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Introduction to epoxy garage floor coatings

Introduction to epoxy garage floor coatings

Garages are not given much importance when it comes to home improvement. Many homeowners treat it as a wasteland. But if you wish, this place can become a delightful place to spend your leisure time or to store your valuable possessions. But if you see most of the homeowners store their prized automobiles and ATV’s in these places. You can keep your garage clean and tidy by installing garage floor coatings. This will protect and look great in your garage. Garage floor coatings are available in many colors; you can also add flaking materials to give it a classier look. These can extend the life of your garage floor and can be cleaned easily. Auto shop keepers are primary users of this product. Several types of garage floor coatings are available in the market, most popular being epoxy based paints. The four types of garage floor coatings are Epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic sealer and latex.
Epoxy garage floor coatings are highly durable, lasts for many years and can make your garage look good and valuable too. These are resistant to stains, corrosions and cracks. The durability of epoxy floor coatings depends on the way it is applied on the floor. You can install it on your own or hire a professional. The first step is clean the floor properly. The floor should be free from dirt and debris so that paint can be applied properly on the floor. Before deciding to apply garage floor paint, apply a concrete solution so that the paint can stick to the concrete better. Before applying the epoxy paint, it would be better if you put a coat of primer on the floor. The primer will make it easy to apply the epoxy paint. For more durability, if you put two to three coatings of epoxy paint in your garage floor, it will look nice for many years. Maintenance work is not much. But do clean and wash it at regular intervals. If not, the paint will stick on the floor and cannot be removed easily. Another drawback is that it can turn yellowish in color when exposed to sunlight. Temperature is also considered when applying the paint. Before parking your vehicle wait for at least 24-48 hours.

Latex is considered the cheapest option when compared to epoxy and polyurethane. Polyurethane won’t become yellowish in color when exposed to sunlight. The finished result is durable and has a very high gloss. Before applying polyurethane, apply a coat of epoxy primer on the floor so that it bonds well.

How do you get the best of catering supplies

How Do You Get The Best Of Catering Supplies?

One of the most competitive businesses nowadays is the catering business. One needs to work hard to become successful in this area. There is no doubt that there are tons of competitors in this field and that you should plan out every solution that may help you in decreasing your cost. This is the main reason why you need to get your catering supplies at the lowest cost possible with good quality.

First of all, you may try to find the best deal over the Internet. Since the business is managed online, the cost of management is definitely lower. However, make sure you request for all the samples and make a wise comparison before choosing the right company. Do not rush yourself into getting one.

You are advised to enter a partnership agreement for long term business with your main catering suppliers. With this, you will be able to enjoy special rates from the suppliers on regular basis. You may be able to decrease your cost by getting cheap supplies which are not good in quality, but you may also lose your customers to this point as your service is no longer good. Therefore, it is essential for both cost and quality to be taken into consideration when purchasing your catering supplies.

Determining the quantity of supplies that you need at a particular time is very important. Make sure you have adequate stock on hand all the times to avoid missing out business opportunities. Plan your stocks properly as excess stocks will also cause you problems. You will need to keep those ingredients over a certain period of time. This will eventually decrease your stock’s quality. On to of that, your total fixed cost may increase as you need to have bigger stores to keep your excessive supplies.

These are among the tips to get the best catering supplies as well as to minimize your cost without compromising its quality.