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How to sell fitness (a guide for personal trainers)

How to Sell Fitness (a Guide for Personal Trainers)

If you’ve been a personal trainer for any length of time then you know that you need to know how to sell fitness if you really want to be successful as a personal trainer. In this report I’m going to uncover the truth about objections, what they really mean, and why some fitness professionals get them all the time.

I’ll get right to the point: 99 times out of 100 an objection is really an issue of value — or lack thereof.

The three most common objections you probably get are:

I need to think about it. I can’t afford it. I need to talk to my spouse.

In every single one of these instances your prospect is telling you that they don’t see value in what you are offering them.

This doesn’t mean that you’re not a great trainer. In fact, you may be the best fitness expert in the world, but you failed to show them value of your services as it pertain to them.

No matter what, you still need to know how to sell fitness.

See, unless you can translate your services into their wants (In other words: help them clearly understand it on their terms) they’ll never buy. Instead they’ll give you one objection after another.

When a prospect says that they need to «think about it» or » can’t afford it» what they are really saying is: «You haven’t shown me a good enough reason to exchange my money for your services. » They simply don’t see the value as it would relate to them.

There’s a big difference between a person’s ability to pay versus their desire to pay. Let me say that again in another way because it’s really important that you get it.

A prospect may have the finances and ability to afford your services. However, if they feel that you don’t have what they want then they will most likely not have the desire to pay you.

So how do you translate your services into value?

Find the prospect’s hot buttons, their emotional triggers, and their wants — that’s how to sell fitness.

Ask them why they are sitting with you today and not six months ago. Let them do the talking and encourage them to be more specific.

It’s like peeling an onion — the truth is under all of the layers and you have to peel away to get there. Ask enough questions and soon you’ll find their hot buttons. When you find those hot buttons then cater your presentation/consultation to them.

We all make our buying decision based on emotions, then we rationalize it with logic… but the decision to buy is all emotional.

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