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Innovative way to overcome «we have to think it over»

Innovative Way To Overcome «We Have To Think It Over»

Here is a final, last ditch, Hail Mary close you can try when you get customers who want to think it over and you have tried other ways to get past the objection that didn’t work. This close uses what many perceive as a weakness (the right of rescission) and turn it into a fulcrum that is used to get the sale.

Most managers and salespeople don’t like to talk about the right of rescission but when you are leaving anyway, it may be time to use this close. What is it? Most states have laws that give consumers 3 business days to cancel any contract made in a place that is not the normal place of business for the company. This applies to the customers? home. They have, by law, the right to cancel with a full refund.

For this article, I am going to assume you have some first night special that the customer only gets if they make a purchase on the first night. This package might be $300.00 installation, a full half ton of salt (a $100.00 value) and an extended warranty on the equipment worth $300.00 for a total savings of $700.00 If they make the purchase on the first visit.

Now, let’s assume the customers have told you they want to think it over and that you have tried several other ways to overcome this objection that have not worked. You might say something like, «I don’t blame you for wanting to think about it. In fact, I am glad you want to be sure this is for you. How long do you think it will take to think it over? Would two or three days be enough time? OK. Here’s what I suggest. As I explained, if you go ahead tonight, you get free installation, a full half ton of salt for free and a $300.00 extended warranty. Those items together add up to a whopping $700.00 in savings. I hate to see you miss this opportunity to save so much. I have great news. The state has passed laws that give you three business days to think it over. If you decide to cancel, we are forced by law to cancel and give you a full refund.»

«But here’s the thing. You have two choices. You can send me away tonight and take three business days to think it over. BUT that means you won’t be eligible for our savings package, which as I explained is only available the first time we come out to your home. OR, we can get the paperwork done with the $700.00 savings. Then, you take three business days to think it over. If you have any doubts, just cancel and receive a full refund by law. Either way, you get to think it over. It just doesn’t make sense to think for three days and lose $700.00 when you can think for three days and save $700.00? I’ll get the paperwork started.» Then, put your head down and start writing the order.

Notice I am not suggesting that you end by asking them if they agree or if they want to proceed. You will sell far more if you end with a statement and not a questions like, «I’ll get the paperwork started».

If they say they still want to think, it means they didn’t believe you or that they have another objection. I would suggest that if this happens, you say, «I know you would be taking advantage of this if thinking about it was your only concern. Can I ask, what else is keeping you from making the right decision tonight?» When they answer, you have uncovered the true objection.

Does this close work every time? Absolutely not but it works a lot better than leaving without trying it.

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