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How do long lease letting schemes work

How Do Long Lease Letting Schemes Work?

If you are a struggling landlord who is fed up with the stress and strain often brought about through tenants, voids and maintenance costs then you may wish to give some consideration to lease letting schemes, but what are they?

In short, there are companies that offer long lease lettings to landlords and who will maintain your property and pay rent that is guaranteed and you are not charged anything. The scheme works by the company paying you around 70% to 80% in cash for the property, even though there is a reduction in the price you do not lose out, as with the difference the company looks after the property for you and ensures that it remains in good repair. This means that the rental money you get is all yours, there is nothing taken out of it. Plus you never have to worry again where to get the money or find the time to take care of maintenance costs that often turn up when you least expect them.

A scheme that works for everyone

Long leases work in two ways, the first is that the company is assured tenants are not going to leave the property as they find tenants wanting to rent over the long term and second the tenants have the security of knowing they have a home. When tenants feel secure, they are more likely to take great care of the property and so the company does not have the worry of high maintenance costs.

Companies offering long lease letting schemes tend to offer long-term tenants the option of being able to purchase their home at some point, which again works for all parties. Landlords are able to benefit by the company finding tenants that want long term leases, there are no management costs and landlords do not even have to have contact with tenants themselves, as the chosen company takes this over. The many challenges that landlords are faced with are thereby avoided. If you are worried about voids in tenancy or are fed up with high maintenance costs, then long lease letting schemes may be the ideal choice.

The benefits to the landlord

Such a scheme may be ideal of anyone who struggles to keep tenants for the property or who are struggling to find tenants, as the company finds tenants wishing to rent over the long term and who will therefore look after the property and not let the landlord down when it comes to rent. Here are some of the many benefits you as a landlord are able to look forward to:

* Avoiding conflicts with tenants;

* You have no more bills to pay out of your own pocket for maintenance;

* There are no more voids that cause you considerable expense;

* You are able to avoid any problems and unforeseen events;

* You do not have to worry about rent arrears.

If you wish to save yourself a great deal of stress and strain a guaranteed long lease rent scheme may be the ideal solution with all the benefits. Consider entering into a guaranteed rental agreement between three and ten years with no costs to you.

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