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Indian importers and exporters promote small scale industries

Indian Importers and Exporters Promote Small Scale Industries!

Major contributor to country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is Small scale and cottage industries. The products produced by small scale and cottage industries can be found in variety. Hand woven sarees, textiles, sweaters and hand made incense stick, bibelots, socks, bangles, decorative items and a range of other products are manufactured at the small scale and cottage industries. These products which are hand made are quite popular world wide. Indian importers and exporters are sought after by companies world wide for their beautiful hand made items. The capital resources invested on plant and machinery buildings have been the primary criteria to differentiate the small-scale industries from the large and medium scale industries. A higher percentage of villagers and lesser educated strata of the society depends on these cottage industries for their livelihood. An industrial unit can be categorized as a small- scale unit if it fulfils the capital investment limit fixed by the Government of India for the small-scale sector.

Any information on artisans or craftsmen can be found online. Indian exporter acts as a medium between the customers and the craftsmen. They help showcase the Indian craftsmen’s talent. Their products are on sale online and one can reach out for such items through online directories. Find online buyers and sellers for a volley of products ranging from accessories to automobiles, Gems to jewelry, apparel to machinery etc.

These artisans have immense talent and needs to be explored. Government of India realised this need and in order to encourage them they have issued grants. It is these grants that have helped in setting up more and more cottage industries which have catered to solve unemployment in the developing countries. The traditional units are highly labor consuming with their age-old machineries and conventional techniques of production resulting in poor productivity rate. Indian government has to address this issue as well. More such grants need to be provided in order to improve their machinery and train them about modern equipments too.

Most of them have become self employed and earning their own livelihood. It is the duty of Indian citizens to encourage such artisans and buy products made by them. This way you can promote such talent and avoid the death of such craftsmanship. Indian exporters are also safeguarding their interests and promoting such products in the online directory. Reaching out to talented craftsmen’s piece of art has been made much easier with the export import Indian directories.

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