Свежие записи

Learn how to recognize some of the signs that your job may be in danger

Learn How to Recognize Some of the Signs that Your Job May Be in Danger

There are very few Americans in today’s economy that are not worried about their job. Unemployment is higher than it has been in any time in recent history. Businesses all over the country are either closing or down sizing. In this article I will give you some tips on how to recognize that you could possibly be in jeopardy of losing your job.

How to: Avoid Getting Fired

First, the economy in your area is very bad and your company has decided to cut jobs in order to save the company. Can the company live without your position.

Advice about: Landing the Perfect Job

Second, do you bring money into the company or does your job cost the company money. If you are in a sales position and are bringing in business your job is usually safe. If your position is costing the company money and doesn’t realize much revenue because of your service. You may want to be checking your options.

Third, can your position be replaced by an automated system. This is something we are seeing all the time now. More work can be done faster and cheaper.

Fourth, if you feel that management is keeping you out of the loop of their future plans. This could be because you are not part of their future plans.

Lastly, if you find yourself in a position where they are taking responsibilities away from you and your boss is not complementing you on your skills. It has been a long time since you have been included in a meeting on new projects or the direction in which the company is going.

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