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How does it take to be a true lover online

How Does It Take to Be a True Lover Online?

Do not think this article is yet another traditional be caring and understanding, be a good listener etc, ect, etc type of a thing. All who are curious enough may read along and find out! Identify your own self  A quite a lot of people I know misunderstand themselves and their own feelings. They misinterpret lust for love. That should not happen to you buddies! Just spare a moment to understand what type of a person you are and what you really want in life. This make it easy for you to be yourself and express yourself more clearly to a person you won’t see physically. Are your desires clear to you? — If not, you are bound to be an online looooooser! If you don’t know what you expect from a relationship, what is the point of starting one in the first place? Just think a minute and get your desires clearly identified. Once done, express them to your partner and see whether they clash with that of your partner’s. If yes, don’t give up. Try and discuss things out. Absolutely no fighting please! Physical attraction is not all — How many of us fall for the wrongest of the wrong cos the person is the talk of the town and everyone thinks the one who gets to go out with him/her is the luckiest among all? Well…Physical attraction matters initially cos that affects the first impression. My advise for you to get to know the person well even if he/she is not among the flashiest. Identify the inner beauty and learn to appreciate it! After all, none of us would look 18 when we are 80! Keep that in mind! Nobody is perfect — It is no secret that you and I are not perfect and will never be! So what is everybodys fuss about finding a perfect partner, even, if online things are mostly unreliable? Just understand people are born with certain defects and try to tolerate tolerable ones as much as possible. That make you a more desirable partner. This is not all buddies. But these initial steps will help you to make a good start and keep it going without many flaws.

Do not think this article is yet another traditional be caring and understanding, be a good listener etc, ect, etc type of a thing. All who are curious enough may read along and find out!

Identify your own self  A quite a lot of people I know misunderstand themselves and their own feelings. They misinterpret lust for love. That should not happen to you buddies! Just spare a moment to understand what type of a person you are and what you really want in life. This make it easy for you to be yourself and express yourself more clearly to a person you won’t see physically.

Are your desires clear to you? — If not, you are bound to be an online looooooser! If you don’t know what you expect from a relationship, what is the point of starting one in the first place? Just think a minute and get your desires clearly identified. Once done, express them to your partner and see whether they clash with that of your partner’s. If yes, don’t give up. Try and discuss things out. Absolutely no fighting please!

Physical attraction is not all — How many of us fall for the wrongest of the wrong cos the person is the talk of the town and everyone thinks the one who gets to go out with him/her is the luckiest among all? Well…Physical attraction matters initially cos that affects the first impression. My advise for you to get to know the person well even if he/she is not among the flashiest. Identify the inner beauty and learn to appreciate it! After all, none of us would look 18 when we are 80! Keep that in mind!

Nobody is perfect — It is no secret that you and I are not perfect and will never be! So what is everybodys fuss about finding a perfect partner, even, if online things are mostly unreliable? Just understand people are born with certain defects and try to tolerate tolerable ones as much as possible. That make you a more desirable partner.

This is not all buddies. But these initial steps will help you to make a good start and keep it going without many flaws.

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