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How to use it technologies to improve your business

How to use IT technologies to improve your business

In order to make clear, how you can use technologies – you have to pace three steps. First one is to define the way you create value – whether your business model is value creation chain, value atelier, or value production net. Then, choose of the possible ways of improving your business the most important In the end, choose the software you need.

Step 1 – define type of value creation for your business:

Examples of value creation chain are all kinds of manufactures, illustrations of value atelier are legal consultation, clinic, government structures, samples of value production net are mobile operators, financial, insurance establishments, job- , date-, freelance- portals.

Model of value chain implies, that product value is added consequently, on following stages – supply logistics, manufacture, distribution logistics, sales and marketing, maintenance. Product value depends on expenses on each stage. IT technologies  are used to reduce costs, as well as to manage customers’ information and for marketing. Technologies can also serve to make the product more technological and more up-to-date.

Value atelier , plans the operations and allocates the resources according to customers’ concerns The main resources of the company are knowledge and reputation. Technologies are implied to increase the value of decision created – through usage of past experience, computer modeling, decision support systems. Technologies can be used to verify the decision and for documental support.

Value production net is typical for the company, which creates value through integration of the customers. Unlike first two models, the value is added not by stages, but through parallel processes. The more clients have access to the company, the higher is the company’s value for the clients. Technologies are used to mange clients relationships, to realize certain services for the clients, to protect the clients’ data.

Regarding  the way that company creates value of the product, IT technologies can be used the different way. For value creation chain, they help increase rationality and effectiveness of manufacture, for the value atelier technologies add value for knowledge processing, for the value production net technologies are implied to create and support infrastructure.

 However, the decision, what kind of software is best for a certain business, is strictly individual. This decision should be based on the specific of the company’s activity, company’s issues and goals. Often IT companies are consulting their clients, using their past experience.

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