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Январь 2012

How to achieve goals with money


    MONEY is anything that is generally acceptable as a medium of exchange for goods and services.
Anything that is acceptable as medium of exchange can be called money
   MONEY is the only commodity that is good for nothing but to be gotten rid of.People will do almost anything for money and money will do almost anything for people.money is captivating,circulating and masquerading puzzle.


    MONEY is what money does.Anything  that performs the function of  MONEY is money

     MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE Money is medium of exchange.It is usable in buying  and  selling  of goods and servicse.A worker in a bagel bakery does not want 200 bagel per week .Nor does the bagel bakery wish to receive say ,fresh fish for its bagel.However,money is readily acceptable as payment.

  MONEY is also a measure of value.Soceity uses monetary unit as yardstick for measuring the relative worth of good and services..Money as a common dominanator means that the price of each  product need be stated onlyinterm of the monetary unit.

   MONEY serves as store of value..Because money is the most liqiud ,the most spendable of all assets..


   MONEY is durable.
  MONEY is generally acceptable.
  MONEY is legal tender. Our confidence in the acceptability of paper money is because government says they are money.
MONEY is scarce.MONEY derives its value from its scarcity relative to its utility.

                     WHY WE HOLD MONEY.
People want money as amedium of  exchange to conveniently negotiate the purchase of goods and services.Households must have enough money on hand to buytheir needs.Business needs money to pay for labour materials power and so on. All such purpose is called transanction demand for  money.

Inexpensive advertising tips for online businesses

Inexpensive Advertising Tips For Online Businesses

When you own a business, you know that advertising is something you have to focus on to make sure that you are getting as much traffic to your website as possible. If you are trying to advertise your online business, you want to be sure that this is something you can do. One of the best ways that you can advertise is to find ways to do it without spending too much money.

Advertising Tips

There are several ways that you can advertise inexpensively. There are a lot of free advertising that you can get. If you have an online business, this can be even easier, as long as you are willing to take the time to do it. If you can go to chat rooms, blogs, or other interesting places and keep your website or your business name as your signature, or you can write articles and submit them. Even if that is only seen by a few people it is still a free way to advertise. You can also post your name on various threads and in various places that will allow you to post your website.

Advertising online is usually very cheap. The key is to find the places online where lots of your prospects are going to go. In order to do this, you have to be sure that you know who your demographic is and who is going to want to buy your products or services. This might require some work on your part. Once you have identified who the people are that are going to buy your products, you can advertise on these sites, quite easily and generate more traffic.

Another way to advertise cheaply is by word of mouth. This might require you to be online for a long time. Simply going to sites, talking about your business and participating in online forums is a good way to let people know about your business. This is something that requires time and energy, but in the end you will find that it is actually a very inexpensive and effective way to advertise.

IF you have the time and money, you can also advertise out in the world, not on the internet. This is something that you can do by way of posters, billboards, flyers and classified ads. The main idea is that you should find out where your prospects are going to be, and locate them, whether it is in the real world or whether it is online. Once you have located your customers, you can go ahead and start advertising in ways that they can understand, and with offers they can’t refuse!