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Economy relies on aerospace and oil

L.a. Economy Relies on Aerospace and Oil

The mere mention of Los Angeles is enough to make most of us think of the city’s wonderful climate, movie stars and the Hollywood sign. Many forget that Los Angeles is a business and manufacturing powerhouse, too. In fact, the city’s bustling economy, which is built on international trade, music, television and the movies, aerospace, technology, oil, fashion and tourism, makes the City of the Angels the biggest manufacturing center in the United States.

One of the best ways to zero in on the industrial sectors that make the Los Angeles economy so powerful is to look more closely at the five Fortune 500 corporations that make Los Angeles their home Listed in alphabetical order according to the business sector they represent, these corporations are Northrop Grumman (aerospace), Occidental Petroleum (energy), Health Net (health care), KB Home (home building) and Reliance Steel & Aluminum (metals).

Here’s a synopsis of each of these five corporations:

Founded in 1927 in Denver, Colorado, aerospace and defense contractor Northrop Grumman now calls Los Angeles its home base. With estimated annual revenues of 30 billion dollars and more than 120,000 employees worldwide, Northrop Grumman is the third biggest U.S. defense contractor and the number one maker of naval vessels for the U.S. Navy. Northrop Grumman’s Corporate Headquarters are located at 1840 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California.

Nicknamed «OXY» after its trading symbol on the New York Stock Exchange, Occidental Petroleum is America’s fourth largest oil and gas company. Headquartered at 10889 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, OXY employs about 9000 workers at locations in the United States, the Middle East, North Africa and South America. Occidental Petroleum is the biggest Texas oil producer and also California’s number one producer of natural gas.

Health Net, Inc., provides HMO, POS, PPO and other managed health care solutions to almost seven million customers in all 50 states. Health Net, which is formally based in Woodland Hills, one of many districts within the city of Los Angeles, came under national scrutiny in 2007 when a California woman sued the company, claiming it had wrongly discontinued her care during chemotherapy. As of this writing, the case is still pending in the courts.

Originally launched in 1957 as Kaufman & Broad, KB Homes is one of America’s biggest homebuilders. KB Homes erected homes for some 37,000 American families in 2005, the last year for which this kind of data was available. Based in Los Angeles, KB Homes has four main divisions within the United States: West Coast (California), Southwest (Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico), Central (Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana and Texas) and Southeast (Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia). KB Homes’ Corporate Headquarters are located at 10990 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California.

A hometown success story, Reliance Steel & Aluminum was established in 1939 at Los Angeles, where it originally manufactured steel reinforcing bar. Today, the company sells a complete line of over 60,000 metal products at over 180 locations in the United States, Belgium, Canada, China and South Korea. Still true to its roots, Reliance directs its global operations from its Corporate Headquarters at 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 5100, Los Angeles, California.

Contact the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce at 350 South Bixel Street, Los Angeles, California, for more information about the Los Angeles economy.

Invest in high quality discount diamond engagement rings

Invest in High Quality Discount Diamond Engagement Rings

When you decide to propose someone, it would be a very big decision for you. When you ask the woman of your life to marry you, your life would be changed forever. Though it is a very happy and exciting thing, you would also be quite nervous and worried about finding beautiful discount diamond engagement rings. This is the time for you to be happy and joyous so do not waste too much time worrying about the details. If you love a woman and are ready to commit yourself to her for life, then the best thing for you to do is to celebrate the occasion. An engagement is a once in a life occasion so it is best to enjoy it the best way you can.

Discount Diamond Engagement Rings – Always Plan Ahead

When you decide on an engagement, the best thing to do is to start planning things in advance. There are many things that you will have to take care of and plan before you pop the question. Since it is a very important occasion, you should ensure that it is romantic and perfect. The ring is the first thing that you should take care of since it will take more time than you would have thought and it is also the most important part of the engagement. Without a ring, an engagement is not possible so begin your search well in advance and keep your options open. There will be many hindrances along the way so it is best to have enough time

Set a Budget for Discount Diamond Engagement Rings

Setting up the budget is the first thing you must do before you go out and search for rings. You must know just how much you will be able to spend on your discount diamond engagement rings. Those who have a large budget would find things easy but with a low budget, you will have to search more to get a beautiful ring within your budget. However, it is still possible to find a beautiful ring even at a low price so there is no need to stretch yourself and spend more than you can afford.

Discount Diamond Engagement Rings — the Cost Does Not Matter

Don’t be disappointed just because you don’t have a large budget for your ring. There will be many good options for you even with a smaller budget and you will still get a ring which is sophisticated, beautiful and very elegant. The ring is important because it represents your love and the cost is not that important. Search online for rings and you will find many good options that will cost you less than the local stores. You can select beautiful designs and a diamond which fits in to your budget. Choose the metal of your choice like yellow or white gold, platinum or silver. These decisions will influence the price of your discount diamond engagement rings.

How to effectively communicate with your boss

How To Effectively Communicate With Your Boss

Check out the video version of this guide on Howcast.com:

How To Effectively Communicate With Your Boss

For more tips on business and finance on Howcast.com:

Business & Finance

You Will Need

  • Timing
  • A good attitude
  • Listening skills

Step 1: Talk early

Schedule chats with your boss between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Research shows that’s when employers are most open to requests and suggestions—plus they’re just plain friendlier in the morning.

Step 2: Choose your seat

Seeing the boss? If it’s a woman, sit directly across from her. If it’s a man, subtly park your chair at a right angle. Studies show women feel more comfortable face to face, while men are more relaxed at a 90-degree angle.

Step 3: Don’t make excuses

Never make excuses—even if you’re in the right. Evading responsibility is employers’ number one pet peeve, according to surveys. If you’re criticized, just say, “It won’t happen again,” and let it go.

Step 4: Don’t mumble

Don’t mumble. It makes you seem indecisive and will just plain annoy the boss if she has to strain to understand you.

If you’re in the habit of saying “um”—break it! It makes you appear both insecure and stupid—not traits your boss wants to see in an employee.

Step 5: Be positive

Be positive—even when you have a beef with the boss. If you approach your employer with a “here’s how we can improve this” attitude, rather than from a whiney, “this isn’t working” standpoint, you’ll win major points.

Step 6: Listen

Talking less and listening more is the best thing you can do to impress the boss. And, hey, you just might learn something.

Did you know?

Only 36% of workers say their boss is honest and has integrity, and only 29% believe management cares about them.

How to be your authentic self in business

How to Be Your Authentic Self in Business

Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

I love being on the stage! As a child and young woman, I performed as a competitive figure skater, jazz dancer and competitive swing dancer. (I’ve got a collection of medals and awards to show for it.) However, since 1997 my time on stage has been in the form of sharing my message as a speaker and teacher. And, my «performance» has completely changed during that time.

You see, in order to authentically share my message in a way that would have an impact on my audience, I had to completely let go of my drive to «perform.» But, let me tell you, the «performance» drive was so ingrained in me it took a lot of «undoing» for me to release the expectations I had on myself (and any expectation I thought my audience was putting on me).

Honestly, I used to worry about every detail of my performance, as if there were still a panel of discerning judges waiting to critique my every move.

Ahhhh, but there WAS a panel of extremely critical judges in my OWN mind; until I learned how to be completely 100% authentic, transparent, honest and open when I am «on stage» and off! This authenticity completely eliminated my drive to «perform» and also got rid of the judges in my head while making a HUGE difference in the impact and connection I have with my audience.

So, what does it look like to give up your performance and step into your authenticity… in business?! Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll share some examples from my own experiences in hopes these will give you a glimpse of how to be your authentic self in YOUR business.

Speak From Your Heart

In my desire to help more people and make a difference when I speak, I did a lot of research to discover the «style» in which to speak so I could make a lasting connection with my audience. I studied with a few mentors that were considered by many to be the «masters» in the field of speaking. These experts had their talks down to a science. Literally; every gesture, every joke, every inflection in their voice, every nod and smile were perfectly executed.

However, these types of presentations always felt sleazy and calculated to me; as if the speaker didn’t really care about the audience. Needless to say, I quickly dismissed what I learned from them and decided to find my own voice! And that’s the best way for you to share your authentic self, too.

Finding your own voice requires you to connect with yourself, connect with the love in your heart and the light you want to share with others. Yes, it’s important to have a few key points in mind to talk about, but what truly gets your audience on board (whether it’s 1 person or 1000 people) is how they FEEL when you’re talking. Here are some questions to think about from the perspective of your audience/your listener:

Do they feel that you truly care about them? Do you come across as authentic to them? Do they feel like you have their best interest in mind? Do you show up as the same person on stage as you do when you’re off stage? Are you aligned with your message? Do you feel «real» to them (rather than polished and perfect)?

These things are what truly matter to every person you talk to in your business. Take some time to contemplate these questions to best assess where you stand now in being authentic with your clients, prospects and audience members.

And, remember, when you forget about what you think you «should» be doing and focus on speaking from your heart, your authentic self shows up… every time!