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How to find a really good cosmetic surgeon

How to find a really good cosmetic surgeon

It is good to begin searching for a cosmetic surgeon by asking from referrals, but remember to use what you learn only as a starting point for your own research. It might not be the best idea to ask for a referral from your family doctor, as they are not professional researchers. Ask friends who were satisfied with their results, but keep in mind that what they thought of as great might not be right for you. The best person to start with is probably your cosmetologist. Since they are in the business of appearance, they have most likely seen the work of many different plastic surgeons, and have a decent understanding of what is high and low quality. Another place to begin is the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, which certifies surgeons working exclusively in facial and reconstructive surgery. To cast a wider net, do not be afraid to use the Internet, the Yellow Pages, or a professional network.

Once you have a few names, go to each surgeon and have a conversation. Do not be intimidated and do not feel obligated to choose them. This is your body, not theirs. Tell your candidate exactly what your concerns are, and find out how they can be fixed. Ask for specifics on what will happen during the operation, what the side effects/dangers could be, and how long the recovery process will take. Make sure you know what the financial costs will be, and find out fi your insurance covers the operation.

While you are conducting the interview, you should take some time to find out what your doctor’s experience is. You need to know how good they are at what you need. Ask to see before and after pictures of people with your specific problem. If the doctor can not fulfill your request, it is probably best for you to move on. It is very important for you to have evidence of your surgeon’s work, as their “on paper” information can only prove their ability to a certain extent. If you feel uneasy about the surgeon after conducting the interview and seeing the photographs, ask if they can provide references. Speaking to past patients can alleviate some of your concerns.

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