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Just look for exotic hotels of london

Just Look For Exotic Hotels Of London

When you are going to step in the dreamland of London, you would feel the pleasant smell, view the loving sites and enjoy your stay in one of the best hotels of London; here you are going to have all in one and added to all they are not to costly too. So come and glance the wonderful place by dwelling in the London luxury hotels.

The Shaftesbury hotels of London are one of the best and wonderful hotels to spend your holidays. They really feel honored to pay homage to their guests. The way they recreate them is mind-blowing, as they happily receive their guests with the broad faces and recreating smiles. So whether you are traveling for your pleasure or for your business, these hotels aid you every sort of facility. And do you know that it is the perfect choice of many too.

The modern, uniqueness, classic and different ambience makes these hotels entirely outstanding in whole of London. Just once you step the door of this hotel and surely are you going be surprised after viewing the magnificent skyscraper like hotel which is much spacious to amass thousands of people together, without retaining any sort of problem. The craving and structure of the hotels makes one dumbstruck. Then the locations of these hotels are just perfect as one enjoys the real natural beauty and every of room holds out the unique and special feature of seeing wonderful sites. The modern, quick, instant and technology based amenities mean elegance and exceptional value. Presently located at the superb locations, hotels specialize in heart of city with all easy access to best of city.

Some of the upstanding services of hotels are that they are completely air conditioned, starting from every of room to all public areas. Then every of the room is provided with the broadband and internet services such that you have all business terms and also have pleasure of net market. These hotels are non smoking through out and smoking detectors are also there to maintain the eco- friendly environment of the hotel.

The rooms are so architecturally built that one can’t face a single problem in it and more over you have the facility of getting small rooms if you are alone as there are three types of rooms as large for extra big families, medium and compact. If you want to savor the culinary tastes, then this the ultimate place to visit as the wonderful cuisines offered by the restaurants are just yummy.

If you just want to dine too, bars are wide open to satisfy you taste and wishes altogether with the best quality products. Laundry and dry cleaning facilities would make you free such that you can enjoy on your trip. The concierge and business services are again note worthy. These hotels also keep you in touch and connected to whole of world by delivering the local and international newspapers to each and every room. As it receives guest from all over the world of several; culture, caste, language and creed, so hotel have multilingual staff to properly entreat either of guest. Entirely green pitched parks are there for maintaining your healthy and hygiene. With elegant spa centers, swimming pools, fitness centers, there are other recreational activities too.

How to recycle old kitchen appliances and fun ways to use them in decoration

How to Recycle Old Kitchen Appliances and Fun Ways to Use Them in Decoration

Do you have a lot of old kitchen appliances that you want to get rid of? What about defective kitchen appliances that you want to throw away? Before you fill up those trash bins, do consider recycling your old kitchen appliances and even use them as decorations in your home. Want to know more? Below are some examples, ideas and fun ways for you to consider.

1. If you own an old plastic water container, you may want to convert it into an instant and unique aquarium! Clean the container very well and then fill it up with water fit for your pet gold fish and then buy plastic seaweeds and perhaps a plastic aquaman figurine from the pet store. A plastic water container aquarium can truly be a great conversation piece for your future home gatherings. Plus, just imagine the smile on your child’s face when he sees his pet fish inside the water dispenser! Naturally, you need to tell your child that he should not get drinking water from that container anymore. Better yet, seal the dispenser with translucent tape.

2. The pitcher-like part of your old blender can make a good table centerpiece or a vase. What you need to do is clean it very well, let it dry and then whip out your collection of poster paints. You can spruce up your old blender by painting it with abstract colors and designs. If you think stripes can complement the area where you intend to place your old blender, then come up with nice, clean stripes. Use your imagination! You can also ask your child to help you out by asking him to paint the handle.

3. Turn your old slow cooker into an instant “treat box.” Fill it up with sweets or any other treats such as candies, lollipops and mints. Wrap the slow cooker with brand new d?cor paper or Japanese paper and perhaps place a fancy sticker which you printed out from your own computer that says “treat box.” You can then place your new “treat box” in your living room. Your house guests will truly be surprised to see something as unique as this.

4. You can convert your defective rice cooker into a mini home for growing plants. Put soil in the aluminum container and then transfer a budding plant. You can then tend for the plant and let it grow. This is just good for the plant’s first few weeks, though. You need to transfer it again to a bigger pot especially when the roots start to grow.

5. If you own an old microwave oven and if your child has a diorama that he made for a school project, you can store that diorama inside the oven. It will be a fun way to preserve your child’s work and at the same time let others see it. Who knows – your child might even bring it to school on the next show-and-tell!

As you can see, what’s really important about recycling old kitchen appliances and then turning them into fancy decors is the fact that you can exercise your creativity and imagination to their fullest. Don’t hesitate to show your artistic side – it is only then that people see how unique your ideas can be.

How to be your authentic self in business

How to Be Your Authentic Self in Business

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

I love being on the stage! As a child and young woman, I performed as a competitive figure skater, jazz dancer and competitive swing dancer. (I’ve got a collection of medals and awards to show for it.) However, since 1997 my time on stage has been in the form of sharing my message as a speaker and teacher. And, my «performance» has completely changed during that time.

You see, in order to authentically share my message in a way that would have an impact on my audience, I had to completely let go of my drive to «perform.» But, let me tell you, the «performance» drive was so ingrained in me it took a lot of «undoing» for me to release the expectations I had on myself (and any expectation I thought my audience was putting on me).

Honestly, I used to worry about every detail of my performance, as if there were still a panel of discerning judges waiting to critique my every move.

Ahhhh, but there WAS a panel of extremely critical judges in my OWN mind; until I learned how to be completely 100% authentic, transparent, honest and open when I am «on stage» and off! This authenticity completely eliminated my drive to «perform» and also got rid of the judges in my head while making a HUGE difference in the impact and connection I have with my audience.

So, what does it look like to give up your performance and step into your authenticity… in business?! Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll share some examples from my own experiences in hopes these will give you a glimpse of how to be your authentic self in YOUR business.

Speak From Your Heart

In my desire to help more people and make a difference when I speak, I did a lot of research to discover the «style» in which to speak so I could make a lasting connection with my audience. I studied with a few mentors that were considered by many to be the «masters» in the field of speaking. These experts had their talks down to a science. Literally; every gesture, every joke, every inflection in their voice, every nod and smile were perfectly executed.

However, these types of presentations always felt sleazy and calculated to me; as if the speaker didn’t really care about the audience. Needless to say, I quickly dismissed what I learned from them and decided to find my own voice! And that’s the best way for you to share your authentic self, too.

Finding your own voice requires you to connect with yourself, connect with the love in your heart and the light you want to share with others. Yes, it’s important to have a few key points in mind to talk about, but what truly gets your audience on board (whether it’s 1 person or 1000 people) is how they FEEL when you’re talking. Here are some questions to think about from the perspective of your audience/your listener:

Do they feel that you truly care about them? Do you come across as authentic to them? Do they feel like you have their best interest in mind? Do you show up as the same person on stage as you do when you’re off stage? Are you aligned with your message? Do you feel «real» to them (rather than polished and perfect)?

These things are what truly matter to every person you talk to in your business. Take some time to contemplate these questions to best assess where you stand now in being authentic with your clients, prospects and audience members.

And, remember, when you forget about what you think you «should» be doing and focus on speaking from your heart, your authentic self shows up… every time!