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Hvmm 2010 — how are they going to pull this off
Hvmm 2010 — How Are They Going To Pull This Off
Do you have a Trading trainer?
In all aspects of life it often makes sense to have a trainer, mentor, coach…(whatever you want to call them) to help you with things like losing weight, doing your taxes, you name it. Trading is no different. One of the biggest hurdles to finding the trading strategy and system that’s right for you, is truly understanding the method backwards and forwards. No matter how simple a system is, if you’re not properly trained, it’s just not going to work for you. Once you’re trained and you’ve done your backtesting, trading can start to feel effortless.
These steps seem easy enough, but often in-depth training involves travel — booking a flight, renting a car, finding a hotel, taking time off work — and it can add up. Apparently the guys over at the High Velocity Market Master camp have found a way around this…
See how:
==> Sign-up for the HVMM Webinar here
I’m interested to see how the guys are going to pull this off. They’re giving all the details of the virtual training event this Wednesday, March 10th at 12:00pm EST/ 9:00am PST/ 5:00pm GMT, plus revealing the brand new HVMM 2010 system.
I’ll see you there. I have my list of questions ready for their trainers to see if they are up to the university caliber.
==> Sign-up for the HVMM Webinar here
If you’ve already reserved your spot, then catch this sneak peek at how one of their trainers puts the HVMM 2010 to the test on the EURJPY:
==> Go to HVMM Blog page
High Velocity Market Master 2010
It’s here. The next generation of simple, successful, results-oriented trading Forex, Futures, Stock & Options markets in both day and swing time frames. Increased win/loss percentage, more intuitive software, and the best support in the industry make the HVMM 2010 the ‘go-to’ solution if you’re really looking for that edge!
Even better, we’re adding an insurance policy on top… 2-day live, virtual training.
Sure, video training may work for some people… but let’s face it, not everyone learns the same way. Some traders learn the best when they’re being taught live (me included!).
Of course, the drawbacks to receiving this type of instruction is that you’re normally forced to physically go to a classroom, meeting place, or hotel to experience this university caliber instruction.
What if you could skip the headaches of booking flights, hotels and time off of work and still get the same level of live training? Impossible? It was until now!
Coming very soon, we’re hosting a live, streaming feed of our very first 100% virtual 2-day training event!
You’re going to love it — no travel arrangements necessary, no extra time or financial expense needed — you can save a tidy sum and still get the same type of classroom instruction by catching it all online.
Best of all, this is the premier of the HVMM 2010… the «next» evolution of HVMM. You’re learning the newest and most powerful system to date as we kick of this first virtual training release AND the exciting debut of the HVMM 2010.
Swing by this webinar to hear all about the newest upgrades to the system, see some simple ways on how you can INCREASE your winning edge, hear some never-revealed ‘tricks,’ and obtain the action-packed curriculum of this upcoming live 2-day virtual training event.
Is your business ready for making and listening to podcasting
Is Your Business Ready for making and listening to Podcasting?
Everyone seems to be making and listening to podcasts nowadays. At the beginning, podcasting seemed to be associated with the so-called computer geeks. These days however, it is not uncommon to see podcasts from businesses and corporations trying to widen their horizons and get a hold of a larger market. As podcasts inherently surpasses the limits of traditional broadcasting and advertising, they present a feasible alternative to businesses as a means of making their presence felt all over the world.
Could podcasts possibly be what your business needs? In order to help you answer that question, it may be helpful to first understand what a podcast can do for your business. The most obvious thing would be promotion. A podcast can serve to promote your business just like advertisements do. This application in itself covers a wide range of possibilities. You can do virtually anything on a podcast to promote your business. Diverting from the usual advertisements, you can use most any content and format to promote your business. One such example would be to offer in-depth information to your customers. They need not be overtly self-promoting but the whole effect would be to make the consumers aware of your business. If you are an educational institution for example, you may give weekly tips to students or to parents. For medical-related business, podcasts may focus on different health issues. In this way, you not only promote your business but you also provide a service to your customers. What better way to advertise your services?
An internal application of podcasting is for training. Podcasts are fast becoming a viable alternative for companies to provide training and information to their employees. Business executives often have a huge amount of work to be done at such a short period of time. With podcasts, they have a more portable way of perusing information. All you need to provide is an MP3 player (a laptop would work just as well) and anyone in your company can have access to training materials and other documents anywhere, anytime.
Of course, as with most any other commercial endeavor, using podcasts for your business will cost you some money. You need people to create podcasts on a regular basis. These people would have to know some of the technical aspects of recording and podcasting. Then you need your talents – people who would actually be recorded for the podcasts. You will have to analyze the cost benefit relationship before deciding to start a podcast for your business.
There are some ways to offset the cost of creating a podcast. If you are making podcasts for your customers, you may opt to charge a small fee for each download. You can also choose to provide a subscription service wherein the listener will receive the podcasts in their emails regularly for a fee. Of course, this might be not be the best option as people prefer not having to pay for podcasts.
Whatever you decide to do, the bottom line is to create podcasts that will serve their purpose. Be it for consumer awareness, added customer service, or employee training, your podcasts should have relevant content packaged in an appropriate manner. Even if you shell out money for this project, the returns may be more than what you expect!
How to make it in an online business
How To Make It In An Online Business
If you are working in a company that does not offer its services or products online, then you’re definitely living in the Stone Age. Businesses today realize that in order to stay competitive, they have to communicate with today’s audience who do business primarily online. Running an online business means that you can participate in the global market. And having a global audience means that your store is up and running twenty four hours every day and seven days of the week. While your customers from New York might be sleeping, those from Beijing would surely be awake. Therefore an online business is one that never sleeps. It is one that is always on call by customers. As such, an online business must be manned 24/7, keeping a close watch on potential business.
In managing an online business, communication is important. Using email and instant messaging as a form of communication between you and your staff will surely be beneficial. There are also different technologies such as the VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) that enables you to talk with your business partners and your staff from all over the world quite effortlessly. But since you and your associates live in different time zones it is important to set up a specific time of the day when you can communicate with them about the updates and different issues that your business face today and what they need to do about it. You should make sure that they follow your instruction and schedule strictly.
Meetings are also a must for online businesses. Meetings are where you’ll know the issues hounding your employees and problems that the business is facing. To be able to save on time and effort, online businesses today can meet in an online virtual conference room. This will eradicate the need for physical space and manual preparations. «Increasingly, conferences and other collaboration projects are moving from the brick-and-mortar world to the online realm, where video and Web technologies are reaching new heights in convenience and usability.» (http://www.pctoday.com May 2007 Vol.5 Issue 5)
Another way to survive online is to build up your brand! Yes, brand is important even though you’re on the World Wide Web. Building your brand means providing good products, fast services, and pleasant experiences to your customers. Yes, you’ll definitely want your customers to have pleasant experiences. Remember, word spreads fast on the Internet. If you have one customer who had a not-so-good time in dealing with your online business and spreads the rumour, then chances are your business reputation will be ruined. Jeff Bezos, the founder of http://Amazon.com understands this when he quoted «If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.»
Don’t forget that your website is the face of your online business. Surviving in the online world means that your online business must be able to keep up with the latest technology. And in designing your storefront always keep navigation in mind. A potential customer would not want to click through twenty different web pages just to buy a certain product. The keyword for an online business on website design is Simplicity.
Surviving your online business is challenging. Everyday, there are thousands of companies going online and millions of individuals setting up an online business. Ultimately, the key is to success in this endeavor is to love what you do. After all, not everyone gets to touch lives in a global scale.