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I was scammed 37 times, don’t get scammed

I Was Scammed 37 Times, Don’t Get Scammed

….Wouldn’t it be nice to make a bundle of money quickly, with minimal effort, working at home in your pajamas? Of course it would. I for one would love to have money flowing into my bank account, working only a few hours a week from home, so I’d have more time to spend with my kids & my husband.

I began looking for «work at home» opportunities to make money on the internet a little over a year ago when the company I worked as a manager for 8 years went out of business and I lost my job. I had a good secure job, I thought, with a reputable company until one day out of the blue I was told to clean out my desk because the company is shutting down and I am losing my job.

Just like that, my $87,000 a year salary that took me 8 years to get, was gone and I started to panic. I knew I would not be able to find another job that would pay me $87,000/year. So I started to look for ways to make money on the internet instead of looking for another job.

I spent the next 6 months trying almost every work at home business opportunity online and offline and was ready to give up and quit and go try and find a real job.

I was disgusted with 99% of what I found. Many of the owners actually boasted about how many people bought their useless programs. I repeatedly found:

outdated information

non working links

links leading to other sites that asked for more money

no help section

no real email support

no refunds

I was scammed by 37 different «get rich quick schemes» and I lost over $7700 in 6 months. And it seemed everyone of those so called money making programs all said the same thing «they were going to help me make a lot of money without having any experience and costing basically no money » I was desperate at this point and I had to create an income quick, I had no other choice.

Even though I thought most of these programs were probably scams, I tried them anyway. There was this voice inside of me that knew that if just one of these programs worked for me, then that is all it would take.

Out of the 37 programs that I tried, 34 were complete scams that just took my money and were useless. Surprisingly, while sifting through all of the scam artist’s websites, I was able to locate a few individuals that actually ran legitimate programs. Only 3 of the programs that I tried actually worked and made me money and a profit.

Below, I am going to give you an honest review of the 3 programs that did work for me. Now although you might not make as much money as fast as they say you will, you will make money if you follow their steps.

Below is my brutally honest opinion about each program. If you are looking at any other program besides these three you are most likely wasting your time, because I have tried them all and these are the only 3 that work.

Well my search for legitimate Get Rich Quick programs has come to an end. I have to say I was thoroughly disappointed with most of what I found, and I strongly advise that you do not take chances joining any programs OTHER THAN the three listed below!

Whatever you do, I wish you a healthy, prosperous year for you & yours.

All the best.


No1 ==> http://tinyurl.com/2kbrgg

No2 ==> http://tinyurl.com/2zmkjh

No3 ==> http://tinyurl.com/2dngcw

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