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How you play online casino craps

How You Play Online Casino Craps

The online gaming world normally focuses on games like roulette, poker and blackjack. Slot machines are also popular, as is video poker. Not many people think of online craps as a game to play. I guess it is not quite so well known as the others, yet it remains an intriguing, exciting game to play.

I came across it by chance, and I have never played anything else since. It is played<a href=»http://www.mrcraps.com/»> Casino Craps </a>table, which is split off into areas, and this is where the brilliance of craps comes into play. This is where the scoring system comes in, and it I did find it a little complex at first, but after I picked it up, the game took on a whole new dimension.

To <a href=»http://www.mrcraps.com/»>play craps</a>, and online craps it is essential to find a good site. This is not as easy as it sounds as jackpots tend to be a little lower as there are less punters for craps than other casino games, so a rubbish craps site tends to have jackpots that it is hardly worth throwing the dice for. The dice are everything in craps.

The element of craps that I really love, is the strategies needed to win. It takes it a little bit further in my opinion than online roulette, online blackjack, and in many cases online poker, especially as there is not much scope to bluff.

Craps loses nothing when played online really, apart from the pretty girl on your arm, but don’t tell the missus I said that.

If you are like me and want to refine your game, finding a site that can give good, reliable tips is also very hard to find. When you do find one, they tend to contradict one that you have read on another site, and subsequently you find yourself with two strategies that contradict, and in my experience are useless. I do not see the point at playing games that are not very good or offer poor jackpots.  

My least favourite sites are ones where is it hard to see what is what and how to play them. What are the points of them?

That is the only downside to<a href=»http://www.mrcraps.com/»> online craps </a>really. To play craps, and make it worth while you do tend to spend a lot of time searching for a good online craps game. The worst of it is, when you spend all night looking, just not to find one. The whole night becomes a waste of time.
For details please contact at: http://www.mrcraps.com

It all has to match if you want to create the ideal business

It All Has to Match if You Want to Create the Ideal Business

Copyright (c) 2008 Fabienne Fredrickson

There are some solo-entrepreneurs that market ’til they’re blue in the face, and STILL don’t attract ideal, high-paying clients. They’re seemingly doing all the «right things»: they’ve got marketing materials, marketing plans, they’re speaking, networking, etc. and yet producing no real results. Yes, they have some clients. Yes, they’re making their bills. But they’re not seeing the kind of success they so desperate want. (Are you one of those?)

You might be wondering, «What is going on? What am I doing wrong?? I’m busting my chops, working like a dog, and yet my 1ncome is still NOT what I want it to be… in fact, not even close.» On the outside, everyone probably thinks you have a great business, but YOU know what’s really going on, especially financially. I actually hear this a lot. As I am working with higher level clients (people who have plenty of clients but not the business or 1ncome they really want to be making) I’m noticing that the marketing is only half the problem.

What’s usually happening is two things are getting in the way. Yes, the marketing needs to be tweaked or reworked. Usually, the target audience needs to be narrowed down or changed to a higher level client, and then inevitably, the marketing message needs to become clearer and more compelling. So, we work on that.

But most of the time, it’s something MUCH more drastic and destructive. It’s what’s going on INTERNALLY that’s botching your results: THE MINDSET. And I’ve come to realize that if the INSIDE is not matched to the OUTSIDE, then you won’t get the results you want. Period. Here’s what I mean:

There’s the OUTER game of Client Attraction: the marketing and the action and the behaviors.

Then, there’s the INNER game of Client Attraction: your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

If these do not match, there’s no way you can create the business you SAY you want. Here’s an example: Pretend Susan is a solo-entrepreneur and she’s been in business for almost 4 years. She’s networking, speaking locally, doing an ezine, and everything else she «should» be doing. She’s good at what she does, but she’s just not making the mo-ney she wants to make. Not even close. That’s when we examine her marketing and make tweaks.

But here’s the kicker: we ALSO look at the stuff under the surface too. When we probe deeper, we realize that one or more things aren’t in alignment with her big goal she says she wants:

The Thought: «I WANT TO MAKE $500,000 this year.»


The Action: SUBTLE SELF-SABOTAGE BEGINS TO HAPPEN, because deep down, Susan wants freedom and ease more than she wants the money. She may not think that consciously, but it’s very real on a subconscious level. And that translates into Susan not doing what it takes, not taking the actions or exhibiting the no-excuses behavior that would create a business that brings her that much mo-ney per year.

Essentially, what’s happening with Susan is that she’s driving with the brake on, and going nowhere fast. So, she steps on the gas pedal even more, but still not getting any results. It’s destructive, but most importantly, after a while, there’s going to be a shortage of gas and then the whole car will stop moving. She thinks she just wasn’t meant to be in business and packs it up to go back to working for someone else, feeling like a big failure and taking a blow to her self-esteem. For Susan to create the 1ncome she wants, all 3 need to match and be congruent.

The Thought must match the Feeling/Belief must match the Action and Behavior. If not, you’ll keep struggling, not knowing why it’s all so difficult.

It’s an insidious game and the worst part of it is, you usually don’t know this is going on! Worse, you may not be able to recognize the underlying limiting beliefs, fears and self-doubt that stops your behavior. The solution? Getting really clear on where you’re not being congruent.

This is BY FAR, my most effective thing to work on with a client or workshop participant. Why? Because when you change someone’s inner states (the INNER game of Client Attraction) you begin to immediately see an increase in their business and in their 1ncome. Quantum Leaps begin to happen and it’s as if the vice-grip that’s been holding back the success of your business is FINALLY RELEASED. And there’s just so much more easy and flow (and financial abundance pours in.)

I’ve seen it time and time around with my clients and Mastermind members. When we clear the GUNK, the mo-ney follows. I know from experience, because it happened to me. In fact, it keeps happening, over and over again. The more I work on my INNER game, the more I make. And it all becomes easier: I work less and make mo-re. That’s when you know you’re becoming more congruent.


If you’re feeling like you’re working really hard but not seeing RESULTS (either in your number of clients or in your re-venues) then it’s time to look at your INNER game of Client Attraction: your mindset. Notice the relationship between your thoughts about your goal, your feelings about achieving your goal and the actions you’re taking to reach that goal.

Are they congruent? Are they aligned? If not, then you’re going nowhere fast. Not until you get yourself a mindset breakthrough. That’s when the marketing breakthrough happens, which results in an 1ncome breakthrough. Once you create those breakthroughs, your business and your life will NEVER be the same. I guarantee it.

Importance team building training companies

Importance Team Building Training Companies

Team building is a complex matter that needs to address human psychology to build functional corporate sales teams or management teams to bring in more success to the companies. One important factor that can affect team building is the communication between team members and between superiors and subordinates. You may look for team building training companies that can address the underlying issues of performance by a corporate team. A team building training company professional can work with the HR department of the company and can sort out the issues needed to be solved. Lack of technical knowledge can be solved by proper HR training.

Companies of all sizes today are aware of the importance of team building. But the increased awareness has also created an overuse of the terms team building and corporate team building companies. A team is usually a group of persons working towards a single goal — in a corporate environment it can be more sales, development of new technology, or maintaining a good relation with customers. There can be different teams in the same organization. Efficient team leaders can motivate team members to fast forward to results or goals. If you have a team of 10 or 500 members, you still need to build a good team out of the crowd. Team building training companies design and develop variety of team building games and team building activities that systematically induce various elements of team work like better interpersonal communication, setting aside egos, reliability, trust and willingness to work towards common goals.

Team building activities and team building games are facilitated under professional facilitators who have the knowledge about human psychology and the intricacies of team building. Professional teams building training companies have such facilitators who know how to develop team-building concepts to ensure better teamwork and participation from team members.

While you are looking for such a professional team building training company that gets the work done while having fun, you can contact The Team Builders Pro. TheTeamBuildersPro.com is a team building training company that gives team building training to employees. Before start the team building activities or team building events, the prevailing issues are sorted out with the HR managers. This will help to design apt team building training activities suited for the specific team.

We serve in all parts of United States and also in Canada. Our services are available from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts. You can get team building training at Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Washington, New York, Phoenix, Buffalo, Sacramento, Kansas, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Memphis, Detroit… check out the list of 500 plus cities where our services are available to rest assured that assistance from the best team building training company is just a click or a phone call away.

As a team building training company, we also offer to provide you with the best of team building event-planning service. You can contact us for the budgetary needs, event venue planning, rentals of team building games and equipment’s etc.

Service of this team building training company is available in New York, Los Angeles California, Dallas Texas, Chicago Illinois, Miami Florida, Orlando Florida, San Jose California, Sacramento California, Alexandria, Washington DC, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Birmingham Alabama, Jackson Mississippi, St. Louis Missouri, Boston Massachusetts, Atlanta Georgia, Phoenix Arizona, Lincoln Nebraska, Manchester New Hampshire, Waterbury Connecticut, San Diego California, San Francisco California, Orange County, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Minneapolis Minnesota, Las Vegas Nevada, Indianapolis Indiana, Seattle Washington, Denver Colorado, Houston Texas, San Antonio Texas etc.

How to make quick money online

How to Make Quick Money Online

Quick Money through Graphic Design

Have you ever heard of graphics design? There are lots of companies that are looking for graphic designer nowadays. This is one of the ways on how to make quick money. If you are fond of playing online games, you would surely know what I’m talking about. There are lots of upgrades going on these games and the fresher the ideas in your graphic design, the higher the chance that it will be accepted. If you know what it takes to be a graphic designer then, better try it out. It would really need a skillful hand to come up with a good graphic design. As you can see there are lots of ways that you can do in how to make quick money.

Quick Money through Advertising

All of us know that there is high probability that many people nowadays have their own personal computer and has an internet connection. You’d better take advantage of that. If you are a salesperson and you have a unique product, why don’t you endorse it in the internet? Let the world know that you are selling a product. Internet is a powerful tool in reaching customers on the other side of the world.

On how to make quick money, you also have to quickly gather many customers not only in one place but in the whole world. It is all made possible because of the World Wide Web. The main problem that you will encounter in advertising is that you there also millions of people that are selling their own products.

What would be your edge against those competitors? It will depend on the products that you will be advertising, whether it is something that the customers will love or hate. There are times that no matter how ugly the websites are when they are advertising, as long as the products are in demand then the customers will surely buy the product. Although the advertising websites do contribute to what people will buy or not, but not a hundred percent guaranteed.

To make the percentage higher in making your products be bought in the internet, it is best to put some effort in the advertisement in your website. You don’t have to make any trouble in finding a website designer because there are lots of people who makes website out there. And some of them offer a reasonable price. Don’t worry; you can easily get back your money once your products make it on the top spot.

On how to make quick money you have to keep in mind that in order to have quick money you have to also make lots of customers. And how you would do that? If you are sure that your products had the edge to the competitors then, make sure also that your website has also something to say. Quick money is equivalent to the number of customers. Tough competitors are out there so better give your best shot in making your website catchy so that your customers will end up admiring your product and your website.

How to make a lot of money fast with proper guidance

How to Make a Lot of Money Fast With Proper Guidance

A lot of people think that it’s impossible to make a lot of money in a short period of time. If someone told you that it was possible you’d automatically think they’re trying to scam you, wouldn’t you? Well I’m here to tell you that it is possible. No, it isn’t a scam, I’m not going to ask you to put money into some cockamamie scheme that’ll leave you feeling ripped off. This article will tell you how to make a lot of money fast, but with the proper guidance.

Forget what you think you know about making money. If you’ve been working most of your life you would probably think that the only way of making money is to work hard, work overtime… work, work, work. But how long are you going to work hard for? Many people have the preconceived notion that there is no surefire way of generating quick cash fast, but all it takes for anyone to manage the feat is to understand a few simple principles. Despite the disputes you might hear from others, these principles do work.

First of all, if you want to make money fast, you need to have a clear vision, a clear goal of how much you want. Set a target, because surprisingly, despite the desire for more money, people don’t have a realistically clear idea of just how much money they want. Envision how much you want to make, be specific about it and about the timeframe in which you’d like to accomplish your goal.

Once you’ve envisioned your goal, you need to take the next step. Take the inspired action; most times if we want it bad enough, life can be kind enough to point us in the right direction, to shine a light on a possible opportunity that we can take advantage of. It can be a simple idea, something that can be worked into a goldmine; something that can help you achieve that goal of making money fast. But keep in mind, your inspiration shouldn’t come from what others have already tried, and failed. They failed for a reason, and what might seem like an ideal opportunity to make quick money may not necessarily be suitable for you. You need to remember that you are unique, and so are your goals. Not everything is «one size fits all», least of all goals.

Now the last step is to maintain a clear and bright vision of your goal. This is the important step, because a lot of people fail to keep their eye on the ball by this point. This late into the game they’ve either gotten lazy or they get caught up in their doubts and fears and worries that they lose sight of their goal and ultimately decide to either give up completely or not act on that final lunge that is required of them to reach the finish line. How many times have you doubted yourself when a seemingly great idea hit you, doubts borne from your fear of possible failure? You need to be firm in your convictions, and in your determination to achieve that goal you set for yourself.

With these 3 principles in mind, the question of how to make a lot of money fast should be easier for you to answer. Look around you; there are many opportunities for you to take advantage of. The internet alone has countless solutions for you to exploit, from affiliate marketing to freelancing to online focus groups to online Forex trading, the opportunities are there for you to grab. The only thing that you’ll need to do is to follow those 3 important guiding principles. Follow them diligently, and rest assured you will succeed in making money fast.