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Integrated lead generation – use multi-channel approach for marketing

Integrated Lead Generation – Use Multi-channel Approach for Marketing

No one in the print and mail world is denying the benefits of the internet and online marketing channels.  However, smart marketers who understand their prospects also realize that putting all of their marketing budgets into an online environment can be a costly mistake.  
To truly get the most bang for your marketing dollar, you need to stick with the tried and true approach of an integrated plan.  With the barrage of marketing messages hitting your target audience every day, creating a plan that features different channels – both on- and off-line – will greatly improve your chances for success.
Further, you can use both online and off-line direct mail channels to work together.  For example, if you are launching a new B:B lead generation campaign featuring a limited time offer, you could use a teaser email as a first touch, highlighting some of the key product benefits and features, while encouraging recipients to be on the lookout for a valuable offer in the mail.  Then, when that direct mail piece arrives, the call-to-action could direct the recipient to a personal URL where pre-filled form and data capture would occur.
Obviously, if the recipient takes the time to open and click-through the teaser email, they can go through the same experience and you can eliminate the second direct mail touch, but since email inboxes are so cluttered today, the teaser email often times can act as more of a brand impression and «heads-up» that helps trigger a reminder for the recipient when the direct mail piece arrives.
Again, with the thousands of marketing messages pounding consumers daily, the best way to stand out and get noticed is through the use of an integrated, multi-touch approach.

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