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Its weight in gold

Its Weight in Gold

Li Qiangong, styled Mian,( http://www.designer-cheap.com/) was once the Military Commander of Fengxiang Prefecture! A farmer from one of the Districts under the Prefecture found a large earthen jar full of gold pieces in the shape of horse shoes. The gold was taken to the District Magistrate. The Magistrate was afraid lest the official storehouse could not provide sufficient security so he put it in his private chambers. After two nights he went to inspect the jar and found only pieces of earth.At the time the gold in the jar was dug up, all the people from the surrounding villages came to look and they examined the gold. As a result, when the news that the gold had changed into earth became known, everyone was amazed. The matter was reported to the Prefecture authorities. The Magistrate could not defend himself and was forced to submit a false confession to the effect that he had replaced the gold with earth. Though most of the paperwork was complete the hiding place of the gold was not discovered. The case was reported to the high-ranking officials. Li Qiangong read the file and was furious. He happened to mention this case in a banquet and all those present were bemused. At that time Prime Minister Yuan was in the Prefecture. He bowed his head and said nothing.On being inquired by Li, Yuan said, «I suspect there has been an injustice in this matter.»»There were witnesses,» Li pointed out, «it is not as if the judge did not make investigations.»»Yes, you are right,» replied Yuan.They went to the official tribunal and examined the earthern jar. It was stuffed with over two hundred and fifty lumps of earth. Gold pieces were sought from the many shops of the region and these were melted down so that the quantity was equivalent to that of the pile of earth. When only half the gold was weighed, it came up to three hundred catties. Enquiries were made concerning the manpower used to transport the jar to the Magistrate. When Wu Xingde was the Governor of Luoyang, (http://www.watchescat.com/)the eastern capital, there were laws prohibiting the private transportation of salt. If a person could catch anyone transporting over one catty of salt without official permission, he would receive a big reward. At that time, many desperadoes made use of this law to frame people.A certain village boy often carried a load of vegetables into the city. One day he met a nun on the way. She was from east of the river and they kept each other company. When they were near the city, the nun hurried in front of him and entered the gate. After a little while, the guards at the gate searched the boy and found several catties of salt in his basket of vegetables. The boy was bound and taken to the Prefecture authorities.Wu Xingde took the salt and examined it. The salt was wrapped in a white silk handkerchief which had a strong fragrance. Wu was very surprised.»This village boy is dressed in rags. His clothes could not be more tattered. How could he possess a fragrant handkerchief such as this? This must be the work of crooks.»»Did you walk with anyone after you left home?» Wu asked the boy.The boy told him what happened. Wu Xingde was delighted.»I’ve got it. This must be a plot between a nun from the Tiannii Convent and the guard at the city. gate. They hope to earn some easy money by getting the reward.» Hot summer, Chaner kept shouting in the trees: «cicadas, cicada,» leaves, grass lit by the sun hung his head, and all life are no alternative but to endure. Only pond, the fields, the stream of small water droplets do not want to endure, come together to talk the summer somewhere. One of the small water droplets, said: «Yesterday, when it rains from the heaven, where the partnership that they can be cool, and they have become water vapor has returned.» They talk a good range of small water droplets are on the sun-baked into a the water vapor, embarked on a summer’s journey to heaven. Along the way, the small drop their eyes to see, however, and there are high-rise buildings, They discovered that two fanners carried it using a thick bamboo as a carrying pole. Considering the amount of gold involved it was beyond the strength of two men to lift the load. It was obvious that the gold had already ‘changed’ into earth on the road. Everybody was convinced and the Magistrate was exonerated.( http://www.top-watches-brand.com/)

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