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Is national certification worth it

Is National Certification Worth It?

          What started out six years ago as a simple quest to become «qualified» to manage the activity department at a local Rehab has developed into a pursuit for «self».  Back then, I spent several weeks exploring my options and discovering resources for my new found profession.  The lure of being a nationally «certified» activity professional not just a «qualified» director won out. 

            I got an application and began to fulfill the requirements.  I found the nearest «certified trainer» to me was two hours away, halfway across the state.  Nonetheless, I contacted her and made arrangements to take the basic course with her, because that was all that was required on my national application.

            Eight weeks later, I had my certificate of completion in hand, and was in route to fulfilling the required hours of service, and getting transcripts from my alma mater.  Two years pass as I earned the 4,000 hours required.  Alas, with all my paperwork in hand, I mailed my application out.

            Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I accepted a new position at a manor very near my house.  One day, after I started, I got a call from National Headquarters.  They had received my application, but it was incomplete.  I was missing the advanced course work.

            It seemed that somewhere between me getting my original application and my submitting it, they had changed their requirements to include the advance course as mandatory for all certifications.  It was part of an initiative to improve the educational system by which they wanted recognition.

            I accepted their offer of provisional certification.  The stipulation:  I was required to complete the advance course within four years.  So I once again set out to find a «certified trainer» to teach me part two, the advanced course.  I found one, this time she was half a continent away.  We made arrangements and I completed the course.  Nine months later with my certificate of completion in hand and seeing that I only need to complete an additional 200 hours of consulting experience, I chose to jump to the head of the class and get the top of the line certification available.

            Well, National Headquarters «lost» all of my consulting hours, documentation, and pages from my application are missing.  Sure they gave me the «certified» activity professional credentials I wanted four years prior, but that wasn’t what I had spent the past year dedicating my life to.  Phone calls were made, the executive wasn’t available, wouldn’t be for several more days.  She’d return my call on Tuesday morning.  Tuesday morning comes and goes.  I called back, no, sorry the executive makes this decision, can you remind me again what this is about, I talk to 50 people a day and can’t keep it straight.  She’ll return your call.  The classic run-around.

            So I question is national certification worth it?

            At this point, no.

            Easily putting sour-grapes aside, not being disgruntled, harboring no ill-will, I ask:  is national certification worth it?  Compared to what?   I could have settled for being «qualified», but I wanted more than that.  I could have pursued state certification, but I wanted to be better than that.

            Don’t get me wrong, I took the courses with some very remarkable instructors.  They helped me change the direction of my career.  They helped me become a better business leader.  I don’t need some «higher authority» to validate what I know, or what I know I can do.  I don’t need a piece of paper with initials stamped on it that I can use after my name.  I am just as good with it as without it.  What makes them so important?

            I ask this of the state level also.  What makes the state association so important?  It is a professional association.  Kind of like a pro-golfers association.  Sure you look good by being a member, but in the end, that’s all you are, a member.  They don’t license you to be a golfer, they can’t discipline misconduct.  All they can really do is take your money and say you’re a «certified» member and at worse revoke your membership.  It is not like the state or national certifying association is a state or federal agency.  We are not licensed by any one.  So who are they to say I am «certified»?

            How does being nationally «certified» improve my lot in life?  A certification indicates that a minimum of qualifications have been met.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re good at what you do.  It doesn’t even mean career advancement.  In my case, I am already at the top of the ceiling; there is no room for advancement.

            So why pursue national certification?   For me, it’s a milestone; a feather in my cap; proof of my unrelenting pursuit for self-improvement; a desire to show others that with a lot of hard work you can make a difference in your own life.  And with a difference in your own life, you can make a difference in someone else’s life.  And so on, and so on.  It has to start somewhere; I am always willing to be the one to step up.

            I do not need validation of an outside agency to know what I know.  I don’t need validation of an outside agency to do what I do.  I meet minimum state and federal guidelines to be «qualified» to manage my activities department.  The certificates of completion from continuing education classes and conferences and training courses do the same thing.

            So why pursue national certification?

            Because at the moment that’s all there is.  And because they claim to stand for the same things I believe.  They are fighting the good fight to improve educational requirements, improve our standing in the healthcare community, but they are standing in my way.  I am sure that for every one of me that gets rubbed the wrong way, gets our nose bent out of shape, there are dozens upon dozens upon dozens of other who have had the most remarkable, joyful experience ever.  God bless them.  But this isn’t about how we are treated, this isn’t about pointing fingers and saying you did this or you did that.  It’s about self improvement.  It’s about validating yourself.  The goal was never the certification; it was the journey to getting there.  That has been the most remarkable journey imaginable.  I would never have taken this journey if the goal weren’t to become nationally certified.  But the journey, and the people I have met along the way, is what’s important.  It is what changed my life.

            Is national certification worth it?

            I don’t know.

            I haven’t gotten there yet.  Maybe someday I’ll be able to look back and say it was all worth it.  I doubt it.  But the journey…

            Yes, the journey to pursue national certification was worth every painful paper cut, sleepless night, mad dash to a deadline, soul searching moment. 

            Yes, the pursuit for national certification is worth it.  That little piece of paper at the end, I can take it or leave it.  It is just another mile marker in my life that says I was here, I did this.

            If when the dust settles and everything clears up and they offer me my advanced certification, will I accept it?  Sure.  Gladly.  And be an asset to their team.  But I already am.  I just don’t have a key to the executive washroom.  And that’s okay.  My journey isn’t complete, even with certification, my journey won’t be complete.  My journey will never be complete.

            Is national certification worth it?

            To some yes, to many, perhaps, to me, I don’t know.  I guess it’s the wrong question.  Is going through nearly a year long process to become a better professional worth it?  Absolutely.  And getting certification too would just gravy on top.

            I absolutely recommend pushing your comfort level.  I absolutely recommend you tackle educational pursuits.  I absolutely recommend that you better yourself professionally and be more than merely «qualified».  I absolutely recommend that you be the best you you can be and the road to national certification is a great place to learn who you really are, what you can really do and what you are really about.

            And having that little slip of paper with initials that you can use after your name may not be that important.  It’s up to you.  I don’t know.  I’ll let you know if I ever get mine.

How to get high distinctness exactness test equipments

How to get high distinctness exactness Test Equipments

Products 4 testing is highly reputed and renowned goal to find the superior value pat testing equipment, electrical test equipment and other high definition test equipment and plans. The companies also are the permitted licensee by the local electrical authority to supply the top branded high standard pat tester like Fluke, seaward, etc. They also stock the spares of all their pat equipments so that if any equipment or device is damaged due to the mistreatment by its user, it could be repaired with an instantaneous effect providing the innovative spared from the producer.
Right from the foundation of the venture, the company has stressed more on providing only the improved worth pat testing equipments and the electrical accessories that are manufactured by the enhanced brands from all across the country. Each of the testing equipments offers by the company is ensured against condition like fault while operating, etc. and presents the undisputed perfect outcome of the tests. The companies also proffer the sales amenities to the customers for all the equipments and thus have the trained professionals from the maker of the appliances so that they can perform the repairing work easily. They also stock every type of electrical fixtures and accomplices to meet any requirement of their reputed regulars.
Product4testing also accepts the contracts to test the workmanship and order of portable appliance being used everywhere at corporate, industrial, public and domestic sector. The company is the largest stocker of all the regular <a href=»http://www.products4testing.co.uk/»>pat testers</a> and the testing accessories created by the preeminent brands like the fluke testers, Seawards etc. so as to become the solid backbone of their dear clients during the diverse emergency cases. Hence, to overcome the rising require of the regulars for the diverse products, the company has have started its website that comprises of all its detailed information for all the types of products with their item numbers, status of availability and their prices.
Thus to perform these tests, the company has a team of trained who are skilled to test all the portable equipments. Since they are reputed licensee for the pat testing, they also conduct training sessions to train new electricians and also provide certificates to them on the successful completion of the course. Also, with the fresh developing technological innovations taking place, we see novel new inventions being created everyday in the numerous fields which we add in our venture to renovate its operations in the field of pat testing. With this, things have now become easy for the remote regulars to order things at their door steps in the shortest time interval. The website is highly significant for all the overseas regulars who wish to place an order for any of the pat devices according to their requirement and can also select the mode of expense given by the website. All their assortment of test equipments are very handy and straightforward to exercise without any fuss and being sold at the most affordable rate in the bazaar.

How to organize your residential lease agreement

How to Organize Your Residential Lease Agreement

If you are not sure how to organize your residential lease agreement or what parts to include, this is a really indispensable guidebook to assist you with that.  This manual is additionally beneficial for property owners that have not rented formerly, so they are aware of what to anticipate.

Understand that there are no cut and dry regulations for the way a residential lease agreement is designed to be parceled, although nearly all residential lease agreements do look like each other most of the time.

The 1st issue written down in a residential lease agreement is the property manager’s specifics.  This will lay out their address and contact specifics.

The 2nd point printed is commonly recognized as «Terms of Use».  These conditions lay out: Whether or not the property manager lets sub-letters, specifics concerning parking and whether it is allowable for the renter to operate a home based small business out of the location.

The 3rd detail printed is the occupant’s specifics.  This will lay out their brand new address (the address of the rental) and all other related contact information. Now and again, if a co-signer is looked-for to close the deal on the residential lease agreement, the specifics of the co-signers could also be integrated here.

The 4th factor is the duration of the lease.  Possibilities for this lay out fixed terms: Such as 1 year or 2 years or noting if this residential lease agreement is on a week to week arrangement.  Items such as whether or not the lease will end at the conclusion of the fixed term or consequentially renew will also be integrated in this section of the residential lease agreement.

The 5th situation listed is the rent amount, the time it must be received and the location to send off the rent money.  Other specifics here can lay out specifics on the subject of your security money (amount, whether it is refundable or not and how much time the property manager has to deliver it upon vacancy).  This is generally where specifics about a pet and whether or not a animal deposit is required.

The 6th thing is a record of applicable fees: Late fees, returned payment fees (i.E. NSF checks).

The 7th point is an outline of the maintenance and mending, especially who is going to tend towhat.  If a residential lease agreement is current and not a version discovered at an office depot, you are going to also come across a list of appliances that are on hand with the residence as well as who to make contact with in case any of them break down.

The 8th thing is all the applicable specifics that pertain to the unit’s power and who is to pay what.

The next detail in any expert residential lease agreement contains addendums, disclosures and any other specifics a property manager feels is essential enough to disclose.  Some examples of addendums are: Animal agreement, military clauses about ending the lease early and the housing authority arrangements.  Some samples of disclosures: Lead-based paint, mold and asbestos.  Information papers lay out: What to do in case of an crisis, a salutation memo and vicinity maps.

Lastly, if you are using a state specific and legal residential lease agreement, there will be many other areas that ought to be included.  These areas include: Right of entry (giving the property manager certain rights to go into your unit in emergency situations or with proper advanced notice.), whether or not renter’s insurance is required to rent the residence, as well as property manager remedies in case there is a breach of any conditions of the lease by the renter.

You want to ensure you are using a legal residential lease agreement.  There are many forms you can come across online that are not specific to your state and are not legal.  As a property manager, it is crucial that you include the legal terms and conditions for the state or principality that your apartment is located in.

Know how canadian pardons can get you rid of your unjust criminal records

Know How Canadian Pardons can Get You Rid of Your Unjust Criminal Records

In Macbeth, William Shakespeare rightly says, «This even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips». This quote is very much true about crime and consequence in the real life. Crimes are surely followed by bitter consequences. The past criminal record of a person may be the bane of his present life and future prospects. It follows him at the heels wherever he goes. It puts his social status and professional reputation at stake. Though you have suffered just punishment for a criminal offence, the criminal record an indelible disgrace haunts you like an unpleasant dream. Here lies the necessity of Canadian pardons to help you live a normal life keeping your criminal record aside.

Canadian pardons are like a breath of fresh air for those who have long been under trauma due to their criminal record. If you have ever been charged of a criminal offence and therefore, fingerprinted, your name remains in the list of criminal records. Even if you have been graced with discharge, a non-conviction criminal record remains behind you. The criminal record makes it difficult to have a police clearance. Canadian pardons will get you rid of such unjust blemish on your forehead.

Canadian pardons come with character reference letters. A character reference letter is utterly crucial to relieve you of your criminal record. It will purge you of your past criminal offence, wipe out your criminal record and stamp your character with mark of good conduct as well as morality. The process of acquiring character reference letters is too tortuous for a common man to undergo. The applications for character reference letters are reviewed by the National Parole Board, an independent administrative tribunal with absolute authority to grant or deny Canadian pardons according to the Criminal Records Act and the Criminal Code of Canada. You need legal guidance to undergo the process smoothly.

Canadian pardons come to fruition when they are accompanied by U.S. waivers. Without U.S. waiver, a Canadian pardon is not enough to eliminate your name from the Border Services database and the records of the U.S. Customs. May be, your name is in their database because of your previous convictions and charges in Canada. Some minor offences like trespassing, juvenile delinquency, driving under alcoholic influence, etc. are little considerable for the U.S. Customs to allow you entry to the country. You will be denied entry if you have ever been convicted with a crime of moral depravity like fraud, blackmail, trafficking, drug possession etc. the persons like you who have been the victims of non-conviction criminal records need waivers along with Canadian pardons for U.S.