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John C. Ernst Company Lets Pictures Do the Talking For Flow Control

“When a flow meter, level gauge or other device needs to be replaced, it needs to be done quickly,” says Ernst President, James Wolfe.  “Since our items last many years, replacement records are sometimes hard to come by.  We’ve done our best to simplify replacement,” he adds.

According to Wolfe, visitors can either select by flow control type (sight glass, sight flow indicators, flow meters and totalizers, liquid level gauges and valves, glass and gaskets, sight window, switches flow and level, ejectors and eductors) or, if they have a model number, they can go to a model number index.  With one click they can get a complete listing of the type of flow control device they need.

A click on any of the device names or model number, takes them directly to an online catalog where each item includes a picture, available sizes, features, ratings and materials.  Wolfe explains that each item is organized alongside its most closely related product.  “Even if a customer doesn’t know the model number or name of the device needed, he/she can compare the device to our pictures and ratings to find the exact match.

“If the pictures don’t work, there is a toll free number, 888-463-7678 on every one of our pages, adds Wolfe.  “We have trained customer support personnel on hand to walk customers through the approval process.  We’ll usually direct them to the product index page, then to the right portion of our catalog.  In a couple of minutes customers are comparing their device to an exact picture in our catalog.”

John C. Ernst and Company carries a complete line of flow meters, gauges, indicators and sight windows.  John C. Ernst Company is located in Sparta, NJ and can be reached at 888-463-7678 or online at www.johnernst.com.