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It is widely known in the business that people love to buy but hate to be sold to

how to overcome this as a business that has products and services to sell to customers?

It is widely known in the business that people love to buy but hate to be sold to. So how to overcome this as a business that has products and services to sell to customers?

Need to be a doctor — an expert who listens to their problems, diagnoses and then tells them what to do to fix it. People will be much more receptive to your message if they think they really care about them and want to help.

Positioning yourself or your company as an expert or leader in a particular field is an effective tool for both the brand and sales. It is ideal for your brand if you have a reputation as an expert and their prospects are more likely to buy from you if you are a leader in your industry or niche.

So how to position itself as an expert in online business in the market «make money fast»? Through its website, of course! Here are some helpful strategies:

• Blogs — writing a regular blog on a topic that is well informed is a great way to share your experience with your clients and prospects and cause you to trust «best way to make money online». Make your entries are useful, interesting and regularly to get the best results from your blog. Learn how to write great business blogs here.

• Organize the article — as a businessman, it is likely to have much knowledge of their area of expertise. Sharing this knowledge, create your profile and position itself as an expert in writing articles and submitting useful websites to sell the paper, magazines and their alliances. Read a comprehensive guide to the syndication of the article here.

• RSS — has two options with the RSS feeds, and both are equally good to build your reputation. You can display RSS feeds from other companies or organizations or companies on their website, making your site is the best source of information. Or, you can get your RSS feed that appears in other important and popular websites where prospects many would see it and see how an expert. Learn more about RSS feeds here.

• ebooks — write an e-book is another great way to share their knowledge and to promote your business to prospects. Write a valuable ebook with reliable, useful and prospects think of you as a leader in their field and feel more comfortable buying from you. View an e-book here andlearn how to write one yourself here.

• Memberships — membership in major organizations related to their field is a great way to position your brand as a leader. Investigation of all industry groups, chambers of commerce and professional organizations that are relevant to you and join as many as possible. Seeing their affiliation to these groups on your site will make you look professional and reliable. Members of the association here Bloomtools View.
This article was provided by Bloomtools, founder of Australasia’s main website. With offices in Melbourne, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Wellington New business solutions provider Zealand.Online — SEO, websites (with easy to use Content Management System), Email Database () Marketing and CRM.

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Innovative way to overcome «we have to think it over»

Innovative Way To Overcome «We Have To Think It Over»

Here is a final, last ditch, Hail Mary close you can try when you get customers who want to think it over and you have tried other ways to get past the objection that didn’t work. This close uses what many perceive as a weakness (the right of rescission) and turn it into a fulcrum that is used to get the sale.

Most managers and salespeople don’t like to talk about the right of rescission but when you are leaving anyway, it may be time to use this close. What is it? Most states have laws that give consumers 3 business days to cancel any contract made in a place that is not the normal place of business for the company. This applies to the customers? home. They have, by law, the right to cancel with a full refund.

For this article, I am going to assume you have some first night special that the customer only gets if they make a purchase on the first night. This package might be $300.00 installation, a full half ton of salt (a $100.00 value) and an extended warranty on the equipment worth $300.00 for a total savings of $700.00 If they make the purchase on the first visit.

Now, let’s assume the customers have told you they want to think it over and that you have tried several other ways to overcome this objection that have not worked. You might say something like, «I don’t blame you for wanting to think about it. In fact, I am glad you want to be sure this is for you. How long do you think it will take to think it over? Would two or three days be enough time? OK. Here’s what I suggest. As I explained, if you go ahead tonight, you get free installation, a full half ton of salt for free and a $300.00 extended warranty. Those items together add up to a whopping $700.00 in savings. I hate to see you miss this opportunity to save so much. I have great news. The state has passed laws that give you three business days to think it over. If you decide to cancel, we are forced by law to cancel and give you a full refund.»

«But here’s the thing. You have two choices. You can send me away tonight and take three business days to think it over. BUT that means you won’t be eligible for our savings package, which as I explained is only available the first time we come out to your home. OR, we can get the paperwork done with the $700.00 savings. Then, you take three business days to think it over. If you have any doubts, just cancel and receive a full refund by law. Either way, you get to think it over. It just doesn’t make sense to think for three days and lose $700.00 when you can think for three days and save $700.00? I’ll get the paperwork started.» Then, put your head down and start writing the order.

Notice I am not suggesting that you end by asking them if they agree or if they want to proceed. You will sell far more if you end with a statement and not a questions like, «I’ll get the paperwork started».

If they say they still want to think, it means they didn’t believe you or that they have another objection. I would suggest that if this happens, you say, «I know you would be taking advantage of this if thinking about it was your only concern. Can I ask, what else is keeping you from making the right decision tonight?» When they answer, you have uncovered the true objection.

Does this close work every time? Absolutely not but it works a lot better than leaving without trying it.

How can you choose the right shopping cart solution

How Can You Choose the Right Shopping Cart Solution?

Your online store has many disadvantages. Unlike a brick and mortar store, people cannot go around looking at the items of choice, touching, feeling and selecting what they please. Your customers do not know you and they wouldn’t recognize you if you sat next to them at the dinner table – nor would you recognize them! You have no way of talking to your customers and converting them. Really, your online store is only as strong as your shopping cart solution because your shopping cart establishes your web identity.

One of the biggest problems in choosing a shopping cart solution is the sheer variety and range of software available. Some are free, for some cost the world and a few are somewhere in between. Some of them have come with all the bells and whistles, while others do not have any addition functionality. Which one should you choose?

Here are some pointers to help you choose the right shopping cart solution.

Budget: Many shopping cart solutions are extremely versatile and they offer many functions that you may never use. On the other hand, you have shopping carts that are just flexible enough to offer you a minimal selling solution. What you need may be something in between. To start off, identify the features you need. Then, chart out a budget. Now, you can select a cart that fits within this broad framework.

Facilities and features: Here is a list of questions that will help you identify what you need:

? Will the shopping cart run on your server? One advantage in buying a shopping cart from your hosting provider is that you do not have to worry about a mismatch.

? Keep an eye on your future plans. Once you start selling successfully, you may want to expand or create an affiliate program. You would also require tax payment options if your purchases are made from various countries. Does it allow you to change shipping charges?

? How much support is the company offering? This is particularly important if you are a small business owner with little knowledge of web design and development.

? Will your shopping cart accept the credit card gateway you want or is it going to tie you up with a payment gateway like Pay pal? If you are into serious selling, then, you must not, at any rate, allow your customers to click away from your web site.

? Does the shopping cart solution have a powerful control panel and admin interface that allows you to set up your store front easily and manage it effectively? Everything should be as simple as point and click. You must be able to create pages, add and delete items, manage payments and orders easily.

? Can you bulk upload items? Adding one item at a time can take forever. While that may look like a small inconvenience, you will grow to hate the delay.

? Does the shopping cart solution offer search engine optimization?

? In addition to all the advanced functions, does it include all the basic facilities like customer tracking and analyzing?

The simple tips above will assist you in making a knowledgeable decision and buy the best shopping cart solution for your needs.

Internet marketing tactics for these tough times ( from google and me

Internet Marketing Tactics For These Tough Times ( From Google And Me !)

As we enter into what many enlightened souls are calling the most dire economic times since the Great Depression, online marketers need all the help they can get — regardless of the source. You have probably heard of Google; but chances are almost 100% certain, you have never heard of me. Lucky you!

Actually, the only thing you need to know about me is that I am a full-time online affiliate marketer and I make a very comfortable living from the web. Last year (2008), was my best year online so far, which left me scratching my head and saying what recession?

But that may be something of a false positive, as I will never know how much I could have made if the economic times had been good instead of bad. Plus, judging from my own limited experience, selling and marketing online may not have been hit as hard as those businesses in the real world in 2008, since consumers are doing everything to save a penny and shopping online has become a much cheaper alternative for many.

As we enter into these uncertain times, online marketers and webmasters need all the help they can get. Recently, Google mailed a small booklet to its Adsense users; in it Google gives «6 Top Tactics For Tough Times.» It is obviously referring to its Adwords PPC (Pay Per Click) program and clients but Google’s advice can be applied to your own general online marketing.

These tactics include: (quoting directly from the Google mail-out)

1. Focus your ads on low prices and savings.

2. Use Value-related keywords.

3. Ensure your ad groups are targeted and relevant.

4. Don’t waste money on irrelevant clicks.

5. Make it easy for customers to buy.

6. Focus your money on your high-performers. (End Quote)

Sound advice and I especially like the idea of focusing your marketing on low prices and savings mainly because people want bargains in tight economic times. I also like the fact that you must make it easy for your customers to buy… something as simple as putting your «order/buy link» above the fold can increase your conversions.

Also, targeting value-related keywords, is a very effective marketing tactic. Relating your keywords to «discounts, bargains, cheap, inexpensive, lowest prices…» will help increase your sales. So too, is catering to phrases that suggest the searcher is in a buying mind-set: gifts, presents, gift ideas, wedding gifts… shoppers searching those words are ready to buy.

Plus, focusing your time and money on your high-performers is solid advice. Sometimes succeeding online is simply finding a market niche that works/performs — then running with it. Once you have found the keywords and products that perform well with your site or sites — focus the majority of your time and energy developing those niche markets.

Now here are some of my most effective marketing tactics that have worked for me and tactics I will be relying on in the coming years — even in these hard times.

• Make Keywords Your #1 Goal

This is the single most important factor for my own online success. You have to make keywords and ranking high for them in all the search engines your main objective if you’re marketing online. Might sound obvious, but many beginning marketers don’t truly understand how important getting top rankings for your chosen keywords will be in your online success.

Target less competitive long tail (multi-worded) keywords to get started and slowly work your way up to more popular keywords. Center your marketing around getting those first page listings (Top Five) for your keywords. Achieve this goal, (especially in Google) and it will be almost impossible for you not to succeed and make a profit with your online marketing even in bad times.

• Autoresponders, List Building & Online Relationships

Keeping in contact with potential buyers is mission critical. You must use autoresponders to send follow-up messages to build trustful relationships with your potential customers. Establishing this personal contact or trust is very important because the Internet is still a cold distrustful environment for most people.

So building a large contact list is essential. That’s why the social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace can be very effective marketing tools for building this online contact and trust. Truth be told, all these social networks are, more or less, just glorified autoresponders and list builders!

• Your Unique Selling Position

You must give potential customers some very good reasons for them to buy from you or your links. Offering special bonuses and discounts works wonders for your sales. Some of my most successful pages simply consists of coupons and discounts offered by different companies. If buyers can save $100’s OFF by buying thru your links, they will.

Always remember, besides looking for the best deal or bargain, consumers are also looking for a quality product. If you’re into affiliate marketing, only pick top quality products to promote. Picking top brand names also makes it easier to make sales. So too is only promoting popular online merchants like Amazon, can be an effective marketing strategy. Most importantly, always remember consumers are also looking for INFORMATION on the products they are considering buying, give them helpful information and you will succeed.

• Find A Niche You Enjoy

There are millions of profitable niche markets you can choose from — pick one that truly interests you and run with it. Your favorite hobby or something you enjoy doing in your spare-time. Picking a niche market that you like is a key factor, you won’t mind spending your time exploring and exploiting it. Just won’t seem like work because you will be having fun while you do your marketing.

• Go With The Flow

If you’re marketing online, you have to follow what’s working for you. Most times you will try countless ideas or tactics — once you have found a process or system that works, really work it or scale it up. Making your first dollar is the hardest, but once you do something that earns you that dollar, just repeat that «something» a thousand times.

Tracking what works is very important so keep a close eye on your site’s traffic logs to find where your customers are coming from. Something like Google Analytics is simply priceless for «fine-tuning» your site and your online marketing. It will tell you what’s working and what’s not.

• Target Recurring or Residual Income

One of my most effective marketing strategies is to promote and sell products and services that give you a recurring or residual income. Make one sale and get paid for years or for the life of that referred client. Concentrate on services like web-hosting, telephone, marketing programs… once customers sign up to these services, they will likely keep them for years. I am still earning income from sales I made five years ago.

Building a large residual income could be the key to surviving in tough economic times. This will be income which will carry you or your business over the rough patches since it is based upon past performance and not on your current selling situation.

• Target the Right Customers And Markets

The biggest advantage of marketing online is you can precisely target your customers and your markets. One tactic I use is to target customers who are likely to buy more than one unit of what you’re selling. For example, if you target Corporate Business Gifts, a boss or employer will not be buying just one coffee mug but ten or even hundreds of mugs.

Even in tough times, seasonal markets will still perform… back to school, mother’s day, Halloween, Christmas market… things might slow down but these markets will still perform even in tough times.

• Automate Everything

The real beauty of marketing online and using computers… you can automate just about every process in your marketing system. Make it a point of automating everything you do… use autoresponders to follow-up with potential buyers, use automatic check-o
uts, automatic reporting… just set-up your whole online marketing system that runs itself with little or no supervision from you. This will free up your time to concentrate all your efforts on marketing/promoting your site or product. Besides, nothing beats coming back from a vacation and finding out you have earned the cost of your vacation and then some — all the while you were lying in the sun and miles away from any computer.

• Find The Top Online Marketers

If you’re just starting with online marketing, you need to find the top successful marketers and «model» what they’re doing. This is relatively a new industry and you have to seek out the experts and pioneers who have set the groundwork. When I first started marketing online, I was quite fortunate to come into contact with some web marketing heavy-weights such as Marlon Sanders, Ken Evoy, Neil Shearing… and SEO experts like Brad Callen and Aaron Wall.

Often it is just a matter of finding the right «mentor» to follow. You need to study their techniques to improve your own marketing. Perhaps my best advice would be this: find the top online marketers and stick to them like glue!

• Make Google Your Friend

Whether you love or hate Google doesn’t matter, you just have to make it your number one ally in your online marketing. Google has just about conquered the world-wide search market, Yahoo and MSN are still important, but Google is the deal-breaker when you’re selling stuff online. Consumers have enormous respect for Google, a number one listing for a lucrative keyword simply means money in the bank. Marketers must realize Google will play a significant role in their online success and may play an ever increasing role in these tough economic times.

I have found using Google Search, Google Adwords, and Google Adsense have played a more than significant role in the success of my own online sites and marketing. Google tools such as Google Analytics, Google Alerts, Webmaster Tools… all have been invaluable and an enormous help in achieving my «web-based» lifestyle and livelihood. Of course, Google has also driven me around the bend more times than I can count, but no one is perfect.

Besides, when it’s all said and done, anyone marketing on the web must truly embrace Google if they want to reach their highest level possible. In good times and especially in these bad times, you must make Google your friend. Your best friend. Even your BFF. When all else fails, trust in Google, forget that other guy. Then again, you better not; for you’re going to need all the help you can get in these coming tough times, regardless of the source.

How to make money from the thing you love

How to Make Money From the Thing You Love

Making money online seems the answer to all ills, be it for stay-at home moms, those sick of the rat race and to those who have just lost their jobs and know there is nothing else out there at the minute.

However, if you just jump in without any thought at the first great offer you find on the internet, the first promise to make you a millionaire, you will undoubtedly come unstuck. Nearly every other ‘profession/job’ requires some work; lessons to be learned, pitfalls to be aware of. To be successful, you have to be prepared.

The same applies to the Internet Marketing industry. It may appear simple but it is not easy if you don’t know what you are doing. Most people will not make any money online and yet there are others who will make more in one month than most people make in a whole year. Why is that?

It is simple; you have to love what it is that you do. Working for yourself is harder than working a job. There is no-one looking over your shoulder to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to be, nobody looking at the clock when you arrive at your desk. This is a good thing! But the flip side is you only have yourself to answer to and when you feel de-motivated, it is your passion that will get you back to your desk.

Don’t underestimate how demotivating working at home can be. As much as you hated your 9-5, you will have had and, I’m sure at times, enjoyed the human interaction that your job afforded you. People other than the postman would have said hello to you during the day. There would have been jokes, a little gossip, the feeling of cameraderie and belonging, a drink after work. When you’re at home, there will be no-one to cheer you up or help when things get hard.

Most would give this up willingly to get rid of all of the downsides of working for someone else but you will need a great level of enthusiasm to keep you going during the hard times.

If you are selling someone else’s products, you should have researched and like the company and products or services. Not many of us can effectively sell something that we just don’t believe in. Many online entrepreneurs are so good at what they do that they ignore passion. This is because they can sell anything. It always helps if yo have used the products and services so that you know first-hand the benefits.

So you can see doing something you love works in two ways; providing motivation and belief.

Of course, doing the thing you love is not the only thing you need; you must also have a good website if you are selling online, good marketing strategies, widespread advertising and a sustainable plan for the future.

It is your goal to get to the point where you can sell just about anything online. This is when your passion becomes internet marketing itself!

Remember, start by doing something you love; it will keep you motivated through the learning curve which will be steep for most and focus on products that you believe in. If you do these things, success will be yours.