of the home and areas are decently wiped down with germicides to stop the spreading of bacteria.

In today’s fast life it doesn’t leave much time for housecleaning. For most of the families both spouses work. Also there are many people who work long hours or have to travel long distance for work leaving little time for housecleaning. Only option left is to spend every weekends doing house cleaning. In all these circumstances hiring maid from Maid For Mommy is the perfect solution. There are times you don’t just want anyone enter your home, So you’ll be looking for the right maid service providers for your needs, and the one you are comfortable with.

In this life style everybody is too stressed, and anything that can make life easier is worth it. One can utilize tons of benefits from hiring a housecleaning service and it makes no meaning to disburse all your free time in keeping your house clean. A good house cleaning service will make your busy time free so that you can spend time with your family having fun and being together.

While you are searching and reviewing the housekeeping company, you need to find what services they offer, how much they charge, and how professional is their staff. You need to keep track of all the information you collate. Once you complete with comparing each maid service provider you will find MaidForMommy is the one which matches your needs and budget. While hiring a maid service company for the jobs you want to get done, the next step is the cost that you have to pay for the cleaning services. Is that within your budget or not. Its’ obvious that the more cleaning you need done for your home, the more the service will cost. If you have specified a certain budget for hiring maid for housekeeping, do make a note when you start talking to cleaning services.

When your friends and family come to visit, they start judging you before they even walk into the door.  But you already knew that, didn’t you?  No amount of house cleaning is going to make up for the fact that you’ve neglected to do your outdoor house cleaning and winter preparation.  Everyone knows you’ve been slacking.

If you are hiring a maid service from housekeeping company, it is important to know how long they have been in business, ask for referrals of current clients, and whether or not their maids are insured and bonded. Many residential cleaning services aren’t bonded, which means that if a maid decides to steal something, YOU are the one who has to handle the situation. We’re bonded, so if anything happens (and we doubt it would), we’re going to look out for you. Has the housekeeping agency performed background checks on its maids? Maid For Mommy makes sure that our maids go through a background check prior to being hired. We carefully screen any and all applicants to make sure they can be trusted in your home, with the things you value most.

If you’re having troubles with other cleaning issues in your home, call up our maid residential cleaning services at Maid for Mommy. We will help you make sure your home is neat and tidy, so you can focus on getting that coffee out of your pants. For more information on hiring, please visit maidformommy.com one of the best housekeeping company in NJ.