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How to improve the look of your garage floor

How To Improve the Look of Your Garage Floor

Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Atma

When we think about concrete floors we tend to remember Dad’s garage floor — all gray and boring except for the oil spills where the automobile was parked. But with some imagination and the use of modern treatments for concrete, it is now a glamorous alternative to other types of contemporary flooring.

Concrete Polished is a suitable product for all types of applications. Domestic uses include patios, external courtyards, entertainment areas, rumpus rooms and garages, while in the commercial arena the uses are almost endless. Showrooms, restaurants, supermarkets, warehouses and factories, instead of using the traditional tiles/carpet combination, are discovering the delights of glistening polished concrete floors.

What are the advantages over traditional flooring?

Concrete is already one of the most widely used building materials, and can be customized to suit any environment. Once concrete is polished many other advantages become evident. It is:

— Hard wearing.
— Resistant to heat, UV rays and discoloration from oil and hydraulic fluid spills, tyre marks etc.
— Abrasion resistant — especially useful in industrial applications.
— Light reflective, thus creating a light and bright environment for work or play.
— Dust resistant, making it essential flooring for asthmatics and hay fever sufferers.
— Glossy without being slippery.
— Easy to clean — no rugs, mats or carpets to store dust and dirt.
— Extremely low maintenance — concrete polished once, just clean and forget.
— Energy efficient. It is cool in summer as the concrete absorbs ground moisture, keeping it cool — during the winter months, once heated the thermal mass retains heat for longer periods than other surfaces such as tiles ot timber.

How is polished concrete made?

When you take normal concrete and apply a special finishing process which results in a glossy sheen this is called ‘Polished Concrete’.

How long does it take?

Depending on the size of the area, and the condition of the concrete, it takes 3 to 4 days for a typical domestic application. Getting a great result for the new polished concrete floor is a bit like getting a great result when painting a house. It all depends on the preparation, and if the concrete is in good condition, the first day may be taken up diamond grinding to expose stone or salt and pepper look. Over the next two days expect to see uv polyurethane top coats with non slip if required.

For some minor disruption to the usual routine, the reward on the final day will be a glorious polished concrete floor — gleaming, clean, easy to maintain, very long wearing. and be the envy of family, friends and neighbors alike.

International finance–“source one international”– (carry trade unwinds)

International Finance–“Source One International”– (Carry Trade Unwinds)..

“Source One International” analysts believe that the so-called “carry trade” in the US dollar has begun to unwind but urged clients to refrain from bailing out of stocks pending a possible stall in the currency’s rally in early 2010.

The firm believes that the rally may be due, in part, to fund managers and traders wishing to square their books and take profits off the table heading into the Christmas break and adds that the relatively mild sell off in equities and commodities may be a significant indicator to the strength of the dollar’s apparent renaissance.

Gold has sold off significantly since the dollar began its ascent going from $1225 to $1100 an ounce in less than two weeks but “Source One International” analysts suggest that it is too soon to speculate on a price target. Support at $1100 has held well with plenty of buyers being found.

“Source One International” apparently believes that gold may reach $1800 per ounce in 2010 as the global economy faces the threat of a double-dip recession and the potential for additional money printing by global central banks.

The firm also believes that the resilience of mining stocks to gold’s sell off is encouraging and urged clients to hold for instructions.
Gold stocks have rallied strongly over the last 3-6 months as gold has increased in value and, according to the “Source One International” analysts, remain an excellent play on the long term bull trend in the precious metal.

“Source One International”: World reminded of oil’s vulnerability to geo-political tensions.

“Source One International” analysts reminded its clients this month that in addition to the pressure from mounting demand from nations undergoing fragile economic recoveries, the price of oil remains highly vulnerable to tensions in the Middle East.

Sources close to the Asian-based investment boutique say that the latest client email apparently highlighted news that Iranian military forces had occupied an area around an Iraqi oil field and erected their national flag. The incident helped spur a significant rally in the price of oil which, at one point, bridged the $75 a barrel mark.

“Source One International” believes that the incident is likely to pass without major incident but reiterated its advice to clients to invest in selected oil producers and explorers for a leveraged play on the secular bull market in crude.

The “Source One International” email reportedly suggested that what it called the “Iran issue” was unlikely to fade in the months going forward given the recalcitrant stance of the Iranian leadership. It added that the strong recovery in the emerging markets combined with a US dollar in a long-term downtrend would continue to add to the upward pressure on oil and that this would inevitably culminate in a return to $100 a barrel oil prices.

John wood group plc — oil & gas — deals and alliances profile—aarkstore enterprise market research aggregation

John Wood Group Plc — Oil & Gas — Deals And Alliances Profile—Aarkstore Enterprise Market Research Aggregation


John Wood Group plc — Oil & Gas — Deals and Alliances Profile is an essential source for company data and information. The profile examines the company’s key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy as well as highlighting the company’s major recent financial deals.
John Wood Group PLC (John Wood) provides energy services across the world. It offers a variety of production support, engineering, maintenance management and industrial gas turbine overhaul and repair services to the oil & gas and power generation industries worldwide. The company operates in 46 countries in North America, Europe and the rest of the world. John Wood operates in three areas, namely, engineering & production facilities, well support and gas turbine services.
And More inside the report…
Recent Developments

Dec 15, 2009: Wood Group Opens New Office In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dec 08, 2009: Wood Group Wins Contract To Provide Commissioning Services And Operations Personnel In US Gulf Of Mexico
Nov 19, 2009: Mustang Completes CEMS Study At BP’s Cherry Point Refinery In Washington

— Provides key company information for business intelligence needs
— Gives information on the company’s major recent financial deals including mergers & acquisitions, asset transactions, PE/VC deals, equity offerings, debt offerings and partnerships.
— Data is supplemented with details on the company’s history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services and the latest available company statement.

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How to keep your skin clear using black skin care products

How to Keep Your Skin Clear Using Black Skin Care Products

Having clear skin is something everything wants. It not only makes you look good, it makes you feel good. Skin is the largest organ in (or on) the human body, so you should be just as concerned with your skins well-being as you would be with your brain, heart, and lungs. However, having clear skin is often challenging for many people. There are many factors, like genetics, that make it harder for some individuals to have healthy skin. But luckily, there are many black skin care products available that can help even the most breakout-prone skin.

If you’ve been struggling with keeping your complexion clean, clean and under control, here is a little guide to help you get the skin you deserve.

1) Wash Your Face. This may seen like a given, but for many people, a regular face-washing regimen isn’t part of their lifestyle. If you don’t wash your face regularly, this can seem a little tiring. Not cleaning your skin properly can really cause some skin problems. The main cause of acne is blocked pores, so establishing a routine face washing schedule can really make a difference in terms of skin clarity. Find a cleanser that works well with your skin type and use it morning and night daily. An evening face washing session is important because it clears out all of the dirt, oil, skin cells, and various toxins collected by your pores though out the day. There are many black skin care products on the market today that can truly give your skin the care it needs.

2) Try Skin Lightening Cream. A big problem for many darker skinned individuals is the black spots acne leaves behind. It’s frustrating because you spend so much time trying to get rid of the actual blemishes, and when you do, they still leave behind their ugly scars. If you are struggling with trying to get rid of unsightly discoloration as a result of acne, skin lightening cream is a great solution. Skin lightening cream is a bleach-free substance that nourishes, tones, and gradually evens out skin complexions. This gradual lightening process works wonders on discolorations and black spots, giving you that velvety complexion you’ve always wanted.

3) Give Yourself a Weekly Facial. Many makers of black skin care products have excellent facial treatments that are specially designed for acne-prone skin. These specially formulated black skin care products are great for drying up acne pimples. If skin dryness is a problem for you, there are also hydrating formulas. You just need to match your skin needs with the type of mask available and ultimately, you will find skin care success.

4) Eat Healthy and Drink Water. It’s no secret that a balanced diet and adequate water intake have positive correlation to clear skin. So if you are using your black skin care products religiously, and still aren’t seeing results, you may want to adjust your diet and water intake. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses a day and eating lots of fruits, veggies, and lean protein.

All in all, with the right combination of black skin care products, a healthy diet, and most importantly, a healthy attitude, clear skin is possible!

Industrial lubricants

Industrial Lubricants

Lubricants may be solids, such as plastic beads, glass beads, nut hulls and graphite, or liquids, such as oils, synthetic fluids, glycols, modified vegetable oils, fatty-acid soaps and surfactants. A lubricant provides a protective film which allows for two touching surfaces to be separated, thus lessening the friction between them. The two major categories of lubricant are those that are organic and those that are synthetic. Specialties include: any type of industrial or power train lubricant, fuel, base stock, intermediate, additive, functional chemical, coolant, or process oil. As with other lubricants, its job is to reduce wear and friction between moving objects (like engine parts), enabling longer operation and higher efficiency. This reference summarizes current knowledge about the different materials that are added to lubricants to improve their performance characteristics.

Oil as a lubricant

Oil — A general term for a water-insoluble thick liquid that possesses lubricating properties. You may be tempted to use other types of oil you already have around your house or WD-40 or something, but many of those things are flammable and will only serve to damage your shredder or worse. In the last century, synthetic additives extended the effectiveness of age-old lubricants like oil. Emulsifying agents are sometimes added to oils for production of cutting fluids, which are to be mixed with water. The primary purpose for changing the oil, of course, is to eliminate the contaminants because in most instances the lubricant is physically and chemically fit for continued service. Due to environmental concerns, the disposal of used oils is heavily regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The groundbreaking technology of fully synthetic gasoline engine oil formulated from Di-Synthetic Protect technology with SAE 0W-40; which fuel economy follow by ILSAC GF-4 standard is an advantage.

In most complex mechanical systems, lubricants help reduce friction and protect moving parts against wear. Knowing how the behavior of lubricants can change and affect the lubricated surfaces under these conditions is becoming more important as the need for miniaturization leads to development of ever smaller components.