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Январь 2011

How to buy international phone number

How To Buy International Phone Number

There are multiple benefits to having an international number with a carrier like Callcentric. You will have the bonus of being able to make free calls to people who have this carrier as well, so you don’t have to spend quite so much each month on your phone bill. There are many different rate plans that you can get to ensure that you don’t pay too much each month. You get exactly what you choose, so there are no hidden fees or complicated steps to paying your bill or using the service you signed up for. It is all very simple and straight-forward, designed for both individuals and businesspeople who need these kind of services to keep in touch with whoever they need to. In fact, more and more businesses are starting to look into getting international numbers, simply because of the number of clients they have that are located all over the world.

If you have family and friends that are abroad, then you will also want to think about the benefits of an international number, especially with a carrier like Callcentric that gives you the kind of every day service you need. It is important to take a look at what you will need to make these international phone calls for less than you have ever paid before. You will have to have a broadband internet connection, such as a cable line or DSL. This will ensure that all of the calls you make go as quickly and smoothly as possible. It will also ensure that your connection can handle the software installed on your computer that makes all of this possible for you.

Computer programs called «softphones» are required to run VoIP technology which enables you to make calls to people all over the world and receive phone calls from traditional numbers. They are sold many places, including on Callcentric’s website, so if you are interested, it’s highly recommended that you get started by choosing one. After you get your new international phone number and install the proper software, you will discover just how easy and cheap making these international calls can be.

Individuals aren’t the only ones who can enjoy Callcentric’s many features and plans. Call centers and calling card providers can also make use of these services for their customers. It is the perfect carrier for your needs, whether they are personal or professional in nature. The point is that with Callcentric, you get the quality of service you need when calling people around the world, along with the price that is reduced for your benefit. With more people than ever using this carrier, it means that your ability to make free calls to people increases, and nothing is better than cheap/free international calls and the best phone services available.

How to get an iso ohsas 18001 accreditation

How to Get an ISO OHSAS 18001 Accreditation

The International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO) has released a new standard for the 18001 accreditation in 2007.  In these specifications they deal with the defined requirements that your company’s occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) should follow in order to be certified.  The overall purpose of these newer management standards is to make sure that companies can reduce problems and risks to their employee’s occupational health and safety.  The important thing to remember is that the ISO Ohsas 18001 Certification will vary depending on the size of your business and the conditions under which your company operates.  For instance, a small business that deals mainly in child care may not have to worry about the same kind of recommendations as a larger construction company.

Many companies have worked hard to meet these standards but they do not necessarily have an accreditation with the ISO.  This means that while they are compliant with the standards, they have not officially registered with the ISO to be audited and receive an official certification to prove that you are compliant with ISO OHSAS 18001.

Before you ask for an auditor to check your company for compliance, one of the first things that you need to do it to read through the safety standards and write down a policy for your employees and your business that matches these standards.  This will include writing down a system of procedures and methods that your company can use to identify potential health and safety risks as well as ways to handle problems should they occur.  You will also want to make sure that if there are any areas of safety that need to be addressed immediately that you have a set of programs in place to address and achieve the objectives that have been outlined in the ISO OHSAS 18001 standards.

In order to make sure that your company is doing everything possible to ensure its safety compliance you will want to appoint someone within the company to be in charge of the policies and managing the occupational health and safety of all employees.  This way you can be sure that any potential risks or problems that could occur are being looked at and dealt with on a daily basis.  This person would also be in charge of coming up with the company’s unique management system and a written protocol for employees to follow to help ensure that the business is remaining up to code with the standards.

When you get the certification for ISO OHSAS 18001 the company will be audited by an external company to make sure that you are following all of the standards correctly and that you are doing everything possible to maintain these standards.  After you receive the accreditation, the company will probably want to keep up with internal audits so that they can address any potential threats or hazards in a timely manner.  This will also allow you to improve and update the management system so that you can be sure that when you apply for re-accreditation you will be sure to meet the standards of ISO OHSAS 18001.

How to print an ebook in a booklet form

How to Print an eBook in a Booklet Form

With the digital revolution, eBooks have become a prominent form of literature.  However, eBooks are limited in their scope and reach, as they can only be read from your computer.  In some cases, you may want to take the eBook with you for personal reading, and in other cases, you will want to print its contents to share with the world.  Here is a look at how you can transform your eBook into tangible, physical booklet.

How to Print Your eBook

If you have Microsoft Word, printing up an eBook for your own enjoyment is simple.  Following the below directions will give you a printed book with measurements of 8.5” x 5.25”.  Every printed page will give you four pages of a book, two pages on each side.

From there, you will either need to type your information into a Word document or transfer the information into a Word document.  Give the page landscape orientation with two columns on each page.  Print a test copy, layout the pages in book form, and number them.

Now, you will need to go and open as many Word documents as you have full sheets of paper.  If you would like to have the title of the book and page number in the header or footer, put those in now.  Again, set the document to create two columns, and set the margins to 0.5” at the top and bottom and 1” at the left and right.

Now you have to make sure that your book prints so that it will be readable without a lot of cutting and stapling.  If you look at your sample book, you will see that on the paper that the 1st page is not shared with the second page.  For example, if you have a 12 page eBook, the 1st and 12th pages are on the same sheet, the 2nd and 11th pages are on the same sheet, and so on and so forth.  Using each Word document as a separate layout of pages, copy and paste the proper page contents into the columns.  For example, in a 12 page book, your first layout will be page one in the first column and page 12 in the second.  Save each set as different spread or layout, so pages 1 and 12 would be layout 1, pages 2 and 11 would be layout 2, and so on.

Print another copy.  The eBook should now read like a regular book.

Sharing Your Booklet with Others

If you want to share your eBook with others, there are a few extra steps to take.  You will need to design covers the same way as you did the pages.  From there, you will need to print the book.  When printing, ask that the copies be double sided and then bound.  You will then have a professional looking book for sharing with friends, clients, and anyone else.

If you are using a professional printer to print up your eBook, you will want to contact the printer to see if there are any special layouts that you should create to make the printing process easier.  They may want you to separate the pages into separate documents like listed above, or they may have you send in just the original document.

Important Note

Newer versions of Word do offer “book fold” as one of the templates you can set for your pages.  If you are just printing one version for yourself, this can be an easy feature.  However, editing a specific page becomes difficult in this format, and reprinting a page is next to impossible.  Unless you want to run off an entire book every time you edit, it may be best to do your own manual method or entrust a professional printer.