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Ivybot review — ivybot scam

IvyBot Review — IvyBot Scam

Ivybot is a new forex trading EA (expert advisor) that is supposed to launch officially on the 28th of July, 2009. When I received the email about the product I decided to see what exactly this software is said to be.

The official websites mentions that the Ivybot is more inclined towards the beginner trader because of it’s simplicity of setup and use. The issue of capital was also touched in the video, where it was mentioned that the software does not require a large account. I found this a bit different since majority of the other forex EA’s I have used in the past have required a start up capital running into thousands of dollars IvyBot Review.

The Ivybot is said to have been developed by a team of Ivy League graduates who have spent a long time observing the forex market, and the result of the extended observation happens to be the coming EA IvyBot Review.

Since the software is just in the pre-release date it is hard to give you any data on life trades from my side yet, except for the tests posted on the official site. But I guess we have all seen those claims before and don’t necessarily base our judgement to buy or not to buy on that. I will be going for the EA myself and will keep my findings recorded on my blog.

The Ivybot is also said to come with a lifetime update for the user as the program will continue to be updated according to market conditions IvyBot Review.

Will keep you posted. Happy Trading

Read a full insiders review here IvyBot review
Read a full insiders review here IvyBot scam
Read a full insiders review here IvyBot

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