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How unique business cards can better your small business

How Unique Business Cards Can Better Your Small Business

When it comes to evaluating their use as a basic marketing tool that can bring important attention to your company, the effectiveness of standard business cards is well established. Although business cards can be a very effective marketing tool, more effort needs to be made to make business cards unique so that they will stand out above the crowd of standard, basic cards that are prominent.

Creating a unique business card can further your brand recognition and increase the trust that customers have for your organization. However, there are many pitfalls when it comes to designing a unique card, as the great reward that comes with a successful card is matched by risk in that the card could fall flat with many individuals. Be sure to follow these simple rules when working to achieve specific goals with a unique business card.

Creating brand recognition is one of the benefits of a unique business card. Going all out in creating brand recognition can draw immense attention to your card and your business, and make it very memorable. Standard, basic business cards that are often used will generally feature a picture of the company’s logo, and maybe have a slogan on it to help consumers recognize the brand.

By creating a unique business card, you are creating a unique identity for your brand. Be sure, however, to keep in mind what would be accepted as “professional” in your field. Being unique is great, but that trait must be kept in check by professionalism, or the idea will fall apart. From there, do not just settle for simply a logo and a slogan, create a company color scheme.

Everything that comes out of your business, be it products or letterhead, should feature the same three or four unified colors. Think about popular brands and major corporations, the vast majority of these businesses have colors that you associate with them. Settle on colors that go well with your logo and are representative of your personal vision for the company, and use that to further establish your brand. Also decide on an artistic style that you will use to unify those colors, your logo, any geometric designs or basic templates that you use on the card. Even the font type and size should fit within the limitations of that style.

Another way to increase brand recognition through your business card is to change the shape or material of your card to express what you do as a company. For instance, a metalworking company could design a card made out of light metal with all the important details engraved in it. In order to stand out, some companies opt for a square business card instead of a rectangular one. This unique presentation may be just the thing that will make it stand out from all of the other companies. Make sure that every element of your card (the logo, color, text, shape and size) reinforces the identity of your brand while remaining professional. If this can be done your brand identity will be brought more into focus and should be easier to remember.

Developing the trust of potential customers is just as important as gaining brand recognition. It can be difficult for a small business to compete with the established reputations of larger corporations. Finding a way to personally gain the trust of consumers is a pursuit which should be integrated into all marketing efforts.

Though a unique business card can help individuals remember your company, it is less likely gain trust, unless your brand is well established. Trust can begin to be cultivated, however, by turning your basic business card into an abbreviated version of your resume. By choosing a few of your most important credentials and putting them on your card shows any prospective customer your personal history, and a few good reasons why they should trust you. Adding this information helps to make you more transparent to the consumers, and in doing so makes you and your business seem personal, human and trustworthy.

A personal touch and a local presence are among the more common reasons why small businesses are attractive to many over large establishments. A business card that takes steps to create this trust can do wonders. A few important details in the bottom corner of the card, or perhaps on the back, is a good place to start. Otherwise keep things very basic, because too much art and text will make the card seem cluttered.

Unique business cards are a great way to set your company apart from the myriad of other businesses that offer similar services. A good card can increase brand recognition or work to create trust. Maintain the highest standards of professionalism, stand out from the crowd with a unique business card, and you will be well on your way to creating a brand identify and gaining the trust of consumers.

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